Class DatafeedApi


@Generated(value="org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date="2023-09-12T12:09:03.158689390Z[Etc/UTC]") public class DatafeedApi extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • DatafeedApi

      public DatafeedApi(com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiClient apiClient)
  • Method Details

    • getApiClient

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiClient getApiClient()
      Get the API cilent
      API client
    • setApiClient

      public void setApiClient(com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiClient apiClient)
      Set the API cilent
      apiClient - an instance of API client
    • createDatafeed

      public V5Datafeed createDatafeed(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, V5DatafeedCreateBody body) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Create a new real time messages / events stream (\"datafeed\"). _Available on Agent 2.57.0 and above._ The datafeed provides messages and events from all conversations that the user is in. The types of events surfaced in the datafeed can be found in the Real Time Events list. (see definition on top of the file) Returns the ID of the datafeed that has just been created. This ID should then be used as input to the Read Messages/Events Stream v4 endpoint.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      body - (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • createDatafeedWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<V5Datafeed> createDatafeedWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, V5DatafeedCreateBody body) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Create a new real time messages / events stream (\"datafeed\"). _Available on Agent 2.57.0 and above._ The datafeed provides messages and events from all conversations that the user is in. The types of events surfaced in the datafeed can be found in the Real Time Events list. (see definition on top of the file) Returns the ID of the datafeed that has just been created. This ID should then be used as input to the Read Messages/Events Stream v4 endpoint.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      body - (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • deleteDatafeed

      public V2Error deleteDatafeed(String datafeedId, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Delete the specified real time message / event stream (\"datafeed\"). _Available on Agent 2.57.0 and above._ The datafeed provides messages and events from all conversations that the user is in. The types of events surfaced in the datafeed can be found in the Real Time Events list. (see definition on top of the file) Delete the specified datafeed.
      datafeedId - ID of the datafeed (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • deleteDatafeedWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<V2Error> deleteDatafeedWithHttpInfo(String datafeedId, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Delete the specified real time message / event stream (\"datafeed\"). _Available on Agent 2.57.0 and above._ The datafeed provides messages and events from all conversations that the user is in. The types of events surfaced in the datafeed can be found in the Real Time Events list. (see definition on top of the file) Delete the specified datafeed.
      datafeedId - ID of the datafeed (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • listDatafeed

      public List<V5Datafeed> listDatafeed(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, String tag) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Read list of real time messages / events stream (\"datafeed\"). _Available on Agent 2.57.0 and above._ The datafeed provides messages and events from all conversations that the user is in. The types of events surfaced in the datafeed can be found in the [Real Time Events](./docs/ list. Returns the list of the datafeeds for the user. Any datafeed ID of the list can then be used as input to the Read Messages/Events Stream v4 endpoint.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      tag - A unique identifier to ensure uniqueness of the datafeed. Used to restrict search. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • listDatafeedWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<V5Datafeed>> listDatafeedWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, String tag) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Read list of real time messages / events stream (\"datafeed\"). _Available on Agent 2.57.0 and above._ The datafeed provides messages and events from all conversations that the user is in. The types of events surfaced in the datafeed can be found in the [Real Time Events](./docs/ list. Returns the list of the datafeeds for the user. Any datafeed ID of the list can then be used as input to the Read Messages/Events Stream v4 endpoint.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      tag - A unique identifier to ensure uniqueness of the datafeed. Used to restrict search. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • readDatafeed

      public V5EventList readDatafeed(String datafeedId, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, AckId ackId) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Read the specified real time message / event stream (\"datafeed\"). _Available on Agent 2.57.0 and above._ The datafeed provides messages and events from all conversations that the user is in. The types of events surfaced in the datafeed can be found in the Real Time Events list. (see definition on top of the file) Read the specified datafeed. The ackId sent as parameter can be empty for the first call. In the response an ackId will be sent back and it can be used for the next call: in this way you acknowledge that you have received the events that came with that ackId; datafeed will remove the events associated with that ackId from your queue
      datafeedId - ID of the datafeed (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      ackId - ackId received from last POST Base64 encoded. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • readDatafeedWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<V5EventList> readDatafeedWithHttpInfo(String datafeedId, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, AckId ackId) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Read the specified real time message / event stream (\"datafeed\"). _Available on Agent 2.57.0 and above._ The datafeed provides messages and events from all conversations that the user is in. The types of events surfaced in the datafeed can be found in the Real Time Events list. (see definition on top of the file) Read the specified datafeed. The ackId sent as parameter can be empty for the first call. In the response an ackId will be sent back and it can be used for the next call: in this way you acknowledge that you have received the events that came with that ackId; datafeed will remove the events associated with that ackId from your queue
      datafeedId - ID of the datafeed (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      ackId - ackId received from last POST Base64 encoded. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • readEvents

      public V5EventList readEvents(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, V5EventsReadBody body) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Read Real Time Events from an event stream (aka datafeed) _Available on Agent 22.5.1 and above.This endpoint provides messages and events from all conversations that the user is in or events from the whole pod depending on the \"type\" field value. When \"type\":\"fanout\" is provided in the body, then only events from streams the accountbelongs to are returned. Otherwise, if \"type\": \"datahose\" is provided in the body, then events returned are not limited to the streams user belongs to. In this case, at least one event type must be provided in the \"filters\" field. In case you are using a datahose feed and retrieving SOCIALMESSAGE events, ceservice account must be properly configured in the Agent.The types of events returned can be found in the Real Time Events list (see definition on top of the file). The ackId sent as parameter can be empty for the first call. In the response an ackId will be sent back and it can be used for the next call: in this way you acknowledge that you have received the events that came with that ackId. If you have several instances of the same bot, they must share the same feed so that events are spread across all bot instances. To do so, you must: share the same service account provide the same \"tag\" and same \"filters\" values
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      body - body containing all information of events to be fetched (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • readEventsWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<V5EventList> readEventsWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, V5EventsReadBody body) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Read Real Time Events from an event stream (aka datafeed) _Available on Agent 22.5.1 and above.This endpoint provides messages and events from all conversations that the user is in or events from the whole pod depending on the \"type\" field value. When \"type\":\"fanout\" is provided in the body, then only events from streams the accountbelongs to are returned. Otherwise, if \"type\": \"datahose\" is provided in the body, then events returned are not limited to the streams user belongs to. In this case, at least one event type must be provided in the \"filters\" field. In case you are using a datahose feed and retrieving SOCIALMESSAGE events, ceservice account must be properly configured in the Agent.The types of events returned can be found in the Real Time Events list (see definition on top of the file). The ackId sent as parameter can be empty for the first call. In the response an ackId will be sent back and it can be used for the next call: in this way you acknowledge that you have received the events that came with that ackId. If you have several instances of the same bot, they must share the same feed so that events are spread across all bot instances. To do so, you must: share the same service account provide the same \"tag\" and same \"filters\" values
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      body - body containing all information of events to be fetched (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1DatafeedCreatePost

      @Deprecated public Datafeed v1DatafeedCreatePost(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Create a new real time message event stream. A datafeed provides the messages in all conversations that a user is in. System messages like new users joining a chatroom are not part of the datafeed. A datafeed will expire after if it isn't read before its capacity is reached.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1DatafeedCreatePostWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<Datafeed> v1DatafeedCreatePostWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Create a new real time message event stream. A datafeed provides the messages in all conversations that a user is in. System messages like new users joining a chatroom are not part of the datafeed. A datafeed will expire after if it isn't read before its capacity is reached.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1DatafeedIdReadGet

      @Deprecated public List<Message> v1DatafeedIdReadGet(String id, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer maxMessages) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Read a given datafeed. Read messages from the given datafeed. If no more messages are available then this method will block. It is intended that the client should re-call this method as soon as it has processed the messages received in the previous call. If the client is able to consume messages more quickly than they become available then each call will initially block, there is no need to delay before re-calling this method. A datafeed will expire if its unread capacity is reached. A datafeed can only be consumed by one client thread at a time. E.g. polling the datafeed by two threads may lead to messages being delivered out of order.
      id - Datafeed ID (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      maxMessages - Max No. of messages to return. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1DatafeedIdReadGetWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<Message>> v1DatafeedIdReadGetWithHttpInfo(String id, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer maxMessages) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Read a given datafeed. Read messages from the given datafeed. If no more messages are available then this method will block. It is intended that the client should re-call this method as soon as it has processed the messages received in the previous call. If the client is able to consume messages more quickly than they become available then each call will initially block, there is no need to delay before re-calling this method. A datafeed will expire if its unread capacity is reached. A datafeed can only be consumed by one client thread at a time. E.g. polling the datafeed by two threads may lead to messages being delivered out of order.
      id - Datafeed ID (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      maxMessages - Max No. of messages to return. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v2DatafeedIdReadGet

      @Deprecated public List<V2BaseMessage> v2DatafeedIdReadGet(String id, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer maxMessages) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Read a given datafeed. Read messages from the given datafeed. If no more messages are available then this method will block. It is intended that the client should re-call this method as soon as it has processed the messages received in the previous call. If the client is able to consume messages more quickly than they become available then each call will initially block, there is no need to delay before re-calling this method. A datafeed will expire if its unread capacity is reached. A datafeed can only be consumed by one client thread at a time. E.g. polling the datafeed by two threads may lead to messages being delivered out of order.
      id - Datafeed ID (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      maxMessages - Max No. of messages to return. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v2DatafeedIdReadGetWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<V2BaseMessage>> v2DatafeedIdReadGetWithHttpInfo(String id, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer maxMessages) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Read a given datafeed. Read messages from the given datafeed. If no more messages are available then this method will block. It is intended that the client should re-call this method as soon as it has processed the messages received in the previous call. If the client is able to consume messages more quickly than they become available then each call will initially block, there is no need to delay before re-calling this method. A datafeed will expire if its unread capacity is reached. A datafeed can only be consumed by one client thread at a time. E.g. polling the datafeed by two threads may lead to messages being delivered out of order.
      id - Datafeed ID (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      maxMessages - Max No. of messages to return. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4DatafeedCreatePost

      @Deprecated public Datafeed v4DatafeedCreatePost(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      (Deprecated - Datafeed v1 will be fully replaced by the datafeed 2 service in the future. Please consider migrating over to datafeed 2 APIs /agent/v5/datafeeds. For more information on the timeline as well as on the benefits of datafeed 2, please reach out to your Technical Account Manager or to our developer documentation Create a new real time message event stream. A datafeed provides the messages in all conversations that a user is in. This also includes system messages like new users joining a chatroom. A datafeed will expire if it isn't read before its capacity is reached.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4DatafeedCreatePostWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<Datafeed> v4DatafeedCreatePostWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      (Deprecated - Datafeed v1 will be fully replaced by the datafeed 2 service in the future. Please consider migrating over to datafeed 2 APIs /agent/v5/datafeeds. For more information on the timeline as well as on the benefits of datafeed 2, please reach out to your Technical Account Manager or to our developer documentation Create a new real time message event stream. A datafeed provides the messages in all conversations that a user is in. This also includes system messages like new users joining a chatroom. A datafeed will expire if it isn't read before its capacity is reached.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4DatafeedIdReadGet

      @Deprecated public List<V4Event> v4DatafeedIdReadGet(String id, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer limit) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      (Deprecated - Datafeed v1 will be fully replaced by the datafeed 2 service in the future. Please consider migrating over to datafeed 2 APIs /agent/v5/datafeeds/{id}/read. For more information on the timeline as well as on the benefits of datafeed 2, please reach out to your Technical Account Manager or to our developer documentation Read a given datafeed. Read messages from the given datafeed. If no more messages are available then this method will block. It is intended that the client should re-call this method as soon as it has processed the messages received in the previous call. If the client is able to consume messages more quickly than they become available then each call will initially block, there is no need to delay before re-calling this method. A datafeed will expire if its unread capacity is reached. A datafeed can only be consumed by one client thread at a time. E.g. polling the datafeed by two threads may lead to messages being delivered out of order.
      id - Datafeed ID (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      limit - Max No. of messages to return. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4DatafeedIdReadGetWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<V4Event>> v4DatafeedIdReadGetWithHttpInfo(String id, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer limit) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      (Deprecated - Datafeed v1 will be fully replaced by the datafeed 2 service in the future. Please consider migrating over to datafeed 2 APIs /agent/v5/datafeeds/{id}/read. For more information on the timeline as well as on the benefits of datafeed 2, please reach out to your Technical Account Manager or to our developer documentation Read a given datafeed. Read messages from the given datafeed. If no more messages are available then this method will block. It is intended that the client should re-call this method as soon as it has processed the messages received in the previous call. If the client is able to consume messages more quickly than they become available then each call will initially block, there is no need to delay before re-calling this method. A datafeed will expire if its unread capacity is reached. A datafeed can only be consumed by one client thread at a time. E.g. polling the datafeed by two threads may lead to messages being delivered out of order.
      id - Datafeed ID (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      limit - Max No. of messages to return. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call