Interface OboUserService

All Known Implementing Classes:

@API(status=STABLE) public interface OboUserService
Service interface exposing OBO-enabled endpoints to manage users.
  • Method Details

    • listUsersByIds

      List<UserV2> listUsersByIds(@Nonnull List<Long> uidList, @Nullable Boolean local, @Nullable Boolean active)
      uidList - List of user ids
      local - If true then a local DB search will be performed and only local pod users will be returned. If absent or false then a directory search will be performed and users from other pods who are visible to the calling user will also be returned.
      active - If not set all user status will be returned, if true all active users will be returned, if false all inactive users will be returned
      Users found by user ids
      See Also:
    • listUsersByIds

      List<UserV2> listUsersByIds(@Nonnull List<Long> uidList)
      uidList - List of user ids
      Users found by user ids
      See Also:
    • listUsersByEmails

      List<UserV2> listUsersByEmails(@Nonnull List<String> emailList, @Nullable Boolean local, @Nullable Boolean active)
      emailList - List of emails
      local - If true then a local DB search will be performed and only local pod users will be returned. If absent or false then a directory search will be performed and users from other pods who are visible to the calling user will also be returned.
      active - If not set all user status will be returned, if true all active users will be returned, if false all inactive users will be returned
      Users found by emails.
      See Also:
    • listUsersByEmails

      List<UserV2> listUsersByEmails(@Nonnull List<String> emailList)
      emailList - List of emails
      Users found by emails
      See Also:
    • listUsersByUsernames

      List<UserV2> listUsersByUsernames(@Nonnull List<String> usernameList, @Nullable Boolean active)
      usernameList - List of usernames
      active - If not set all user status will be returned, if true all active users will be returned, if false all inactive users will be returned
      Users found by usernames
      See Also:
    • listUsersByUsernames

      List<UserV2> listUsersByUsernames(@Nonnull List<String> usernameList)
      usernameList - List of usernames
      Users found by usernames
      See Also:
    • searchUsers

      List<UserV2> searchUsers(@Nonnull UserSearchQuery query, @Nullable Boolean local)
      query - Searching query containing complicated information like title, location, company...
      local - If true then a local DB search will be performed and only local pod users will be returned. If absent or false then a directory search will be performed and users from other pods who are visible to the calling user will also be returned.
      List of users found by query
      See Also:
    • searchUsers

      List<UserV2> searchUsers(@Nonnull UserSearchQuery query, @Nullable Boolean local, @Nonnull PaginationAttribute pagination)
      query - Searching query containing complicated information like title, location, company...
      local - If true then a local DB search will be performed and only local pod users will be returned. If absent or false then a directory search will be performed and users from other pods who are visible to the calling user will also be returned.
      pagination - The skip and limit for pagination.
      List of users found by query
      See Also:
    • searchAllUsers

      @API(status=EXPERIMENTAL) Stream<UserV2> searchAllUsers(@Nonnull UserSearchQuery query, @Nullable Boolean local)
      query - Searching query containing complicated information like title, location, company...
      local - If true then a local DB search will be performed and only local pod users will be returned. If absent or false then a directory search will be performed and users from other pods who are visible to the calling user will also be returned.
      a Stream of users found by query
      See Also:
    • searchAllUsers

      @API(status=EXPERIMENTAL) Stream<UserV2> searchAllUsers(@Nonnull UserSearchQuery query, @Nullable Boolean local, @Nonnull StreamPaginationAttribute pagination)
      query - Searching query containing complicated information like title, location, company...
      local - If true then a local DB search will be performed and only local pod users will be returned. If absent or false then a directory search will be performed and users from other pods who are visible to the calling user will also be returned.
      pagination - The chunkSize and totalSize for pagination.
      a Stream of users found by query
      See Also:
    • followUser

      void followUser(@Nonnull List<Long> followerIds, @Nonnull Long userId)
      Make a list of users to start following a specific user. UserService.followUser(List, Long)
      followerIds - List of ids of the followers.
      userId - The id of the user to be followed.
      See Also:
    • unfollowUser

      void unfollowUser(@Nonnull List<Long> followerIds, @Nonnull Long userId)
      Make a list of users to stop following a specific user. UserService.unfollowUser(List, Long)
      followerIds - List of the ids of the followers.
      userId - The id of the user to be unfollowed.
      See Also: