Class AuditTrailApi


@Generated(value="org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date="2024-03-26T16:14:53.869723549Z[Etc/UTC]") public class AuditTrailApi extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • AuditTrailApi

      public AuditTrailApi(com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiClient apiClient)
  • Method Details

    • getApiClient

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiClient getApiClient()
      Get the API cilent
      API client
    • setApiClient

      public void setApiClient(com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiClient apiClient)
      Set the API cilent
      apiClient - an instance of API client
    • v1AudittrailPrivilegeduserGet

      public V1AuditTrailInitiatorList v1AudittrailPrivilegeduserGet(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Long startTimestamp, Long endTimestamp, String before, String after, Integer limit, Long initiatorId, String role) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Get a list of actions performed by a privileged account acting as privileged user given a period of time. Get a list of actions performed by a privileged account acting as privileged user given a period of time.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      startTimestamp - Start timestamp in unix timestamp in millseconds. (required)
      endTimestamp - End timestamp in unix timestamp in millseconds. If not specified, it assumes to be current time. (optional)
      before - Return results from an opaque “before” cursor value as presented via a response cursor. (optional)
      after - Return results from an opaque “after” cursor value as presented via a response cursor. (optional)
      limit - Max No. of violations to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. Some maximums for limit may be enforced for performance reasons. The maximum supported value is 500. (optional)
      initiatorId - If present, only the initiator with this initiator <user id> will be returned. (optional)
      role - If present, only the audit trail initiated by s user with privileged role acting as privileged user will be returned. Privileged eliglible roles: User Provisioning (USER_PROVISIONING), Content Management (CONTENT_MANAGEMENT), Expression Filter Policy Management (EF_POLICY_MANAGEMENT), SCO (SUPER_COMPLIANCE_OFFICER), CO (COMPLIANCE_OFFICER), Super admin (SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR), Admin (ADMINISTRATOR), L1 (L1_SUPPORT), L2 (L2_SUPPORT), Scope Manager (SCOPE_MANAGEMENT) (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1AudittrailPrivilegeduserGetWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<V1AuditTrailInitiatorList> v1AudittrailPrivilegeduserGetWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Long startTimestamp, Long endTimestamp, String before, String after, Integer limit, Long initiatorId, String role) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Get a list of actions performed by a privileged account acting as privileged user given a period of time. Get a list of actions performed by a privileged account acting as privileged user given a period of time.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      startTimestamp - Start timestamp in unix timestamp in millseconds. (required)
      endTimestamp - End timestamp in unix timestamp in millseconds. If not specified, it assumes to be current time. (optional)
      before - Return results from an opaque “before” cursor value as presented via a response cursor. (optional)
      after - Return results from an opaque “after” cursor value as presented via a response cursor. (optional)
      limit - Max No. of violations to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. Some maximums for limit may be enforced for performance reasons. The maximum supported value is 500. (optional)
      initiatorId - If present, only the initiator with this initiator <user id> will be returned. (optional)
      role - If present, only the audit trail initiated by s user with privileged role acting as privileged user will be returned. Privileged eliglible roles: User Provisioning (USER_PROVISIONING), Content Management (CONTENT_MANAGEMENT), Expression Filter Policy Management (EF_POLICY_MANAGEMENT), SCO (SUPER_COMPLIANCE_OFFICER), CO (COMPLIANCE_OFFICER), Super admin (SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR), Admin (ADMINISTRATOR), L1 (L1_SUPPORT), L2 (L2_SUPPORT), Scope Manager (SCOPE_MANAGEMENT) (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call