Class PerformanceTimingMetricsFactory

  • public class PerformanceTimingMetricsFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    Factory for creating PerformanceTimingMetrics objects.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PerformanceTimingMetricsFactory

        public PerformanceTimingMetricsFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • createFor

        public PerformanceTimingMetrics createFor​(java.lang.Object performanceTiming)
        Creates a PerformanceTimingMetrics object based on the type of the argument timing object.

        Throws an exception if there is no adapter for the type of the argument object.

        If you would like to get the performance timing object from the browser returned as an Object just execute the appropriate Javascript code "manually" from your code.

        performanceTiming - the source performance timing object retrieved from the browser
        a new performance timing metrics object