All Classes and Interfaces

Base implementation of Callback from which one can inherit.
This is the recommended class to extend for implementing Java-based Migrations.
This is the main callback interface that should be implemented to handle Flyway lifecycle events.
JavaBean-style configuration for Flyway.
A facility to obtain classes.
The context relevant to an event.
The context relevant to a migration executor.
The context relevant to a Java-based migration.
An error that occurred while executing a statement.
The Flyway lifecycle events that can be handled in callbacks.
Fluent configuration for Flyway.
This is the centre point of Flyway, and for most users, the only class they will ever have to deal with.
Exception thrown when callback wishes to block execution of SQL Statement
Exception thrown when Flyway encounters a problem.
Exception thrown when Flyway encounters a problem with Validate.
Interface to be implemented by Java-based Migrations.
A loadable resource.
A location to load migrations from.
Factory for implementation-specific loggers.
Factory for loggers.
Executes a migration.
Info about a migration.
Info about all migrations, including applied, current and pending with details and status.
Resolves available migrations.
Migration resolved through a MigrationResolver.
A resource (such as a .sql file) used by Flyway.
A facility to obtain loadable resources.
Factory class for S3 clients.
The statement relevant to an event.
A warning that occurred while executing a statement.