Interface Context

  • public interface Context
    The context relevant to an event.
    • Method Detail

      • getConfiguration

        Configuration getConfiguration()
        The configuration currently in use.
      • getConnection

        java.sql.Connection getConnection()
        The JDBC connection being used. Transaction are managed by Flyway. When the context is passed to the Callback.handle(Event, Context) method, a transaction will already have been started if required and will be automatically committed or rolled back afterwards.
      • getMigrationInfo

        MigrationInfo getMigrationInfo()
        The info about the migration being handled. Only relevant for the BEFORE_EACH_* and AFTER_EACH_* events. null in all other cases.
      • getStatement

        Statement getStatement()
        The info about the statement being handled. Only relevant for the statement-level events. null in all other cases.

        Flyway Teams only

      • getOperationResult

        OperationResult getOperationResult()
        The OperationResult object for the finished operation. Only relevant for the AFTER_*_OPERATION_FINISH events.