Class BaseCallback

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class BaseCallback
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Callback
    Base implementation of Callback from which one can inherit. This is a convenience class that assumes by default that all events are handled and all handlers can run within a transaction.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean canHandleInTransaction​(Event event, Context context)
      Whether this event can be handled in a transaction or whether it must be handled outside a transaction instead.
      java.lang.String getCallbackName()
      The callback name, Flyway will use this to sort the callbacks alphabetically before executing them
      boolean supports​(Event event, Context context)
      Whether this callback supports this event or not.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface org.flywaydb.core.api.callback.Callback

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseCallback

        public BaseCallback()
    • Method Detail

      • supports

        public boolean supports​(Event event,
                                Context context)
        Description copied from interface: Callback
        Whether this callback supports this event or not. This is primarily meant as a way to optimize event handling by avoiding unnecessary connection state setups for events that will not be handled anyway.
        Specified by:
        supports in interface Callback
        event - The event to check.
        context - The context for this event.
        true if it can be handled, false if not.
      • canHandleInTransaction

        public boolean canHandleInTransaction​(Event event,
                                              Context context)
        Description copied from interface: Callback
        Whether this event can be handled in a transaction or whether it must be handled outside a transaction instead. In the vast majority of the cases the answer will be true. Only in the rare cases where non-transactional statements are executed should this return false. This method is called before Callback.handle(Event, Context) in order to determine in advance whether a transaction can be used or not.
        Specified by:
        canHandleInTransaction in interface Callback
        event - The event to check.
        context - The context for this event.
        true if it can be handled within a transaction (almost all cases). false if it must be handled outside a transaction instead (very rare).
      • getCallbackName

        public java.lang.String getCallbackName()
        Description copied from interface: Callback
        The callback name, Flyway will use this to sort the callbacks alphabetically before executing them
        Specified by:
        getCallbackName in interface Callback
        The callback name