Class BaseJavaMigration

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class BaseJavaMigration
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements JavaMigration

    This is the recommended class to extend for implementing Java-based Migrations.

    Subclasses should follow the default Flyway naming convention of having a class name with the following structure:

    • Versioned Migrations: V2__Add_new_table
    • Undo Migrations: U2__Add_new_table
    • Repeatable Migrations: R__Add_new_table
    • Baseline Migrations: B2__Add_new_table

    The file name consists of the following parts:

    • Prefix: V for versioned migrations, U for undo migrations, R for repeatable migrations, B for baseline migrations
    • Version: Underscores (automatically replaced by dots at runtime) separate as many parts as you like (Not for repeatable migrations)
    • Separator: __ (two underscores)
    • Description: Underscores (automatically replaced by spaces at runtime) separate the words

    If you need more control over the class name, you can override the default convention by implementing the JavaMigration interface directly. This will allow you to name your class as you wish. Version, description and migration category are provided by implementing the respective methods.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates a new instance of a Java-based migration following Flyway's default naming convention.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseJavaMigration

        public BaseJavaMigration()
        Creates a new instance of a Java-based migration following Flyway's default naming convention.
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        public MigrationVersion getVersion()
        Specified by:
        getVersion in interface JavaMigration
        The version of the schema after the migration is complete. null for repeatable migrations.
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Specified by:
        getDescription in interface JavaMigration
        The description of this migration for the migration history. Never null.
      • getChecksum

        public java.lang.Integer getChecksum()
        Specified by:
        getChecksum in interface JavaMigration
        The checksum of this migration.
      • isUndo

        public boolean isUndo()
        Description copied from interface: JavaMigration
        Whether this is an undo migration for a previously applied versioned migration.
        Specified by:
        isUndo in interface JavaMigration
        true if it is, false if not. Always false for repeatable migrations.
      • isBaselineMigration

        public boolean isBaselineMigration()
        Description copied from interface: JavaMigration
        Whether this is a baseline migration.
        Specified by:
        isBaselineMigration in interface JavaMigration
        true if it is, false if not.
      • canExecuteInTransaction

        public boolean canExecuteInTransaction()
        Description copied from interface: JavaMigration
        Whether the execution should take place inside a transaction. Almost all implementations should return true. This however makes it possible to execute certain migrations outside a transaction. This is useful for databases like PostgreSQL and SQL Server where certain statement can only execute outside a transaction.
        Specified by:
        canExecuteInTransaction in interface JavaMigration
        true if a transaction should be used (highly recommended), or false if not.