Interface MigrationInfoService

public interface MigrationInfoService
Info about all migrations, including applied, current and pending with details and status.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieves the full set of infos about applied, current and future migrations.
    Retrieves the full set of infos about the migrations applied to the DB.
    Retrieves the information of the current applied migration, if any.
    Retrieves the full set of infos about pending migrations, available locally, but not yet applied to the DB.
  • Method Details

    • all

      MigrationInfo[] all()
      Retrieves the full set of infos about applied, current and future migrations.
      The full set of infos. An empty array if none.
    • current

      MigrationInfo current()
      Retrieves the information of the current applied migration, if any.
      The info. null if no migrations have been applied yet.
    • pending

      MigrationInfo[] pending()
      Retrieves the full set of infos about pending migrations, available locally, but not yet applied to the DB.
      The pending migrations. An empty array if none.
    • applied

      MigrationInfo[] applied()
      Retrieves the full set of infos about the migrations applied to the DB.
      The applied migrations. An empty array if none.
    • getInfoResult

      InfoResult getInfoResult()