Class FlywayValidateTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Comparable<org.gradle.api.Task>, org.gradle.api.internal.DynamicObjectAware, org.gradle.api.internal.TaskInternal, org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionAware, org.gradle.api.Task, org.gradle.util.Configurable<org.gradle.api.Task>

    public class FlywayValidateTask
    extends AbstractFlywayTask

    Validate applied migrations against resolved ones (on the filesystem or classpath) to detect accidental changes that may prevent the schema(s) from being recreated exactly.

    Validation fails if

    • differences in migration names, types or checksums are found
    • versions have been applied that aren't resolved locally anymore
    • versions have been resolved that haven't been applied yet
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlywayValidateTask

        public FlywayValidateTask()
    • Method Detail

      • run

        protected java.lang.Object run​(org.flywaydb.core.Flyway flyway)
        Description copied from class: AbstractFlywayTask
        Executes the task's custom behavior.
        Specified by:
        run in class AbstractFlywayTask
        flyway - The Flyway instance to use.
        The result of the task.