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accept(FDBClientLogEvents.Event) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventRunner
accept(KeyValue) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventDeserializer
Process next key-value pair by calling callback or appending to pending buffer.
accept(Transaction, FDBClientLogEvents.Event) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEventCounter
Update the count tree with keys — and optional storage server IP addresses — in an event.
accept(Transaction, FDBClientLogEvents.Event) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventConsumer
accept(T) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.AsyncConsumer
ACCESSED_UNREADABLE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
add(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
Add encoded tuple bytes to the tree.
add(TransactionContext, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Add a key to the set.
add(Tuple) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
Add the given tuple to the tree.
addCommit(Transaction, FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEventCounter
addIncrementLevelKey(Transaction, byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
addInsertLevelKey(Transaction, byte[], int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
addKey(Transaction, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEventCounter
addKeyAddresses(Transaction, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEventCounter
addLevelZeroKey(Transaction, byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
addLogInfo(Object...) - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapException
addLogInfo(Object...) - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableException
Add a list of key/value pairs to the log information.
addLogInfo(Object...) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableKeysAndValues
Add a list of key/value pairs to the log information.
addLogInfo(Object...) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableKeysAndValuesImpl
Add a list of key/value pairs to the log information.
addLogInfo(String, Object) - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapException
addLogInfo(String, Object) - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableException
Add a key/value pair to the log information.
addLogInfo(String, Object) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableKeysAndValues
Add a key/value pair to the log information.
addLogInfo(String, Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableKeysAndValuesImpl
Add a key/value pair to the log information.
addPrefixChild(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
Add a non-tuple object to the root of the tree.
addRange(Transaction, Range) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEventCounter
ADDRESS_IN_USE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
afterTask() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.TaskNotifyingExecutor
Called in the context of an executor thread, immediately after a task has completed execution (either successfully or with error).
AlwaysTrue() - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil.AlwaysTrue
API - Annotation Type in com.apple.foundationdb.annotation
An annotation used on public types, fields, and methods to indicate their level of stability for consumers of the API.
API_VERSION_ALREADY_SET - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
API_VERSION_INVALID - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
API_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
API_VERSION_UNSET - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
API.Status - Enum in com.apple.foundationdb.annotation
An enum of possible API stability statuses.
apply(T) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil.AlwaysTrue
AsyncPeekCallbackIterator<T> - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.async
An AsyncPeekCallbackIterator is an extension of the AsyncPeekIterator interface that can be given a callback to call after each time it advances.
AsyncPeekIterator<T> - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.async
A AsyncPeekIterator is an extension of the AsyncIterator interface that adds peek semantics, i.e., viewing the next element of the iterator without advancing it forward.
ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError


beforeTask() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.TaskNotifyingExecutor
Called in the context of an executor thread, immediately prior to actually executing a task.
BIND_FAILED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
build() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.ConfigBuilder
BunchedMap<K,​V> - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.map
An implementation of a FoundationDB-backed map that bunches close keys together to minimize the overhead of storing keys with a common prefix.
BunchedMap(BunchedMap<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Copy constructor for BunchedMaps.
BunchedMap(BunchedSerializer<K, V>, Comparator<K>, int) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Create a bunched map with the given serializer, key comparator, and bunch size.
BunchedMapException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb.map
Exception class that can be thrown by a BunchedMap.
BunchedMapException(String) - Constructor for exception com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapException
BunchedMapException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapException
BunchedMapIterator<K,​V> - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.map
An iterator implementation that will iterate over the keys of a BunchedMap.
BunchedMapMultiIterator<K,​V,​T> - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.map
An iterator that will return BunchedMapScanEntry objects while scanning over multiple BunchedMaps.
BunchedMapScanEntry<K,​V,​T> - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.map
Struct containing the results of scanning one or more BunchedMaps using the scanMulti() function.
BunchedSerializationException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb.map
Exception that can be thrown from a BunchedSerializer while serializing or deserializing an element.
BunchedSerializationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializationException
BunchedSerializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializationException
BunchedSerializer<K,​V> - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.map
A class to serialize and deserialize entries of a BunchedMap.
BunchedTupleSerializer - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.map
A BunchedSerializer that uses Tuples as both the expected key and value type.
ByteArrayUtil2 - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.tuple
Helper methods in the spirit of ByteArrayUtil.


canAppend() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializer
Whether the output from serializeEntry can be appended to an existing serialized entry list to produce a new bunched value.
canAppend() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedTupleSerializer
Returns true.
cancel() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapIterator
cancel() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapMultiIterator
checkActiveSessionExists(Transaction, Subspace) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession.SynchronizedSession
Check if there is any active session on the given lock subspace, so that a new session would not able to be initialized.
checkConsistency(ReadTransactionContext) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
checkLockAsync(Transaction) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession.SynchronizedSession
Check if the session still holds the lock.
clear(TransactionContext) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Clears the subspace used by this RangeSet instance.
clear(TransactionContext) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Clears the entire set.
CLEAR_RANGE - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Mutation
CLIENT_INVALID_OPERATION - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
closeIterator(Iterator<?>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Close the given iterator, or at least cancel it.
CLUSTER_VERSION_CHANGED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
code() - Method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
com.apple.foundationdb - package com.apple.foundationdb
FDB client code that might conceivably be in the standard Java binding someday.
com.apple.foundationdb.annotation - package com.apple.foundationdb.annotation
Annotations defined for use with FoundationDB.
com.apple.foundationdb.async - package com.apple.foundationdb.async
Utility functions for use within an asynchronous environment.
com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog - package com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
Utilities for interpreting events written to system keyspace.
com.apple.foundationdb.map - package com.apple.foundationdb.map
A sorted durable associative array with pluggable serialization.
com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession - package com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession
Basic classes to support running operations in synchronized sessions.
com.apple.foundationdb.tuple - package com.apple.foundationdb.tuple
Utility functions for handling tuples and byte arrays.
com.apple.foundationdb.util - package com.apple.foundationdb.util
Utilities for logging and exception handling.
COMMIT_LATENCY - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
COMMIT_READ_INCOMPLETE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
COMMIT_UNKNOWN_RESULT - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
CommitRequest(Range[], Range[], FDBClientLogEvents.Mutation[], long) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest
compact(TransactionContext, Subspace, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Compact the values within the map into as few keys as possible.
compare(Tuple, Tuple) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.TupleHelpers
Compare two tuples lexicographically, that is, the same way they would sort when used as keys.
composeWhenComplete(CompletableFuture<V>, BiFunction<V, Throwable, CompletableFuture<Void>>, Function<Throwable, RuntimeException>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
This is supposed to replicate the semantics of CompletionStage.whenComplete(BiConsumer) but to handle the case where the completion handler might itself contain async work.
composeWhenCompleteAndHandle(CompletableFuture<V>, BiFunction<V, Throwable, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>, Function<Throwable, RuntimeException>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Compose a handler bi-function to the result of a future.
concatIterables(AsyncIterable<T>...) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Create a new iterable that has the contents of all the parameters in order.
concatIterables(Executor, AsyncIterable<T>...) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
config - Variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Config() - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.Config
Config(RankedSet.HashFunction, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.Config
ConfigBuilder() - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.ConfigBuilder
ConfigBuilder(RankedSet.HashFunction, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.ConfigBuilder
CONNECTION_STRING_INVALID - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
Consistency() - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.Consistency
Consistency(int, long, long, String) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.Consistency
contains(ReadTransactionContext, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Checks for the presence of a key in the set.
contains(TransactionContext, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Determines if a single key is contained within the range set.
containsKey(TransactionContext, Subspace, K) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Determines whether a key is contained within the map.
count(ReadTransactionContext, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Count the number of occurrences of a key in the set.
CRC_HASH - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Hash using 32-bit CRC.


DATABASE_LOCKED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
DatabaseClientLogEventCounter - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
Count tuple-encoded keys into TupleKeyCountTree.
DatabaseClientLogEventCounter(TupleKeyCountTree, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEventCounter
DatabaseClientLogEvents - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
Parse client latency events from system keyspace.
DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventConsumer - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
A callback with the current transaction.
DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventRunner - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
dedupIterable(AsyncIterable<T>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Remove adjacent duplicates form iterable.
dedupIterable(Executor, AsyncIterable<T>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
DEFAULT_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
DEFAULT_HASH_FUNCTION - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
The default hash function to use.
DEFAULT_LEVELS - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
delayedFuture(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Creates a future that will be ready after the given delay.
delegate - Variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.TaskNotifyingExecutor
DEPRECATED - com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.API.Status
Deprecated code that should not be used in new code.
deserializeByteArray(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
deserializeCommit(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
deserializeEntries(Tuple, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedTupleSerializer
deserializeEntries(K, byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializer
Deserialize raw data to a list of entries.
deserializeEvents(ByteBuffer, FDBClientLogEvents.AsyncConsumer<FDBClientLogEvents.Event>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
Apply a callback to parsed events.
deserializeKey(byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializer
Deserialize a byte array into a key.
deserializeKey(byte[], int) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializer
Deserialize a slice of a byte array into a key.
deserializeKey(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializer
Deserialize a slice of a byte array into a key.
deserializeKey(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedTupleSerializer
deserializeKeys(K, byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializer
Deserialize raw data to a list of keys.
deserializeMutation(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
deserializeMutationArray(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
deserializeRange(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
deserializeRangeArray(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents


EMPTY - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.TupleHelpers
endAnySession(Transaction) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession.SynchronizedSession
End any active session on the lock subspace by releasing the lock no matter whether this session holds the lock or not.
endAnySession(Transaction, Subspace) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession.SynchronizedSession
End any active session on the given lock subspace by releasing the lock.
equals(Tuple, Tuple) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.TupleHelpers
Determine if two Tuples have the same contents.
ERROR_COMMIT - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
ERROR_GET - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
ERROR_GET_RANGE - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
Event(double) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Event
EVENT_KEY_CHUNK_INDEX - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
EVENT_KEY_ID_END_INDEX - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
EVENT_KEY_ID_START_INDEX - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
EVENT_KEY_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
EVENT_KEY_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
EVENT_KEY_VERSION_END_INDEX - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
EVENT_KEY_VERSION_START_INDEX - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
EventCommit(double, double, int, int, FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommit
EventCommitError(double, int, FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommitError
EventDeserializer(FDBClientLogEvents.AsyncConsumer<FDBClientLogEvents.Event>) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventDeserializer
EventGet(double, double, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGet
EventGetError(double, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetError
EventGetRange(double, double, int, Range) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRange
EventGetRangeError(double, int, Range) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRangeError
EventGetVersion(double, double, int) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetVersion
eventKeyForVersion(long) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
Get the key at which a particular commit version would be recorded.
EventRunner(Database, Executor, DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventConsumer, DatabaseClientLogEvents, int, long) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventRunner
EventRunner(Database, Executor, DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventConsumer, Function<ReadTransaction, CompletableFuture<Long[]>>, int, long) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventRunner
EXACT_MODE_WITHOUT_LIMITS - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
execute(Runnable) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.TaskNotifyingExecutor
executor - Variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
EXISTING_SESSION - com.apple.foundationdb.util.LogMessageKeys
EXISTING_SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME - com.apple.foundationdb.util.LogMessageKeys
EXPERIMENTAL - com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.API.Status
Used for new features under development where the API has not yet stabilized.
exportLogInfo() - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableException
Export the log information to a flattened array.
exportLogInfo() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableKeysAndValues
Export the log information to a flattened array.
exportLogInfo() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableKeysAndValuesImpl
Export the log information to a flattened array.
EXTERNAL_CLIENT_ALREADY_LOADED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError


FDBClientLogEvents - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
Parse client latency events from system keyspace.
FDBClientLogEvents.AsyncConsumer<T> - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
Asynchronous callback.
FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
Information about a commit, successful or not, in an event.
FDBClientLogEvents.Event - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
Base class for parsed events.
FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommit - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
A commit latency event.
FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommitError - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
A failing commit event.
FDBClientLogEvents.EventConsumer - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
Event callback.
FDBClientLogEvents.EventDeserializer - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
FDBClientLogEvents.EventGet - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
A single key get latency event.
FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetError - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
A failing single key get event.
FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRange - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
A range get latency event.
FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRangeError - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
A failing range get event.
FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetVersion - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
A GRV latency event.
FDBClientLogEvents.Mutation - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
A single mutation in a FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest.
FDBError - Enum in com.apple.foundationdb
FDB error codes (from https://apple.github.io/foundationdb/api-error-codes.html) and handy methods to interpret them.
FILE_NOT_FOUND - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
FILE_NOT_READABLE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
FILE_NOT_WRITABLE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
FILE_TOO_LARGE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
filterIterable(AsyncIterable<T>, Function<T, Boolean>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Filter items from an async iterable.
filterIterable(Executor, AsyncIterable<T>, Function<T, Boolean>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
filterIterablePipelined(AsyncIterable<T>, Function<T, CompletableFuture<Boolean>>, int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Filter an iterable, pipelining the asynchronous filter functions.
filterIterablePipelined(Executor, AsyncIterable<T>, Function<T, CompletableFuture<Boolean>>, int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
forEachEvent(AsyncIterable<KeyValue>, FDBClientLogEvents.EventConsumer) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
Invoke a callback on each event in a range of the key-value store.
forEachEvent(Database, Executor, DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventConsumer, Function<ReadTransaction, CompletableFuture<Long[]>>, int, long) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents
forEachEventBetweenTimestamps(Database, Executor, DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventConsumer, Instant, Instant, int, long) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents
Apply a callback to client latency events recorded in the given database between two commit versions.
forEachEventBetweenVersions(Database, Executor, DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventConsumer, Long, Long, int, long) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents
Apply a callback to client latency events recorded in the given database between two commit versions.
forEachEventContinued(Database, Executor, DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventConsumer, int, long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents
Apply a callback to client latency events following an early return due to reaching a limit.
fromCode(int) - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
FUTURE_NOT_ERROR - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
FUTURE_NOT_SET - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
FUTURE_RELEASED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
FUTURE_VERSION - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError


get(TransactionContext, Subspace, K) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Retrieves the value associated with a key from the map.
GET_LATENCY - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
GET_RANGE_LATENCY - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
GET_VERSION_LATENCY - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
getBunchSize() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Get the maximum number of map entries to encode in a single database key.
getBytes() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
getCallback() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncPeekCallbackIterator
Return the callback that this iterator calls before a new result is returned by AsyncIterator.next().
getChildren() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
getCommitBytes() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommit
getCommitRequest() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommit
getCommitRequest() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommitError
getContinuation() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapIterator
Returns a continuation that can be passed to future calls of BunchedMap.scan().
getContinuation() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapMultiIterator
Returns a continuation that can be passed to future calls of BunchedMap.scanMulti().
getCount() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
getData() - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializationException
Return the raw bytes that triggered this exception.
getEarliestTimestamp() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommitError
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetError
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRangeError
getEventCount() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents
getHashFunction() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.Config
Get the hash function to use.
getHashFunction() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.ConfigBuilder
getKey() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGet
getKey() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetError
getKey() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Mutation
getKey() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapScanEntry
Returns the key from this entry.
getKeyComparator() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Get the comparator used to order keys of the map.
getKeyHash(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
getLastProcessedKey() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventDeserializer
Get the last key fully processed.
getLatency() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommit
getLatency() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGet
getLatency() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRange
getLatency() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetVersion
getLatestTimestamp() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents
getLimit() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapIterator
Get the limit from the iterator.
getLimit() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapMultiIterator
Returns the maximum number of entries that this iterator will return.
getLogInfo() - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableException
Get the log information associated with this exception as a map.
getLogInfo() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableKeysAndValues
Get the log information associated with object as a map.
getLogInfo() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableKeysAndValuesImpl
Get the log information associated with this exception as a map.
getMutations() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest
getNLevels() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.Config
Get the number of levels to use.
getNLevels() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.ConfigBuilder
getNth(ReadTransactionContext, long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Return the Nth item in the set.
getNumMutations() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommit
getObject() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
getParam() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Mutation
getParent() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
getPriority() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetVersion
getRange() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRange
getRange() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRangeError
getRange(ReadTransaction, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
getRangeList(ReadTransactionContext, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Returns the ordered set of keys in a given range.
getReadConflictRanges() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest
getSerializer() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Get the serializer used to encode keys and values.
getSessionId() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession.SynchronizedSession
Get session ID.
getSize() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGet
getSize() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRange
getSnapshotVersion() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest
getStartTimestamp() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Event
getStartTimestampDouoble() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Event
getStartTimestampString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Event
Get start timestamp formatted for the local time zone.
getSubspace() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapScanEntry
Returns the subspace containing this entry.
getSubspaceTag() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapScanEntry
Returns the tag associated with the subspace containing this entry.
getType() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Event
getType() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommit
getType() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommitError
getType() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGet
getType() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetError
getType() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRange
getType() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRangeError
getType() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetVersion
getType() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Mutation
getValue() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapScanEntry
Returns the value from this entry.
getValue() - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializationException
Return the value that triggered this exception if set.
getWithDeadline(long, Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Get a completable future that will either complete within the specified deadline time or complete exceptionally with MoreAsyncUtil.DeadlineExceededException.
getWriteConflictRanges() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest


handleOnException(Supplier<CompletableFuture<V>>, Function<Throwable, CompletableFuture<V>>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Handle when futureSupplier encounters an exception when supplying a future, or the future is completed exceptionally.
hasCommonPrefix(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil2
hash(byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.HashFunction
hasMore() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents
hasNext() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapMultiIterator
hasObject() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
hideLessThanFraction(double) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
Hide tree nodes that do not have counts at least as great as the given fraction of their parent node.
Holder(T) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil.Holder


INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL_VERSION - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
init(TransactionContext) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
initializeSessionAsync(Transaction) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession.SynchronizedSession
Initialize the session by acquiring the lock.
initNeeded(ReadTransactionContext) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Determine whether RankedSet.init(com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionContext) needs to be called.
insertRange(TransactionContext, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Inserts a range into the set.
insertRange(TransactionContext, byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Inserts a range into the set.
insertRange(TransactionContext, Range) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Inserts a range into the set.
insertRange(TransactionContext, Range, boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Inserts a range into the set.
instance() - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedTupleSerializer
Get the serializer singleton.
instrumentDelete(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Instrument a delete.
instrumentRangeRead(CompletableFuture<List<KeyValue>>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Instrument a range read.
instrumentWrite(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Instrument a write.
INTERNAL - com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.API.Status
Should not to be used by external code.
INTERNAL_ERROR - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
INVALID_DATABASE_NAME - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
INVALID_LOCAL_ADDRESS - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
INVALID_MUTATION_TYPE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
INVALID_OPTION - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
INVALID_OPTION_VALUE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
INVERTED_RANGE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
IO_ERROR - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
isCompletedNormally(CompletableFuture<?>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Returns whether the given CompletableFuture has completed normally, i.e., not exceptionally.
isConsistent() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.Consistency
isCountDuplicates() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.Config
Get whether duplicate entries increase ranks below them.
isCountDuplicates() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.ConfigBuilder
isReverse() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapIterator
Returns whether this iterator returns keys in reverse order.
isReverse() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapMultiIterator
Returns whether this iterator returns keys in reverse order.
isVisible() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree


JDK_ARRAY_HASH - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Hash using the JDK's default byte array hash.
justification() - Method in annotation type com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.SpotBugsSuppressWarnings


KEY_OUTSIDE_LEGAL_RANGE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
KEY_TOO_LARGE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError


LARGE_ALLOC_FAILED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
lastVersionBefore(ReadTransaction, Instant) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.VersionFromTimestamp
Get the last version from the timekeeper at or before the given timestamp.
limitIterable(AsyncIterable<T>, int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
loggable(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil2
LoggableException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb.util
Exception type with support for adding keys and values to its log info.
LoggableException(String) - Constructor for exception com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableException
LoggableException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableException
Create an exception with the given message a the sequence of key-value pairs.
LoggableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableException
LoggableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableException
LoggableKeysAndValues<T extends LoggableKeysAndValues<T>> - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.util
Associates loggable information with an object as a map.
LoggableKeysAndValuesImpl - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.util
Provides a default implementation of LoggableKeysAndValues.
LoggableKeysAndValuesImpl(Object...) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.util.LoggableKeysAndValuesImpl
Create an instance with the given message and a sequence of key-value pairs.
LogMessageKeys - Enum in com.apple.foundationdb.util
Common LoggableException keys logged by the FoundationDB extensions library.
lookupIterator(AsyncIterable<T>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet


MAINTAINED - com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.API.Status
Used for APIs that shall not be changed or removed in the next minor release.
mapConcatIterable(AsyncIterable<T1>, Function<T1, AsyncIterable<T2>>, int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Maps each value in an iterable to a new iterable and returns the concatenated results.
mapConcatIterable(Executor, AsyncIterable<T1>, Function<T1, AsyncIterable<T2>>, int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
mapIterablePipelined(AsyncIterable<T1>, Function<T1, CompletableFuture<T2>>, int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Maps an AsyncIterable using an asynchronous mapping function
MAX_LEVELS - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
missingRanges(ReadTransaction) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Returns all of the ranges that are missing within this set.
missingRanges(ReadTransactionContext) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Returns all of the ranges that are missing within this set as list.
missingRanges(ReadTransactionContext, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given set of bounds as a list.
missingRanges(ReadTransactionContext, byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given set of bounds as a list.
missingRanges(ReadTransactionContext, Range) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given range as a list.
missingRanges(ReadTransaction, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given set of bounds as a list.
missingRanges(ReadTransaction, byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given set of bounds.
missingRanges(ReadTransaction, Range) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given range.
more() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventRunner
more() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventConsumer
Determine whether to continue processing events.
MoreAsyncUtil - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.async
More helpers in the spirit of AsyncUtil.
MoreAsyncUtil.AlwaysTrue<T> - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.async
A Boolean function that is always true.
MoreAsyncUtil.DeadlineExceededException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb.async
Exception that will be thrown when the supplier in MoreAsyncUtil.getWithDeadline(long, Supplier) fails to complete within the specified deadline time.
MoreAsyncUtil.Holder<T> - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.async
A holder for a (mutable) value.
Mutation(int, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Mutation


negate(Number) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.TupleHelpers
Negate a number used as an element of a Tuple.
NETWORK_ALREADY_SETUP - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
NETWORK_NOT_SETUP - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
newChild(byte[], Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
newConfigBuilder() - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Start building a RankedSet.Config.
newPrefixChild(byte[], Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
next() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapIterator
next() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapMultiIterator
next(ReadTransaction) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.Lookup
nextLookup(RankedSet.Lookup, ReadTransaction) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
nextLookupKey(long, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
nextVersionAfter(ReadTransaction, Instant) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.VersionFromTimestamp
Get the first version from the timekeeper at or after the given timestamp.
NO_CLUSTER_FILE_FOUND - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
NO_COMMIT_VERSION - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
NOT_COMMITTED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError


onHasNext() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapIterator
onHasNext() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapMultiIterator
OPERATION_CANCELLED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
OPERATION_FAILED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError


packedSizeAsTupleItem(Object) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.TupleHelpers
Get the number of bytes that an object would occupy as an element of an encoded Tuple.
peek() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncPeekIterator
Get the next item of the scan without advancing it.
peek() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapIterator
peek() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMapMultiIterator
PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_ERROR - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
PLATFORM_ERROR - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
preloadForLookup(ReadTransaction) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Read the deeper, likely empty, levels to get them into the RYW cache, since individual lookups may only add pieces, requiring additional requests as keys increase.
print(int, List<TupleKeyCountTree>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree.Printer
printTree(int, int, TupleKeyCountTree.Printer, String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
printTree(TupleKeyCountTree.Printer, String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
Print this tree to the given printer.
PROCESS_BEHIND - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
PROTOCOL_VERSION_5_2 - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
PROTOCOL_VERSION_6_0 - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
PROTOCOL_VERSION_6_1 - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
PROTOCOL_VERSION_6_2 - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents
PROXY_MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
put(TransactionContext, Subspace, K, V) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Inserts or updates a key into a map with a new value.


RANDOM_HASH - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Hash using a random number.
RANGE_LIMITS_INVALID - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
RangeSet - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.async
RangeSet supports efficient adding of ranges of keys into the database to support marking work done elsewhere as completed as well as checking if specific keys are already completed.
RangeSet(Subspace) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Creates a new RangeSet that will write its data to the given subspace provided.
rank(ReadTransactionContext, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Return the index of a key within the set.
rank(ReadTransactionContext, byte[], boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Return the index of a key within the set.
RankedSet - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.async
RankedSet supports the efficient retrieval of elements by their rank as defined by lexicographic order.
RankedSet(Subspace, Executor) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Initialize a new ranked set with the default configuration.
RankedSet(Subspace, Executor, int) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Initialize a new ranked set.
RankedSet(Subspace, Executor, RankedSet.Config) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Initialize a new ranked set.
RankedSet(Subspace, Executor, RankedSet.HashFunction, int) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Initialize a new ranked set.
RankedSet.Config - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.async
Configuration settings for a RankedSet.
RankedSet.ConfigBuilder - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.async
Builder for RankedSet.Config.
RankedSet.Consistency - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.async
RankedSet.HashFunction - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.async
Function to compute the hash used to determine which levels a key value splits on.
RankedSet.Lookup - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.async
READ_VERSION_ALREADY_SET - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
reduce(AsyncIterator<T>, U, BiFunction<U, ? super T, U>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
Reduce contents of iterator to single value.
reduce(Executor, AsyncIterator<T>, U, BiFunction<U, ? super T, U>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil
releaseLock(Transaction) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession.SynchronizedSession
End the session by releasing the lock if it still holds the lock.
remove(TransactionContext, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Removes a key from the set.
remove(TransactionContext, Subspace, K) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Removes a key from the map.
rep(ReadTransactionContext) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
run() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.DatabaseClientLogEvents.EventRunner


scan(ReadTransaction, Subspace) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Scans the map and returns an iterator over all entries.
scan(ReadTransaction, Subspace, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Scans the maps and returns an iterator over all entries.
scan(ReadTransaction, Subspace, byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Scans the map and returns an iterator over all entries.
scanMulti(ReadTransaction, Subspace, SubspaceSplitter<T>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Scans multiple maps and returns an iterator over all of them.
scanMulti(ReadTransaction, Subspace, SubspaceSplitter<T>, byte[], byte[], byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Scans multiple maps and returns an iterator over all of them.
scanMulti(ReadTransaction, Subspace, SubspaceSplitter<T>, byte[], byte[], byte[], int, Consumer<KeyValue>, boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
scanMulti(ReadTransaction, Subspace, SubspaceSplitter<T>, byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Scans multiple maps and returns an iterator over all of them.
serializeEntries(List<Map.Entry<Tuple, Tuple>>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedTupleSerializer
Serialize an entry list to bytes.
serializeEntries(List<Map.Entry<K, V>>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializer
Serialize a list of entries.
serializeEntry(Tuple, Tuple) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedTupleSerializer
Serialize a pair of Tuples to bytes.
serializeEntry(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializer
Serialize a single entry to bytes.
serializeEntry(K, V) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializer
Serialize a single entry to bytes.
serializeKey(Tuple) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedTupleSerializer
Serialize a Tuple to bytes.
serializeKey(K) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializer
Serialize a key to bytes.
SESSION_ID - com.apple.foundationdb.util.LogMessageKeys
set(Tuple, int, Object) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.TupleHelpers
SET_VALUE - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Mutation
setCallback(Consumer<T>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncPeekCallbackIterator
Set the callback to the provided Consumer.
setCountDuplicates(boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.ConfigBuilder
Set whether to count duplicate keys separately.
setData(byte[]) - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializationException
Set the data array that triggered this exception.
setHashFunction(RankedSet.HashFunction) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.ConfigBuilder
Set the hash function to use.
setNLevels(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.ConfigBuilder
Set the hash function to use.
setValue(Object) - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedSerializationException
Set the value that triggered this exception.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
size(ReadTransactionContext) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
Count the items in the set.
SpotBugsSuppressWarnings - Annotation Type in com.apple.foundationdb.annotation
Suppress warnings from FindBugs / SpotBugs tools.
STABLE - com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.API.Status
Used for APIs that shall not be changed in a backwards-incompatible way or removed until the next major release.
startTimestamp - Variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Event
subspace - Variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
SUBSPACE - com.apple.foundationdb.util.LogMessageKeys
subspaceOf(byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.SubspaceSplitter
Determine a Subspace that the given key is contained within.
SubspaceSplitter<T> - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.map
An interface to split a raw FoundationDB key into a subspace and (possibly) a "tag".
subspaceTag(Subspace) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.map.SubspaceSplitter
Compute and return some application-specific "tag" for a given subspace.
subTuple(Tuple, int, int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.TupleHelpers
SUCCESS - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
SynchronizedSession - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession
A SynchronizedSession is a concept introduced to avoid multiple attempts at performing the same operation (with each attempt opening multiple transactions running concurrently and/or consecutively) from running concurrently and contending for resources.
SynchronizedSession(Subspace, UUID, long) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession.SynchronizedSession
Construct a session.
SynchronizedSessionLockedException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession
This exception means that the synchronized session is not valid anymore, probably because another synchronized session on the same lock is running.
SynchronizedSessionLockedException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession.SynchronizedSessionLockedException


TaskNotifyingExecutor - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.async
An executor that can perform pre- and post- work in the context of the thread executing a task.
TaskNotifyingExecutor(Executor) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.async.TaskNotifyingExecutor
TEST_SPECIFICATION_INVALID - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
TIME_KEEPER_KEY_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.VersionFromTimestamp
TIME_KEEPER_KEY_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.VersionFromTimestamp
TIMED_OUT - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
TLS_ERROR - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
toBuilder() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.Config
toDebugString(ReadTransactionContext) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet
toHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil2
TOO_MANY_WATCHES - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RankedSet.Consistency
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.CommitRequest
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommit
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventCommitError
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGet
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetError
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRange
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetRangeError
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.EventGetVersion
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.FDBClientLogEvents.Mutation
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
toString() - Method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.util.LogMessageKeys
toString(int) - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
TRANSACTION_CANCELLED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
TRANSACTION_INVALID_VERSION - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
TRANSACTION_READ_ONLY - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
TRANSACTION_TIMED_OUT - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
TRANSACTION_TOO_LARGE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
TRANSACTION_TOO_OLD - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
TupleHelpers - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.tuple
Helper methods for working with Tuples.
TupleKeyCountTree - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
A tree of occurrence counts tuple-encoded keys.
TupleKeyCountTree() - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
TupleKeyCountTree(TupleKeyCountTree, byte[], Object) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog.TupleKeyCountTree
TupleKeyCountTree.Printer - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog


UNKNOWN_ERROR - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
UNLIMITED - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet
Value indicating that there should be no limit.
unprint(String) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil2
UNRECOGNIZED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
UNSTABLE - com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.API.Status
Used by APIs that may change in the next minor release without prior notice.
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
updateLockSessionLeaseEndTime(Transaction) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.synchronizedsession.SynchronizedSession
Update the lease's end time.
USED_DURING_COMMIT - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError


value - Variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.MoreAsyncUtil.Holder
value() - Method in annotation type com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.API
Return the API.Status of the API element.
value() - Method in annotation type com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.SpotBugsSuppressWarnings
VALUE_TOO_LARGE - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.API.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.util.LogMessageKeys
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.API.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.util.LogMessageKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyIntegrity(TransactionContext, Subspace) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.map.BunchedMap
Verify the integrity of the bunched map.
VERSION_INVALID - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
VersionFromTimestamp - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.clientlog
Map from wall-clock time to transaction time.


WATCHES_DISABLED - com.apple.foundationdb.FDBError
wrap(AsyncIterator<T>) - Static method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncPeekIterator
Wrap an AsyncIterator with an AsyncPeekIterator.
wrap(AsyncIterator<T>, Consumer<T>) - Static method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncPeekCallbackIterator
Wrap an AsyncIterator with an AsyncPeekCallbackIterator.
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