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add(boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a boolean appended as the last element.
add(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a byte array appended as the last element.
add(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a byte array appended as the last element.
add(double) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a double appended as the last element.
add(float) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a float appended as the last element.
add(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeySelector
Returns a new KeySelector offset by a given number of keys from this one.
add(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a long appended as the last element.
add(Tuple) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a Tuple appended as the last element.
add(Versionstamp) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a Versionstamp object appended as the last element.
add(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a String appended as the last element.
add(BigInteger) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a BigInteger appended as the last element.
add(List<?>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a List appended as the last element.
add(UUID) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with a UUID appended as the last element.
ADD - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Performs an addition of little-endian integers.
addAll(Tuple) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Create a copy of this Tuple with all elements from anther Tuple appended.
addAll(List<?>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Create a copy of this Tuple with a list of items appended.
addObject(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a copy of this Tuple with an appended last element.
addReadConflictKey(byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Adds a key to the transaction's read conflict ranges as if you had read the key.
addReadConflictKeyIfNotSnapshot(byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Adds the read conflict range that this ReadTransaction would have added as if it had read the given key.
addReadConflictRange(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Adds a range of keys to the transaction's read conflict ranges as if you had read the range.
addReadConflictRangeIfNotSnapshot(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Adds the read conflict range that this ReadTransaction would have added as if it had read the given key range.
addWriteConflictKey(byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Adds a key to the transaction's write conflict ranges as if you had written the key.
addWriteConflictRange(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Adds a range of keys to the transaction's write conflict ranges as if you had cleared the range.
AND - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
APPEND_IF_FITS - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Appends param to the end of the existing value already in the database at the given key (or creates the key and sets the value to param if the key is empty).
applySafely(Function<I, ? extends CompletableFuture<O>>, I) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Run Function func, returning all caught exceptions as a CompletableFuture in an error state.
asList() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncIterable
Asynchronously return the results of this operation as a List.
AsyncIterable<T> - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.async
A collection of elements that can be iterated over in a non-blocking fashion.
AsyncIterator<T> - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.async
A version of Iterator that allows for non-blocking iteration over elements.
AsyncUtil - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.async
Provided utilities for using and manipulating CompletableFutures.


begin - Variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.Range
The beginning of the range.
BIT_AND - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Performs a bitwise and operation.
BIT_OR - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Performs a bitwise or operation.
BIT_XOR - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Performs a bitwise xor operation.
BYTE_MAX - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Performs lexicographic comparison of byte strings.
BYTE_MIN - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Performs lexicographic comparison of byte strings.
ByteArrayUtil - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.tuple
Utility functions for operating on byte arrays.
BYTES_FETCHED - com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Events
The total number of bytes pulled from the native layer, including length delimiters., from ReadTransaction.get(byte[]), ReadTransaction.getKey(KeySelector), ReadTransaction.getRange(KeySelector, KeySelector) (and related method overrides), or any other read-type operation which occurs on a Transaction


cancel() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncIterator
Cancels any outstanding asynchronous work associated with this AsyncIterator.
cancel() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.Cancellable
Cancels this operation or signal.
cancel() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.CloseableAsyncIterator
cancel() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Cancels the Transaction.
Cancellable - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.async
Describes an operation or signal that can be cancelled.
clear(byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Clears a given key from the database.
clear(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Clears a range of keys in the database.
clear(Range) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Clears a range of keys in the database.
clearRangeStartsWith(byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
CloneableException - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.async
An Exception that can be duplicated with a new backtrace.
close() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.CloseableAsyncIterator
Cancels any outstanding asynchronous work, closes the iterator, and frees any associated resources.
close() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Close the Database object and release any associated resources.
close() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Close the Tenant object and release any associated resources.
close() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Close the Transaction object and release any associated resources.
CloseableAsyncIterator<T> - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.async
A version of AsyncIterator that must be closed once no longer in use in order to free any associated resources.
Cluster - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
ClusterOptions - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
There are no cluster options.
ClusterOptions(OptionConsumer) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.ClusterOptions
code() - Method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Gets the FoundationDB native-level constant code for a MutationType.
code() - Method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.StreamingMode
Gets the FoundationDB native-level constant code for a StreamingMode.
collect(AsyncIterable<V>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Iterates over a stream of items and returns the result as a list.
collect(AsyncIterable<V>, Executor) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Iterates over a set of items and returns the result as a list.
collectRemaining(AsyncIterator<V>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Iterates over a set of items and returns the remaining results as a list.
collectRemaining(AsyncIterator<V>, Executor) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Iterates over a set of items and returns the remaining results as a list.
com.apple.foundationdb - package com.apple.foundationdb
Provides an API for the FoundationDB transactional key/value store.
com.apple.foundationdb.async - package com.apple.foundationdb.async
Provides additional constructs for asynchronous programming against Java's CompletableFutures.
com.apple.foundationdb.directory - package com.apple.foundationdb.directory
Provides tools for managing hierarchically related key subspaces.
com.apple.foundationdb.subspace - package com.apple.foundationdb.subspace
Provides a convenient way to define namespaces for different categories of data.
com.apple.foundationdb.tuple - package com.apple.foundationdb.tuple
Provides a set of utilities for serializing and deserializing typed data for use in FoundationDB.
commit() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Commit this Transaction.
comparator() - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
compare(Iterable<?>, Iterable<?>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.IterableComparator
Compare two Iterables in a way consistent with their byte representation.
COMPARE_AND_CLEAR - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Performs an atomic compare and clear operation.
compareTo(Tuple) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Compare the byte-array representation of this Tuple against another.
compareTo(Versionstamp) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Compares two Versionstamp instances in a manner consistent with their key order when serialized in the database as keys.
compareUnsigned(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Compare byte arrays for equality and ordering purposes.
complete(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Creates a complete Versionstamp instance with the given transaction and default user versions.
complete(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Creates a complete Versionstamp instance with the given transaction and user versions.
composeExceptionally(CompletableFuture<V>, Function<Throwable, CompletableFuture<V>>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Composes an asynchronous task with an exception-handler that returns a CompletableFuture of the same type.
composeHandle(CompletableFuture<V>, BiFunction<V, Throwable, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Compose a handler bi-function to the result of a future.
composeHandleAsync(CompletableFuture<V>, BiFunction<V, Throwable, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Compose a handler bi-function to the result of a future.
composeHandleAsync(CompletableFuture<V>, BiFunction<V, Throwable, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>, Executor) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Compose a handler bi-function to the result of a future.
contains(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Tests whether the specified key starts with this Subspace's prefix, indicating that the Subspace logically contains key.
count(EventKeeper.Event, long) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper
Count the number of events which occurred.
count(EventKeeper.Event, long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.MapEventKeeper
create(TransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Creates a subdirectory of this Directory located at subpath (creating parent directories if necessary).
create(TransactionContext, List<String>, byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Creates a subdirectory of this Directory located at subpath (creating parent directories if necessary).
create(TransactionContext, List<String>, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Creates a subdirectory of this Directory located at subpath (creating parent directories if necessary).
create(TransactionContext, List<String>, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Creates a directory located at path (creating parent directories if necessary).
create(TransactionContext, List<String>, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
createCluster() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Use FDB.open() instead.
createCluster(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Use FDB.open(String) instead.
createCluster(String, Executor) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
createOrOpen(TransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Creates or opens the subdirectory of this Directory located at subpath (creating parent directories, if necessary).
createOrOpen(TransactionContext, List<String>, byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Creates or opens the subdirectory of this Directory located at subpath (creating parent directories, if necessary).
createOrOpen(TransactionContext, List<String>, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Creates or opens the directory located at path(creating parent directories, if necessary).
createOrOpen(TransactionContext, List<String>, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
createTenant(Database, byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TenantManagement
Creates a new tenant in the cluster using a transaction created on the specified Database.
createTenant(Database, Tuple) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TenantManagement
Creates a new tenant in the cluster using a transaction created on the specified Database.
createTenant(Transaction, byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TenantManagement
Creates a new tenant in the cluster.
createTenant(Transaction, Tuple) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TenantManagement
Creates a new tenant in the cluster.
createTransaction() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Creates a Transaction that operates on this Database.
createTransaction() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Creates a Transaction that operates on this Tenant.

Note: Java transactions automatically set the TransactionOptions.setUsedDuringCommitProtectionDisable() option.
createTransaction(Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Creates a Transaction that operates on this Database with the given Executor for asynchronous callbacks.
createTransaction(Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Creates a Transaction that operates on this Tenant with the given Executor for asynchronous callbacks.
createTransaction(Executor, EventKeeper) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Creates a Transaction that operates on this Database with the given Executor for asynchronous callbacks.
createTransaction(Executor, EventKeeper) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Creates a Transaction that operates on this Tenant with the given Executor for asynchronous callbacks.
createWithContentSubspace(Subspace) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Creates a new DirectoryLayer formed with a default node subspace and specified content subspace.
createWithNodeSubspace(Subspace) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Creates a new DirectoryLayer formed with a specified node subspace and default content subspace.


Database - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb
A mutable, lexicographically ordered mapping from binary keys to binary values.
DatabaseOptions - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
A set of options that can be set on a Database.
DatabaseOptions(OptionConsumer) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
decodeInt(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Decode a little-endian encoded long integer from an 8-byte array.
DEFAULT_CONTENT_SUBSPACE - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
The default content Subspace used by a DirectoryLayer when none is specified.
DEFAULT_EXECUTOR - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
DEFAULT_NODE_SUBSPACE - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
The default node Subspace used by a DirectoryLayer when none is specified.
deleteTenant(Database, byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TenantManagement
Deletes a tenant from the cluster using a transaction created on the specified Database.
deleteTenant(Database, Tuple) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TenantManagement
Deletes a tenant from the cluster using a transaction created on the specified Database.
deleteTenant(Transaction, byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TenantManagement
Deletes a tenant from the cluster.
deleteTenant(Transaction, Tuple) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TenantManagement
Deletes a tenant from the cluster.
destPath - Variable in exception com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryMoveException
The path that the directory was being moved to.
Directory - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb.directory
Represents a directory in the DirectoryLayer.
DirectoryAlreadyExistsException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb.directory
A DirectoryException that is thrown when a directory is being created at or moved to a location that already has a directory present.
DirectoryException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb.directory
An Exception that is thrown by the directory layer corresponding to a specific path.
DirectoryLayer - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.directory
Provides a class for managing directories in FoundationDB.
DirectoryLayer() - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Constructor for a DirectoryLayer formed with default node and content subspaces.
DirectoryLayer(boolean) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Constructor for a DirectoryLayer formed with default node and content subspaces.
DirectoryLayer(Subspace, Subspace) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Constructor for a DirectoryLayer formed with a specified node subspace and specified content subspace.
DirectoryLayer(Subspace, Subspace, boolean) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Constructor for a DirectoryLayer formed with a specified node subspace and specified content subspace.
DirectoryMoveException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb.directory
An Exception that is thrown when an invalid directory move is attempted.
DirectorySubspace - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.directory
A DirectorySubspace represents the contents of a directory, but it also remembers the path with which it was opened and offers convenience methods to operate on the directory at that path.
DirectoryVersionException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb.directory
An Exception that is thrown when the version of the directory layer used to create directories in the database is incompatible with this version of the directory layer.
disableShutdownHook() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Disables shutdown hook that stops network thread upon process shutdown.
DONE - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
A completed future of type Void.


enableDirectBufferQuery(boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Enables or disables use of DirectByteBuffers for getRange() queries.
encodeInt(long) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Encode an 64-bit integer (long) into a byte array.
end - Variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.Range
The end of the range.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Tests whether this DirectoryLayer is equal to rhs.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
Returns whether this DirectorySubspace is equal to rhs.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeyValue
equals(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.MappedKeyValue
equals(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.Range
Returns true if the given Object is a Range object that refers to the same key range within the keyspace.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Returns true if this Subspace is equal to rhs.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Tests for equality with another Tuple.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Check another object for equality.
EventKeeper - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb
A device for externally instrumenting the FDB java driver, for monitoring purposes.
EventKeeper.Event - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb
Marker interface for tracking the specific type of event that occurs, and metadata about said event.
EventKeeper.Events - Enum in com.apple.foundationdb
An enumeration of static events which occur within the FDB Java driver.
EXACT - com.apple.foundationdb.StreamingMode
Infrequently used.
exists(ReadTransactionContext) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Checks if this Directory exists.
exists(ReadTransactionContext) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Returns true.
exists(ReadTransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Checks if the subdirectory of this Directory located at subpath exists.
exists(ReadTransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Checks if the directory located at path exists.
exists(ReadTransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
exportLibrary(String) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.JNIUtil
Export a library from classpath resources to a temporary file.
extend(List<String>, String...) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.PathUtil
Extends a path by an arbitrary number of elements.


FDB - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
The starting point for accessing FoundationDB.
FDBException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb
An Error from the native layers of FoundationDB.
FDBException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.apple.foundationdb.FDBException
A general constructor.
firstGreaterOrEqual(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeySelector
Creates a KeySelector that picks the first key greater than or equal to the parameter
firstGreaterThan(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeySelector
Creates a KeySelector that picks the first key greater than the parameter
forEach(AsyncIterable<V>, Consumer<? super V>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Run the consumer on each element of the iterable in order.
forEach(AsyncIterable<V>, Consumer<? super V>, Executor) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Run the consumer on each element of the iterable in order.
forEachRemaining(AsyncIterator<V>, Consumer<? super V>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Run the consumer on each element remaining in the iterator in order.
forEachRemaining(AsyncIterator<V>, Consumer<? super V>, Executor) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Run the consumer on each element remaining if the iterator in order.
from(Object...) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a new Tuple from a variable number of elements.
from(String...) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.PathUtil
Creates a new path from an arbitrary number of elements.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Construct a new Tuple with elements decoded from a supplied byte array.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Creates a Versionstamp instance based on the given byte array representation.
fromBytes(byte[], int[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.MappedKeyValue
fromBytes(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Construct a new Tuple with elements decoded from a supplied byte array.
fromItems(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a new Tuple from a variable number of elements.
fromList(List<?>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Efficiently creates a new Tuple from a list of objects.
fromStream(Stream<?>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Efficiently creates a new Tuple from a Stream of objects.


get(byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets a value from the database.
get(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item without forcing a type.
get(Tuple) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Gets a new subspace which is equivalent to this subspace with its prefix Tuple extended by the specified Tuple.
get(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Gets a new subspace which is equivalent to this subspace with its prefix Tuple extended by the specified Object.
getAddressesForKey(Transaction, byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.LocalityUtil
Returns a list of public network addresses as strings, one for each of the storage servers responsible for storing key and its associated value.
getAll(Collection<CompletableFuture<V>>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Collects the results of many asynchronous processes into one asynchronous output.
getAPIVersion() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Returns the API version that was selected by the selectAPIVersion() call.
getApproximateSize() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Returns a future that will contain the approximated size of the commit, which is the summation of mutations, read conflict ranges, and write conflict ranges.
getBigInteger(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item as a BigInteger.
getBoolean(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item as a boolean.
getBoundaryKeys(Database, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.LocalityUtil
Returns a CloseableAsyncIterator of keys k such that begin <= k < end and k is located at the start of a contiguous range stored on a single server.

This method is not transactional.
getBoundaryKeys(Transaction, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.LocalityUtil
Returns a CloseableAsyncIterator of keys k such that begin <= k < end and k is located at the start of a contiguous range stored on a single server.

This method is not transactional.
getBytes() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Retrieve a byte-array representation of this Versionstamp.
getBytes(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item as a byte[].
getCode() - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.FDBException
Gets the code for this error.
getCommittedVersion() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Gets the version number at which a successful commit modified the database.
getCount(EventKeeper.Event) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper
Get the number of events which occurred since this timer was created.
getCount(EventKeeper.Event) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.MapEventKeeper
getDatabase() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Returns the Database that this Transaction is interacting with.
getDefault() - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Gets the default instance of the DirectoryLayer.
getDirectoryLayer() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Get the DirectoryLayer that was used to create this Directory.
getDirectoryLayer() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Returns this.
getDirectoryLayer() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
getDouble(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item as a double.
getEstimatedRangeSizeBytes(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an estimate for the number of bytes stored in the given range.
getEstimatedRangeSizeBytes(Range) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an estimate for the number of bytes stored in the given range.
getExecutor() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransactionContext
Retrieves the Executor used by this TransactionContext when running asynchronous callbacks.
getFloat(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item as a float.
getItems() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets the unserialized contents of this Tuple.
getKey() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeySelector
Returns a copy of the key that serves as the anchor for this KeySelector.
getKey() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeyValue
Gets the key from the pair.
getKey() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Gets the key encoding the prefix used for this Subspace.
getKey(KeySelector) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Returns the key referenced by the specified KeySelector.
getLayer() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Gets the layer byte string that was stored when this Directory was created.
getLayer() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Returns the layer byte string for this DirectoryLayer, which is always an empty array.
getLayer() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
getLong(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item as a long.
getMainThreadBusyness() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Returns a value which indicates the saturation of the client
Note: By default, this value is updated every second
getMappedRange(KeySelector, KeySelector, byte[], int, boolean, StreamingMode) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
WARNING: This feature is considered experimental at this time.
getName() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Returns the name of this Tenant.
getNestedList(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item as a List.
getNestedTuple(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item as a Tuple.
getOffset() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeySelector
Returns the key offset parameter for this KeySelector.
getPackedSize() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Get the number of bytes in the packed representation of this Tuple.
getPath() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Gets the path represented by this Directory.
getPath() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Gets the path for the root node of this DirectoryLayer.
getPath() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
getRange(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRange(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRange(byte[], byte[], int, boolean) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRange(byte[], byte[], int, boolean, StreamingMode) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRange(KeySelector, KeySelector) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRange(KeySelector, KeySelector, int) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRange(KeySelector, KeySelector, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRange(KeySelector, KeySelector, int, boolean, StreamingMode) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRange(Range) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRange(Range, int) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRange(Range, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRange(Range, int, boolean, StreamingMode) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets an ordered range of keys and values from the database.
getRangeBegin() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.MappedKeyValue
getRangeEnd() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.MappedKeyValue
getRangeResult() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.MappedKeyValue
getRangeSplitPoints(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets a list of keys that can split the given range into (roughly) equally sized chunks based on chunkSize.
getRangeSplitPoints(Range, long) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets a list of keys that can split the given range into (roughly) equally sized chunks based on chunkSize Note: the returned split points contain the start key and end key of the given range.
getReadVersion() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets the version at which the reads for this Transaction will access the database.
getString(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item as a String.
getTime(EventKeeper.Event, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper
Get the amount of time taken by this event, in the specified units.
getTimeNanos(EventKeeper.Event) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper
Get the amount of time taken by this event, in nanoseconds.
getTimeNanos(EventKeeper.Event) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.MapEventKeeper
getTransactionVersion() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Retrieve the portion of this Versionstamp that is set by the database.
getUserVersion() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Retrieve the portion of this Versionstamp that is set by the user.
getUUID(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item as a UUID.
getValue() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeyValue
Gets the value from the pair.
getVersionstamp() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Returns a future which will contain the versionstamp which was used by any versionstamp operations in this transaction.
getVersionstamp(int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an indexed item as a Versionstamp.


hashCode() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Produces a hash of this DirectoryLayer based on its path and subspaces.
hashCode() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
Computes a hash code compatible with the equals() method of this class.
hashCode() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeyValue
hashCode() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.MappedKeyValue
hashCode() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.Range
Computes a hash code from the Range.begin and Range.end keys of this Range.
hashCode() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Returns a hash-table compatible hash of this subspace.
hashCode() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Returns a hash code value for this Tuple.
hashCode() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Hash code for this Versionstamp.
hasIncompleteVersionstamp() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Determines if there is a Versionstamp included in this Tuple that has not had its transaction version set.
hasNext() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncIterator
Blocking call to determine if the sequence contains more elements.


incomplete() - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Creates an incomplete Versionstamp instance with the default user version.
incomplete(int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Creates an incomplete Versionstamp instance with the given user version.
increment(EventKeeper.Event) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper
Convenience method to add 1 to the number of events which occurred.
instance() - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Return the instance of the FDB API singleton.
interludeJoin(byte[], byte[][]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Joins a set of byte arrays into a larger array.
isAPIVersionSelected() - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Determines if the API version has already been selected.
isComplete() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Whether this Versionstamp's transaction version is meaningful.
isDirectBufferQueriesEnabled() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Determines whether getRange() queries can use DirectByteBuffer from DirectBufferPool to copy results.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Determine if this Tuple contains no elements.
isMaybeCommitted() - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.FDBException
Returns true if the error indicates the transaction may have succeeded, though not in a way the system can verify.
isRetryable() - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.FDBException
Returns true if the error indicates the operations in the transactions should be retried because of transient error.
isRetryableNotCommitted() - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.FDBException
Returns true if the error indicates the transaction has not committed, though in a way that can be retried.
isSnapshot() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Gets whether this transaction is a snapshot view of the database.
isSuccess() - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.FDBException
Determine if this FDBException represents a success code from the native layer.
isTimeEvent() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Event
IterableComparator - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.tuple
A Tuple-compatible Comparator that will sort Iterables in a manner that is consistent with the byte-representation of Tuples.
IterableComparator() - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.IterableComparator
Creates a new IterableComparator.
iterator() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncIterable
Gets a non-blocking iterator to be used to enumerate all values.
iterator() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets an Iterator over the Objects in this Tuple.
ITERATOR - com.apple.foundationdb.StreamingMode
The default.


JNI_CALL - com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Events
The number of JNI calls that were exercised.
JNIUtil - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
Utility for loading a dynamic library from the classpath.
join(byte[]...) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Joins a variable number of byte arrays into one larger array.
join(byte[], List<byte[]>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Joins a set of byte arrays into a larger array.
join(List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.PathUtil
Joins two paths into one larger path.


keyAfter(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Computes the key that would sort immediately after key.
KeyArrayResult - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
KeySelector - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
A KeySelector identifies a particular key in the database.
KeySelector(byte[], boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.KeySelector
Constructs a new KeySelector from the given parameters.
KeyValue - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
A key/value pair.
KeyValue(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.KeyValue
Constructs a new KeyValue from the specified key and value.


LARGE - com.apple.foundationdb.StreamingMode
Infrequently used.
lastLessOrEqual(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeySelector
Creates a KeySelector that picks the last key less than or equal to the parameter
lastLessThan(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeySelector
Creates a KeySelector that picks the last key less than the parameter
LENGTH - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Length of a serialized Versionstamp instance when converted into a byte array.
list(ReadTransactionContext) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
List the subdirectories of this directory.
list(ReadTransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
List the subdirectories of this directory at a given subpath.
list(ReadTransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
List the subdirectories of the directory at a given path.
list(ReadTransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
LocalityUtil - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
The FoundationDB API comes with a set of functions for discovering the storage locations of keys within your cluster.


MapEventKeeper - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
A simple map-based EventKeeper.
MapEventKeeper() - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.MapEventKeeper
mapIterable(AsyncIterable<V>, Function<V, T>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Map an AsyncIterable into an AsyncIterable of another type or with each element modified in some fashion.
mapIterator(AsyncIterator<V>, Function<V, T>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Map an AsyncIterator into an AsyncIterator of another type or with each element modified in some fashion.
mapIterator(CloseableAsyncIterator<V>, Function<V, T>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Map a CloseableAsyncIterator into a CloseableAsyncIterator of another type or with each element modified in some fashion.
MappedKeyValue - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
MAX - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Performs a little-endian comparison of byte strings.
MEDIUM - com.apple.foundationdb.StreamingMode
Infrequently used.
MIN - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Performs a little-endian comparison of byte strings.
MismatchedLayerException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb.directory
A DirectoryException that is thrown when a directory is opened with an incompatible layer.
move(TransactionContext, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Moves the subdirectory of this Directory located at oldSubpath to newSubpath.
move(TransactionContext, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Moves the directory located at oldPath to newPath.
move(TransactionContext, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
moveTo(TransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Moves this Directory to the specified newAbsolutePath.
moveTo(TransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
This method should not be called on a DirectoryLayer.
moveTo(TransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
mutate(MutationType, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
An atomic operation is a single database command that carries out several logical steps: reading the value of a key, performing a transformation on that value, and writing the result.
MutationType - Enum in com.apple.foundationdb
A set of operations that can be performed atomically on a database.


name() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Event
NetworkOptions - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
A set of options that can be set globally for the FoundationDB API.
NetworkOptions(OptionConsumer) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
next() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncIterator
Returns the next element in the sequence.
NoSuchDirectoryException - Exception in com.apple.foundationdb.directory
A DirectoryException that is thrown when a directory that doesn't exist is used.


onError(Throwable) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Resets a transaction and returns a delayed signal for error recovery.
onHasNext() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncIterator
Returns a asynchronous signal for the presence of more elements in the sequence.
open() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by the default fdb.cluster file.

A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file.
open(ReadTransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Opens the subdirectory of this Directory located at subpath.
open(ReadTransactionContext, List<String>, byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Opens the subdirectory of this Directory located at subpath.
open(ReadTransactionContext, List<String>, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Opens the directory located at path.
open(ReadTransactionContext, List<String>, byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
open(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file.
open(String, EventKeeper) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file.
open(String, Executor) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file.
open(String, Executor, EventKeeper) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file.
openDatabase() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.Cluster
Creates a connection to the database on an FDB cluster.
openDatabase(Executor) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.Cluster
Creates a connection to the database on an FDB cluster.
opened - Variable in exception com.apple.foundationdb.directory.MismatchedLayerException
The layer byte string that the directory was opened with.
openTenant(byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Opens an existing tenant to be used for running transactions.

Note: opening a tenant does not check its existence in the cluster.
openTenant(byte[], Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Opens an existing tenant to be used for running transactions.
openTenant(byte[], Executor, EventKeeper) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Opens an existing tenant to be used for running transactions.
openTenant(Tuple) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Opens an existing tenant to be used for running transactions.
openTenant(Tuple, Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Opens an existing tenant to be used for running transactions.
openTenant(Tuple, Executor, EventKeeper) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Opens an existing tenant to be used for running transactions.
OptionConsumer - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb
An object on which encoded options can be set.
options() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.Cluster
Returns a set of options that can be set on a Cluster.
options() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Returns a set of options that can be set on a Database
options() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Returns a set of options that can be set on a the FoundationDB API.
options() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Returns a set of options that can be set on a Transaction
OR - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
orEqual() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeySelector
Returns the orEqual parameter for this KeySelector.


pack() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Gets the key encoding the prefix used for this Subspace.
pack() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Get an encoded representation of this Tuple.
pack(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Get an encoded representation of this Tuple.
pack(Tuple) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Gets the key encoding the specified tuple in this Subspace.
pack(Object) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Gets the key encoding the specified Object in this Subspace.
packInto(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Pack an encoded representation of this Tuple onto the end of the given ByteBuffer.
packWithVersionstamp() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Get an encoded representation of this Tuple for use with MutationType.SET_VERSIONSTAMPED_KEY.
packWithVersionstamp(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Get an encoded representation of this Tuple for use with MutationType.SET_VERSIONSTAMPED_KEY.
packWithVersionstamp(Tuple) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Gets the key encoding the specified tuple in this Subspace for use with MutationType.SET_VERSIONSTAMPED_KEY.
PARTITION_LAYER - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
path - Variable in exception com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryException
The directory path that was responsible for the error.
PathUtil - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.directory
The PathUtil class provides static helper functions useful for working with directory paths.
popBack() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a new Tuple with the last item of this Tuple removed.
popBack(List<String>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.PathUtil
Removes the last item from a path.
popFront() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Creates a new Tuple with the first item of this Tuple removed.
popFront(List<String>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.PathUtil
Removes the first item from a path.
printable(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Gets a human readable version of a byte array.


range() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Gets a Range respresenting all keys strictly in the Subspace.
range() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Returns a range representing all keys that encode Tuples strictly starting with this Tuple.
range(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Returns a range representing all keys that encode Tuples strictly starting with the given prefix followed by this Tuple.
range(Tuple) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Gets a Range representing all keys in the Subspace strictly starting with the specified Tuple.
Range - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
A simple description of an exact range of keyspace, specified by a begin and end key.
Range(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.Range
Construct a new Range with an inclusive begin key and an exclusive end key.
RANGE_QUERY_CHUNK_FAILED - com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Events
The number of times a range query chunk fetch failed
RANGE_QUERY_DIRECT_BUFFER_HIT - com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Events
The number of times a DirectBuffer was used to transfer a range query chunk across the JNI boundary
RANGE_QUERY_DIRECT_BUFFER_MISS - com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Events
The number of times a range query chunk was unable to use a DirectBuffer to transfer data across the JNI boundary
RANGE_QUERY_FETCH_TIME_NANOS - com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Events
The time taken to perform an internal `getRange` fetch, in nanoseconds
RANGE_QUERY_FETCHES - com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Events
The number of direct fetches made during a range query
RANGE_QUERY_RECORDS_FETCHED - com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Events
The number of tuples fetched during a range query
read(Function<? super ReadTransaction, T>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Runs a read-only transactional function against this Database with retry logic.
read(Function<? super ReadTransaction, T>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransactionContext
Runs a function in this context that takes a read-only transaction.
read(Function<? super ReadTransaction, T>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Runs a read-only transactional function against this Tenant with retry logic.
read(Function<? super ReadTransaction, T>, Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Runs a read-only transactional function against this Database with retry logic.
read(Function<? super ReadTransaction, T>, Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Runs a read-only transactional function against this Tenant with retry logic.
readAsync(Function<? super ReadTransaction, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Runs a read-only transactional function against this Database with retry logic.
readAsync(Function<? super ReadTransaction, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransactionContext
Runs a function in this context that takes a read-only transaction.
readAsync(Function<? super ReadTransaction, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Runs a read-only transactional function against this Tenant with retry logic.
readAsync(Function<? super ReadTransaction, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>, Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Runs a read-only transactional function against this Database with retry logic.
readAsync(Function<? super ReadTransaction, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>, Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Runs a read-only transactional function against this Tenant with retry logic.
ReadTransaction - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb
A read-only subset of a FoundationDB Transaction.
ReadTransactionContext - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb
A context in which a ReadTransaction is available for database operations.
READY_FALSE - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
A completed future of type Boolean that is set to false.
READY_TRUE - Static variable in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
A completed future of type Boolean that is set to true.
remove(TransactionContext) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Removes this Directory and all of its subdirectories, as well as all of their contents.
remove(TransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Removes the subdirectory of this Directory located at subpath and all of its subdirectories, as well as all of their contents.
remove(TransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Removes the directory located at path and all of its subdirectories, as well as all of their contents.
remove(TransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
removeIfExists(TransactionContext) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Removes this Directory and all of its subdirectories, as well as all of their contents.
removeIfExists(TransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.directory.Directory
Removes the subdirectory of this Directory located at subpath and all of its subdirectories, as well as all of their contents.
removeIfExists(TransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryLayer
Removes the directory located at subpath and all of its subdirectories, as well as all of their contents.
removeIfExists(TransactionContext, List<String>) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
replace(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Replaces occurrences of a pattern in a byte array.
replace(byte[], int, int, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Replaces occurrences of a pattern in a byte array.
resizeDirectBufferPool(int, int) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Resizes the DirectBufferPool with given parameters, which is used by getRange() requests.
retargetClone() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.async.CloneableException
Create and return a new Exception that has a backtrace including the calling line of code.
retargetClone() - Method in exception com.apple.foundationdb.FDBException
ROW_LIMIT_UNLIMITED - Static variable in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
When passed to a getRange() call that takes a limit parameter, indicates that the query should return unlimited rows.
run(Function<? super Transaction, T>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Runs a transactional function against this Database with retry logic.
run(Function<? super Transaction, T>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Runs a transactional function against this Tenant with retry logic.
run(Function<? super Transaction, T>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Run a function once against this Transaction.
run(Function<? super Transaction, T>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionContext
Runs a function in this context that takes a transaction.
run(Function<? super Transaction, T>, Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Runs a transactional function against this Database with retry logic.
run(Function<? super Transaction, T>, Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Runs a transactional function against this Tenant with retry logic.
runAsync(Function<? super Transaction, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Runs a transactional function against this Database with retry logic.
runAsync(Function<? super Transaction, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Runs a transactional function against this Tenant with retry logic.
runAsync(Function<? super Transaction, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Run a function once against this Transaction.
runAsync(Function<? super Transaction, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionContext
Runs a function in this context that takes a transaction.
runAsync(Function<? super Transaction, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>, Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Database
Runs a transactional function against this Database with retry logic.
runAsync(Function<? super Transaction, ? extends CompletableFuture<T>>, Executor) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Tenant
Runs a transactional function against this Tenant with retry logic.


selectAPIVersion(int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Select the version for the client API.
SERIAL - com.apple.foundationdb.StreamingMode
Transfer data in batches large enough that an individual client can get reasonable read bandwidth from the database.
set(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Sets the value for a given key.
SET_VERSIONSTAMPED_KEY - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Transforms key using a versionstamp for the transaction.
SET_VERSIONSTAMPED_VALUE - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Transforms param using a versionstamp for the transaction.
setAccessSystemKeys() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Allows this transaction to read and modify system keys (those that start with the byte 0xFF).
setAutoThrottleTag(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Adds a tag to the transaction that can be used to apply manual or automatic targeted throttling.
setBuggifyDisable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
setBuggifyEnable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
setBuggifySectionActivatedProbability(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the probability of a BUGGIFY section being active for the current execution.
setBuggifySectionFiredProbability(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the probability of an active BUGGIFY section being fired.
setBypassUnreadable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Allows get operations to read from sections of keyspace that have become unreadable because of versionstamp operations.
setCallbacksOnExternalThreads() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
If set, callbacks from external client libraries can be called from threads created by the FoundationDB client library.
setCausalReadDisable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
setCausalReadRisky() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
The read version will be committed, and usually will be the latest committed, but might not be the latest committed in the event of a simultaneous fault and misbehaving clock.
setCausalWriteRisky() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
The transaction, if not self-conflicting, may be committed a second time after commit succeeds, in the event of a fault.
setClientBuggifyDisable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Disable client buggify.
setClientBuggifyEnable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Enable client buggify - will make requests randomly fail (intended for client testing).
setClientBuggifySectionActivatedProbability(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the probability of a CLIENT_BUGGIFY section being active for the current execution.
setClientBuggifySectionFiredProbability(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the probability of an active CLIENT_BUGGIFY section being fired.
setClientThreadsPerVersion(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Spawns multiple worker threads for each version of the client that is loaded.
setClusterFile(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
setDatacenterId(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Specify the datacenter ID that was passed to fdbserver processes running in the same datacenter as this client, for better location-aware load balancing.
setDebugRetryLogging(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
setDebugTransactionIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Sets a client provided identifier for the transaction that will be used in scenarios like tracing or profiling.
setDisableClientStatisticsLogging() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Disables logging of client statistics, such as sampled transaction activity.
setDisableLocalClient() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Prevents connections through the local client, allowing only connections through externally loaded client libraries.
setDisableMultiVersionClientApi() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Disables the multi-version client API and instead uses the local client directly.
setDistributedClientTracer(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set a tracer to run on the client.
setDurabilityDatacenter() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
setDurabilityDevNullIsWebScale() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
setDurabilityRisky() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
setEnableRunLoopProfiling() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Enables debugging feature to perform run loop profiling.
setEnableSlowTaskProfiling() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
setExpensiveClearCostEstimationEnable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Asks storage servers for how many bytes a clear key range contains.
setExternalClientDirectory(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Searches the specified path for dynamic libraries and adds them to the list of client libraries for use by the multi-version client API.
setExternalClientLibrary(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Adds an external client library for use by the multi-version client API.
setIncludePortInAddress() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Addresses returned by get_addresses_for_key include the port when enabled.
setInitializeNewDatabase() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
This is a write-only transaction which sets the initial configuration.
setKnob(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set internal tuning or debugging knobs.
setLocalAddress(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
setLocationCacheSize(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Set the size of the client location cache.
setLockAware() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
The transaction can read and write to locked databases, and is responsible for checking that it took the lock.
setLogTransaction() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Enables tracing for this transaction and logs results to the client trace logs.
setMachineId(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Specify the machine ID that was passed to fdbserver processes running on the same machine as this client, for better location-aware load balancing.
setMaxRetryDelay(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Set the maximum amount of backoff delay incurred in the call to onError if the error is retryable.
setMaxWatches(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Set the maximum number of watches allowed to be outstanding on a database connection.
setNextWriteNoWriteConflictRange() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
The next write performed on this transaction will not generate a write conflict range.
setOption(int, byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.OptionConsumer
Attempt to set the given option.
setPriorityBatch() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Specifies that this transaction should be treated as low priority and that default priority transactions will be processed first.
setPrioritySystemImmediate() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Specifies that this transaction should be treated as highest priority and that lower priority transactions should block behind this one.
setRawAccess() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Allows this transaction to access the raw key-space when tenant mode is on.
setReadAheadDisable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
setReadLockAware() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
The transaction can read from locked databases.
setReadSystemKeys() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Allows this transaction to read system keys (those that start with the byte 0xFF).
setReadVersion(long) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Directly sets the version of the database at which to execute reads.
setReadYourWritesDisable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Reads performed by a transaction will not see any prior mutations that occured in that transaction, instead seeing the value which was in the database at the transaction's read version.
setReportConflictingKeys() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
The transaction can retrieve keys that are conflicting with other transactions.
setRetainClientLibraryCopies() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Retain temporary external client library copies that are created for enabling multi-threading.
setRetryLimit(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Set a maximum number of retries after which additional calls to onError will throw the most recently seen error code.
setServerRequestTracing() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Sets an identifier for server tracing of this transaction.
setSizeLimit(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Set the transaction size limit in bytes.
setSnapshotRywDisable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Snapshot read operations will not see the results of writes done in the same transaction.
setSnapshotRywDisable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Snapshot read operations will not see the results of writes done in the same transaction.
setSnapshotRywEnable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Snapshot read operations will see the results of writes done in the same transaction.
setSnapshotRywEnable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Snapshot read operations will see the results of writes done in the same transaction.
setSpanParent(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Adds a parent to the Span of this transaction.
setSpecialKeySpaceEnableWrites() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
By default, users are not allowed to write to special keys.
setSpecialKeySpaceRelaxed() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
By default, the special key space will only allow users to read from exactly one module (a subspace in the special key space).
setTag(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Adds a tag to the transaction that can be used to apply manual targeted throttling.
setTestCausalReadRisky() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
An integer between 0 and 100 (default is 0) expressing the probability that a client will verify it can't read stale data whenever it detects a recovery.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Set a timeout in milliseconds which, when elapsed, will cause the transaction automatically to be cancelled.
setTLSCaBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the ca bundle.
setTLSCaPath(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the file from which to load the certificate authority bundle.
setTLSCertBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the certificate chain.
setTLSCertPath(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the file from which to load the certificate chain.
setTLSKeyBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the private key corresponding to your own certificate.
setTLSKeyPath(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the file from which to load the private key corresponding to your own certificate.
setTLSPassword(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the passphrase for encrypted private key.
setTLSPlugin(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
setTLSVerifyPeers(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set the peer certificate field verification criteria.
setTraceClockSource(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Select clock source for trace files.
setTraceEnable(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Enables trace output to a file in a directory of the clients choosing.
setTraceFileIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Once provided, this string will be used to replace the port/PID in the log file names.
setTraceFormat(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Select the format of the log files.
setTraceLogGroup(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Sets the 'LogGroup' attribute with the specified value for all events in the trace output files.
setTraceMaxLogsSize(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Sets the maximum size of all the trace output files put together.
setTracePartialFileSuffix(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Set file suffix for partially written log files.
setTraceRollSize(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.NetworkOptions
Sets the maximum size in bytes of a single trace output file.
setTransactionBypassUnreadable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Allows get operations to read from sections of keyspace that have become unreadable because of versionstamp operations.
setTransactionCausalReadRisky() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
The read version will be committed, and usually will be the latest committed, but might not be the latest committed in the event of a simultaneous fault and misbehaving clock.
setTransactionIncludePortInAddress() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
setTransactionLoggingEnable(String) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
setTransactionLoggingMaxFieldLength(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Sets the maximum escaped length of key and value fields to be logged to the trace file via the LOG_TRANSACTION option.
setTransactionLoggingMaxFieldLength(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Sets the maximum escaped length of key and value fields to be logged to the trace file via the LOG_TRANSACTION option, after which the field will be truncated.
setTransactionMaxRetryDelay(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Set the maximum amount of backoff delay incurred in the call to onError if the error is retryable.
setTransactionRetryLimit(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Set a maximum number of retries after which additional calls to onError will throw the most recently seen error code.
setTransactionSizeLimit(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Set the maximum transaction size in bytes.
setTransactionTimeout(long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Set a timeout in milliseconds which, when elapsed, will cause each transaction automatically to be cancelled.
setUnclosedWarning(boolean) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Enables or disables the stderr warning that is printed whenever an object with FoundationDB native resources is garbage collected without being closed.
setUseConfigDatabase() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.DatabaseOptions
Use configuration database.
setUsedDuringCommitProtectionDisable() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
By default, operations that are performed on a transaction while it is being committed will not only fail themselves, but they will attempt to fail other in-flight operations (such as the commit) as well.
setUseGrvCache() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Allows this transaction to use cached GRV from the database context.
setUseProvisionalProxies() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
This option should only be used by tools which change the database configuration.
size() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets the number of elements in this Tuple.
SMALL - com.apple.foundationdb.StreamingMode
Infrequently used.
snapshot() - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction
Return a special-purpose, read-only view of the database.
sourcePath - Variable in exception com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectoryMoveException
The path of the directory being moved.
split(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Splits a byte array at each occurrence of a pattern.
split(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Splits a byte array at each occurrence of a pattern.
startNetwork() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Initializes networking.
startNetwork(Executor) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Initializes networking.
startsWith(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.Range
Returns a Range that describes all possible keys that are prefixed with a specified key.
startsWith(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Check if a byte array starts with another byte array.
stopNetwork() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.FDB
Stops the FoundationDB networking engine.
stored - Variable in exception com.apple.foundationdb.directory.MismatchedLayerException
The layer byte string that the directory was created with.
stream() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Gets a Stream of the unserialized contents of this Tuple.
StreamingMode - Enum in com.apple.foundationdb
Options that control the way the Java binding performs range reads.
strinc(byte[]) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil
Computes the first key that would sort outside the range prefixed by key.
subspace(Tuple) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Gets a new subspace which is equivalent to this subspace with its prefix Tuple extended by the specified Tuple.
Subspace - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.subspace
Subspace provide a convenient way to use Tuples to define namespaces for different categories of data.
Subspace() - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Constructor for a subspace formed with an empty prefix Tuple.
Subspace(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Constructor for a subspace formed with the specified byte string, which will be prepended to all packed keys.
Subspace(Tuple) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Constructor for a subspace formed with the specified prefix Tuple.
Subspace(Tuple, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Constructor for a subspace formed with both a prefix Tuple and a prefix byte string.
success(CompletableFuture<V>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Maps the outcome of a task into a completion signal.


tag(CompletableFuture<T>, V) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Replaces the output of an asynchronous task with a predetermined value.
Tenant - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb
A tenant represents a named key-space within a database that can be interacted with transactionally.

The simplest correct programs using tenants will make use of the methods defined in the TransactionContext interface.
TenantManagement - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
The FoundationDB API includes function to manage the set of tenants in a cluster.
time(EventKeeper.Event, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper
Count the time taken to perform an action, in the specified units.
timeNanos(EventKeeper.Event, long) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper
Count the time taken to perform an event, in nanoseconds.
timeNanos(EventKeeper.Event, long) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.MapEventKeeper
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.directory.DirectorySubspace
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeySelector
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.KeyValue
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.MappedKeyValue
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.Range
Returns a human-readable String representation of this Range.
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Create a human-readable string representation of this subspace.
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Returns a string representing this Tuple.
toString() - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
Generate a human-readable representation of this Versionstamp.
Transaction - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb
A Transaction represents a FoundationDB database transaction.
TransactionContext - Interface in com.apple.foundationdb
A context in which a Transaction is available for database operations.
TransactionOptions - Class in com.apple.foundationdb
A set of options that can be set on a Transaction.
TransactionOptions(OptionConsumer) - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionOptions
Tuple - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.tuple
Represents a set of elements that make up a sortable, typed key.
Tuple() - Constructor for class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple
Construct a new empty Tuple.


unpack(byte[]) - Method in class com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace
Gets the Tuple encoded by the given key, with this Subspace's prefix Tuple and raw prefix removed.
unpackUserVersion(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.Versionstamp
From a byte array, unpack the user version starting at the given position.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Events
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.StreamingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.EventKeeper.Events
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.apple.foundationdb.StreamingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Versionstamp - Class in com.apple.foundationdb.tuple
Used to represent values written by versionstamp operations with a Tuple.


WANT_ALL - com.apple.foundationdb.StreamingMode
Client intends to consume the entire range and would like it all transferred as early as possible.
watch(byte[]) - Method in interface com.apple.foundationdb.Transaction
Creates a watch that will become ready when it reports a change to the value of the specified key.

A watch's behavior is relative to the transaction that created it.
whenAll(Collection<? extends CompletableFuture<V>>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Return a CompletableFuture that will be set when all the CompletableFuture inputs are done.
whenAny(Collection<? extends CompletableFuture<V>>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Return a CompletableFuture that will be set when any of the CompletableFuture inputs are done.
whenReady(CompletableFuture<V>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Maps the readiness of a CompletableFuture into a completion signal.
whileTrue(Function<Void, ? extends CompletableFuture<Boolean>>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Since version 5.1.0. Use the version of whileTrue that takes a Supplier instead.
whileTrue(Function<Void, ? extends CompletableFuture<Boolean>>, Executor) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Since version 5.1.0. Use the version of whileTrue that takes a Supplier instead.
whileTrue(Supplier<CompletableFuture<Boolean>>) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Executes an asynchronous operation repeatedly until it returns False.
whileTrue(Supplier<CompletableFuture<Boolean>>, Executor) - Static method in class com.apple.foundationdb.async.AsyncUtil
Executes an asynchronous operation repeatedly until it returns False.


XOR - com.apple.foundationdb.MutationType
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