Class RecordCursorResult<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of result produced when the result includes a value

    public class RecordCursorResult<T>
    extends Object
    A result obtained when a RecordCursor advances. A RecordCursorResult represents everything that one can learn each time a RecordCursor advances. This is precisely one of the following:
    1. The next object of type T produced by the cursor. In addition to the next record, this result includes a RecordCursorContinuation that can be used to continue the cursor after the last record returned. The returned continuation is guaranteed not to be an "end continuation" representing the end of the cursor; specifically, RecordCursorContinuation.isEnd() is always false on the returned continuation.
    2. The fact that the cursor is stopped and cannot produce another record and a RecordCursor.NoNextReason that explains why no record could be produced. The result includes a continuation that can be used to continue the cursor after the last record returned. If the result's NoNextReason is anything other than SOURCE_EXHAUSTED, the returned continuation must not be an end continuation. Conversely, if the result's NoNextReason is SOURCE_EXHAUSTED, then the returned continuation must be an an "end continuation".

    The implementation of RecordCursorResult guarantees the dichotomy described above using an API that encourages static correctness (for example, the withNextValue(T, and withoutNextValue(, builder methods) and a large number of correctness checks that encourage fast failures instead of subtle contract violations.

    • Method Detail

      • hasNext

        public boolean hasNext()
        Return whether or not this result includes a next value.
        true if this result includes a next value and false if it does not
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • map

        public <U> RecordCursorResult<U> map​(Function<? super T,​? extends U> func)
        Apply a function to the value inside this result, like If a value is present, apply the given function to the value and return a new result with that value. If no value is present in this result, simply return a value-less result of the correct type.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the function's result and the type of value in the returned result
        func - the function to apply to the value, if present
        a new result with a value equal to the value of the function on the current result, if one is present
      • mapAsync

        public <U> CompletableFuture<RecordCursorResult<U>> mapAsync​(Function<? super T,​? extends CompletableFuture<? extends U>> func)
        Apply an asynchronous function inside this result and return a future for the result containing the future's value. If a value is present, apply the given function to the value and return a future that, when complete, contains a result wrapping the value of the function's completed future. If no value is present, return a completed future containing a result with this result's continuation and no-next-reason.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the value for the returned result
        func - a function taking a value of type T and returning a CompletableFuture<U>
        a future that, when complete, contains the result of type U
      • withContinuation

        public RecordCursorResult<T> withContinuation​(@Nonnull
                                                      RecordCursorContinuation newContinuation)
        Return a new result with the given continuation in place of this result's continuation, but the same value or no-next-reason as this result.
        newContinuation - the new continuation for the result
        a new result with the same value or no-next-reason, but the given continuation
      • hasStoppedBeforeEnd

        public boolean hasStoppedBeforeEnd()
        Returns true if the cursor has reached its end but a continuation is not an end continuation (i.e., the source is not yet exhausted).
        true if the cursor has reached its end but a continuation is not an end continuation and false otherwise
      • withNextValue

        public static <T> RecordCursorResult<T> withNextValue​(@Nullable
                                                              T nextValue,
                                                              RecordCursorContinuation continuation)
        Create a new RecordCursorResult that has a value, using the given value and continuation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the value
        nextValue - the value of the result
        continuation - the continuation of the result
        a new RecordCursorResult with the given value and continuation
        RecordCoreException - if the given continuation is an end continuation
      • withoutNextValue

        public static <T> RecordCursorResult<T> withoutNextValue​(@Nonnull
                                                                 RecordCursorContinuation continuation,
                                                                 RecordCursor.NoNextReason noNextReason)
        Create a new RecordCursorResult that does not have a next value, using the given continuation and no-next-reason. The continuation may be an end continuation if and only if the no-next-reason is SOURCE_EXHAUSTED.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the value if it were present
        continuation - the continuation of the result
        noNextReason - the RecordCursor.NoNextReason that no value was present
        a new RecordCursorResult with the given continuation and no-next-reason
        RecordCoreException - if an incompatible continuation and no-next-reason are provided
      • withoutNextValue

        public static <T,​U> RecordCursorResult<T> withoutNextValue​(@Nonnull
                                                                         RecordCursorResult<U> withoutNext)
        Cast a RecordCursorResult to one with a new type from a result without a next value.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of value that would be included in the desired result if one were present
        U - the type of value that would be included in the given result if one were present
        withoutNext - a result without a next value
        a cast version of withoutNext with the same continuation and no-next-reason
      • exhausted

        public static <T> RecordCursorResult<T> exhausted()
        Obtain the static result that a cursor can return when it is completely exhausted.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of value that would be returned if a value were present
        a RecordCursorResult containing an end continuation and a no-next-reason of SOURCE_EXHAUSTED