Class RecordScanLimiterFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • RecordScanLimiterFactory

        public RecordScanLimiterFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • enforce

        public static RecordScanLimiter enforce​(int limit)
        Creates a limiter that enforces a maximum number of records that can be processed in a single scan.
        limit - the maximum number of records that can be processed in a single scan
        an enforcing limiter
      • tracking

        public static RecordScanLimiter tracking()
        Creates a limiter that tracks the number of records that has been scanned, but does not impose a limit.
        a tracking limiter
      • untracked

        public static RecordScanLimiter untracked()
        Creates a limiter that neither enforces nor tracks the number of records scanned.
        an untracked limiter