Class Key.Expressions

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Key.Expressions
    extends Object
    Holder class for the static methods for creating Key Expressions.
    • Method Detail

      • field

        public static FieldKeyExpression field​(@Nonnull
                                               String name,
                                               KeyExpression.FanType fanType,
                                               Key.Evaluated.NullStandin nullStandin)
        Creates an expression of a field. This field can be repeated or not, depending on the fanType. If fanType is Concatenate or None, this expression will only create 1 index entry. If it is FanOut it will create 1 index entry per value of the field.

        This also takes a Key.Evaluated.NullStandin value to describe the field's behavior when it encounters an unset field. If the value is NOT_NULL, it will use the field's default value instead of null. If the value is NULL, it will return the value null and disable any uniqueness checks (if the index is a unique index). If the value is NULL_UNIQUE, it will return null and not disable any uniqueness checks. (In other words, it will treat null just like any other value.) Note that for most use cases, the same value should be used for the nullStandIn every time the field is referenced by any key expression or different indexes may have different ideas as to, for example, whether a field can be null or not. For this reason, there are plans to move this expression from the field to meta-data on the RecordType. See Issue #677 for more details.

        name - the name of the field to evaluate
        fanType - the way that repeated fields should be handled
        nullStandin - value to use in place of missing values, determining whether it will contribute to unique indexes
        a new Field expression which can further be nested if the associated field is of the Message type.
      • concat

        public static ThenKeyExpression concat​(@Nonnull
                                               KeyExpression first,
                                               KeyExpression second,
                                               KeyExpression... rest)
        Concatenate multiple expressions together. This multiplies the index entry count of its children. For example if the first expression generates two entries [a, b], and the second generates 3: [1, 2, 3], then the concatenation will generate 6 index entries: [[a,1], [a,2], [a,3], [b,1], [b,2], [b,3]]. No context is shared by this expression between it's children. This flattens children, so concat(concat(field), concat(field2)) == concat(field1, field2).
        first - the first child expression to use in the index
        second - the second child expression to use in the index
        rest - this supports any number children (at least 2), this is the rest of them
        a new expression which evaluates each child and returns the cross product
      • concat

        public static ThenKeyExpression concat​(@Nonnull
                                               List<KeyExpression> children)
        Concatenate multiple expressions together. This multiplies the index entry count of its children. For example if the first expression generates two entries [a, b], and the second generates 3: [1, 2, 3], then the concatenation will generate 6 index entries: [[a,1], [a,2], [a,3], [b,1], [b,2], [b,3]]. No context is shared by this expression between it's children. This flattens children, so concat(concat(field), concat(field2)) == concat(field1, field2).
        children - child expressions
        a new expression which evaluates each child and returns the cross product
      • concatenateFields

        public static ThenKeyExpression concatenateFields​(@Nonnull
                                                          String first,
                                                          String second,
                                                          String... fields)
        Shortuct for `concat(field(first), field(second), field(rest[0]), ...)`
        first - the name of the first field to use in the index
        second - the name of the second field to use in the index
        fields - this supports any number fields (at least 2), this is the rest of them
        a new expression which evaluates each field returns them all in a single key
      • concatenateFields

        public static ThenKeyExpression concatenateFields​(@Nonnull
                                                          List<String> fields)
        Concatenate multiple fields together.
        fields - names of the fields
        a new expression which evaluates each field and returns them all in a single key
      • list

        public static ListKeyExpression list​(@Nonnull
                                             KeyExpression... children)
        Combine multiple expressions into a list.
        children - child expressions
        a new expression which evaluates each child and returns the cross product as a list
      • list

        public static ListKeyExpression list​(@Nonnull
                                             List<KeyExpression> children)
        Combine multiple expressions into a list.
        children - child expressions
        a new expression which evaluates each child and returns the cross product as a list
      • mapKeyValues

        public static NestingKeyExpression mapKeyValues​(@Nonnull
                                                        String name)
        Index key and value from a map. A map can be an actual Protobuf 3 map field or, in Protobuf 2, a repeated message field with fields named key and value.
        name - name of the map field
        a new expression which evaluates to the key and value pairs of the given map field.
      • mapKeys

        public static NestingKeyExpression mapKeys​(@Nonnull
                                                   String name)
        Index key from a map. A map can be an actual Protobuf 3 map field or, in Protobuf 2, a repeated message field with fields named key and value.
        name - name of the map field
        a new expression which evaluates to the values of the given map field.
      • mapValues

        public static NestingKeyExpression mapValues​(@Nonnull
                                                     String name)
        Index value from a map. A map can be an actual Protobuf 3 map field or, in Protobuf 2, a repeated message field with fields named key and value.
        name - name of the map field
        a new expression which evaluates to the values of the given map field.
      • mapValueKeys

        public static NestingKeyExpression mapValueKeys​(@Nonnull
                                                        String name)
        Index value and key from a map. Like mapKeyValues(java.lang.String), but with the key and value field order reversed. This allows queries such as equality on the value and inequality on the key or equality on the value ordered by the key. A map can be an actual Protobuf 3 map field or, in Protobuf 2, a repeated message field with fields named key and value.
        name - name of the map field
        a new expression which evaluates to the value and key pairs of the given map field.
      • function

        public static FunctionKeyExpression function​(@Nonnull
                                                     String name,
                                                     KeyExpression arguments)
        Create a function call with arguments that will result in a key expression.
        name - the name of the function
        arguments - the arguments to the function
        a new key expression that evaluates by calling the named function
      • function

        public static FunctionKeyExpression function​(@Nonnull
                                                     String name)
        Create a function call with arguments that will result in a key expression.
        name - the name of the function
        a new key expression that evaluates by calling the named function
      • value

        public static <T> LiteralKeyExpression<T> value​(@Nullable
                                                        T value)
        Create a static scalar value of type T. The typical use case for this would be to pass arguments to a function call (see FunctionKeyExpression).
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the value
        value - the T value
        a new key expression that evaluates to the given value
      • keyWithValue

        public static KeyWithValueExpression keyWithValue​(@Nonnull
                                                          KeyExpression child,
                                                          int splitPoint)
        A keyWithValue expression is a top level expression that takes as input an expression that produces more than one column, and indicates that all columns before the specified splitPoint should be used in the key of an index and all of the values starting at the splitPoint are to be used as the value of the index.
        child - the key expression to split
        splitPoint - the position in the key result to split keys before this position are part of the key and keys after this position are part of the value
        an expression splitting the key and value
      • fromDescriptor

        public static FieldKeyExpression fromDescriptor​(@Nonnull
                                                        Descriptors.FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor)
        Convert a field descriptor into a expression. Assumes FanOut for repeated keys.
        fieldDescriptor - a field in a record type.
        a new Field to get the value of the given field descriptor.
      • hasRecordTypePrefix

        public static boolean hasRecordTypePrefix​(@Nonnull
                                                  KeyExpression key)
        Determine whether the given key expression has a record type key prefix.
        key - key expression to check
        true if the given key expression has a record type key prefix