Interface SyntheticRecordFromStoredRecordPlan

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface SyntheticRecordFromStoredRecordPlan
    extends PlanHashable
    A plan for deriving synthetic records from a given record. Like SyntheticRecordPlan, but with the additional execute-time parameter of a seed record. While the former is used to generate all records to rebuild an index, this plan is used to generate affected records for a changed record to update just for those changes.
    • Method Detail

      • getStoredRecordTypes

        Set<String> getStoredRecordTypes()
        Get the possible record types for the stored record to which this plan can be applied. If given a record whose type is not in this set, the plan may return an empty cursor or throw an exception.
        the set of record type names
      • getSyntheticRecordTypes

        Set<String> getSyntheticRecordTypes()
        Get the possible record types for the synthetic record generated by this plan.
        the set of record type names