Class MessageValue

    public class MessageValue
    extends Object
    A utility class for extracting data and meta-data from Protocol Buffer Messages, as used in the Record Layer.
    • Method Detail

      • getFieldValue

        public static Object getFieldValue​(@Nonnull
                                           MessageOrBuilder message,
                                           List<String> fieldNames)
        Get the value of the (nested) field on the path from the message defined by fieldNames. The given field names define a path through the nested structure of the given message; this method traverses that path and returns the value at the leaf, using the return semantics of getFieldOnMessage(MessageOrBuilder, String).
        message - a message
        fieldNames - a list of field names defining a path starting at message
        the value at the end of hte path
      • getFieldOnMessage

        public static Object getFieldOnMessage​(@Nonnull
                                               MessageOrBuilder message,
                                               String fieldName)
        Get the value of the field with the given field name on the given message. If the field is repeated, the repeated values are combined into a list. If the field has a message type, the value is returned as a Message of that type. Otherwise, the field is returned as a primitive.
        message - a message or builder to extract the field from
        fieldName - the field to extract
        the value of the field as described above