Class ValueIndexExpansionVisitor

    • Constructor Detail

      • ValueIndexExpansionVisitor

        public ValueIndexExpansionVisitor​(@Nonnull
                                          Index index)
    • Method Detail

      • expand

        public MatchCandidate expand​(@Nonnull
                                     Quantifier.ForEach baseQuantifier,
                                     KeyExpression primaryKey,
                                     boolean isReverse)
        Description copied from interface: ExpansionVisitor
        Method that expands a data structure into a data flow graph
        baseQuantifier - a quantifier representing the base data access
        primaryKey - the primary key of the data object the caller wants to access
        isReverse - an indicator whether the result set is expected to be returned in reverse order
        a new MatchCandidate that can be used for matching.
      • fullKey

        public static KeyExpression fullKey​(@Nonnull
                                            Index index,
                                            KeyExpression primaryKey)
        Compute the full key of an index (given that the index is a value index).
        index - index to be expanded
        primaryKey - primary key of the records the index ranges over. The primary key is used to determine parts in the index definition that already contain parts of the primary key. All primary key components that are not already part of the index key are appended to the index key.
        a KeyExpression describing the full index key as stored