Class TopologicalSort

    public class TopologicalSort
    extends Object
    Utility class to provide helpers related to topological sorts. The main purpose on this class is to provide a specific iterable that can efficiently traverse all possible permutations of the input set that do not violate the given dependency constraints. The iterable TopologicalSort.TopologicalOrderPermutationIterable adheres to the following requirements:
    1. it does not violate the given constraints
    2. it produces all possible orderings under the given constraints
    3. it reacts appropriately to give circular dependency constraints between elements (i.e., no infinite loops)
    4. it iterates all orderings on the fly. That is, it stores only the position of the iteration and does not (pre)create the orderings in memory.
    TopologicalSort.TopologicalOrderPermutationIterable subclasses Iterable in order to provide an additional feature that allows for skipping. Assume we have a set
     { a, b, c, d } with constraints { b -> c, b -> d } (c depends on b, d depends on b)
    Possible orderings are
     (a, b, c, d)
     (a, b, d, c)
     (b, a, c, d)
     (b, a, d, c)
     (b, c, a, d)
     (b, c, d, a)
     (b, d, a, c)
     (b, d, c, a)
    Frequently we test for a certain property or perform a particular operation given one possible ordering but it is clear that it is not necessary to consider more such orderings that share a common prefix. In the example, it may be beneficial to skip the rest of the (b, a, ...) orderings after the first one was returned ((b, a, c, d). In this case we would like to instruct the iterator to skip all such orderings and continue iteration at (b, c, a, d). Similarly, we want to skip all orderings starting with (b, ...) once we encountered the first such ordering. This the iterators created by the provided TopologicalSort.TopologicalOrderPermutationIterable of type TopologicalSort.TopologicalOrderPermutationIterator provide a method TopologicalSort.TopologicalOrderPermutationIterator.skip(int) to allow skipping to a given prefix.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TopologicalSort

        public TopologicalSort()
    • Method Detail

      • topologicalOrderPermutations

        public static <T> TopologicalSort.TopologicalOrderPermutationIterable<T> topologicalOrderPermutations​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                              Set<T> set,
                                                                                                              Function<T,​Set<T>> dependsOnFn)
        Create a TopologicalSort.TopologicalOrderPermutationIterable based on a set and a function describing the depends-on relationships between items in the given set.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type
        set - the set to create the iterable over
        dependsOnFn - a function from T to Set<T> that can be called during the lifecycle of all iterators multiple times repeatedly or not at all for any given element in set. This method is expected to return instantly and must be stable. Note it is allowed for the set the given function returns to contain elements of type T that are not in set. These items are ignored by the underlying algorithm (that is, they are satisfied by every ordering).
        a new TopologicalSort.TopologicalOrderPermutationIterable that obeys the constraints as expressed in dependsOnFn in a sense that the iterators created by this iterator will not return orderings that violate the given depends-on constraints
      • anyTopologicalOrderPermutation

        public static <T> Optional<List<T>> anyTopologicalOrderPermutation​(@Nonnull
                                                                           Set<T> set,
                                                                           Function<T,​Set<T>> dependsOnFn)
        Create a correct topological ordering based on a set and a function describing the depends-on relationships between items in the given set.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type
        set - the set to create the iterable over
        dependsOnFn - a function from T to Set<T> that can be called during the lifecycle of all iterators multiple times repeatedly or not at all for any given element in set. This method is expected to return instantly and must be stable. Note it is allowed for the set the given function returns to contain elements of type T that are not in set. These items are ignored by the underlying algorithm (that is, they are satisfied by every ordering).
        a permutation of the set that is topologically correctly ordered with respect to dependsOnFn