Class PushSortIntoExistingIndexRule

    public class PushSortIntoExistingIndexRule
    extends PlannerRule<LogicalSortExpression>
    A rule that pushes a sort into a compatibly-ordered index scan, including one with existing comparisons (from filters or other sort orders) that might affect whether the index is compatibly ordered.
           +-----------------------------+                 +---------------------------+
           |                             |                 |                           |
           |  LogicalSortExpression      |                 |  LogicalSortExpression    |
           |            prefix, suffix   |                 |                 suffix    |
           |                             |                 |                           |
           +-------------+---------------+                 +-------------+-------------+
                         |                     +------>                  |
                         | qun                                           | newQun
                         |                                               |
         +---------------+------------------+            +---------------+------------------+
         |                                  |            |                                  |
         |  IndexEntrySourceScanExpression  |            |  IndexEntrySourceScanExpression  |
         |                           orders |            |                     order|prefix |
         |                                  |            |                                  |
         +----------------------------------+            +----------------------------------+
    or if there are no other predicates
           +-----------------------------+               +----------------------------------+
           |                             |               |                                  |
           |    LogicalSortExpression    |     +------>  |  IndexEntrySourceScanExpression  |
           |                     prefix  |               |                           orders |
           |                             |               |                                  |
           +-------------+---------------+               +----------------------------------+
                         | qun
         |                                  |
         |  IndexEntrySourceScanExpression  |
         |                          orders  |
         |                                  |