Class HelperUser

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable,, ModelUser

public class HelperUser extends implements ModelUser
HelperUser, version : 1.0.0 author: fugerit warning!: auto generated object, insert custom code only between comments : // custom code start ( code above here will be overwritten ) // custom code end ( code below here will be overwritten )
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • HelperUser

      public HelperUser()
  • Method Details

    • setUserAddresses

      public void setUserAddresses(List<ModelAddress> value)
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Setter method for property : UserAddresses (nullable: yes) relation to entity : ADDRESS
      Specified by:
      setUserAddresses in interface ModelUser
      value - the value of UserAddresses
    • getUserAddresses

      public List<ModelAddress> getUserAddresses()
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Getter method for property : UserAddresses (nullable: yes) relation to entity : ADDRESS
      Specified by:
      getUserAddresses in interface ModelUser
      the value of UserAddresses
    • setId

      public void setId(BigDecimal value)
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Setter method for property : id (nullable: no) User system id
      Specified by:
      setId in interface ModelUser
      value - the value of id
    • getId

      public BigDecimal getId()
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Getter method for property : id (nullable: no) User system id
      Specified by:
      getId in interface ModelUser
      the value of id
    • setUsername

      public void setUsername(String value)
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Setter method for property : username (nullable: no) User chosen id
      Specified by:
      setUsername in interface ModelUser
      value - the value of username
    • getUsername

      public String getUsername()
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Getter method for property : username (nullable: no) User chosen id
      Specified by:
      getUsername in interface ModelUser
      the value of username
    • setPassword

      public void setPassword(String value)
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Setter method for property : password (nullable: no) Password hash
      Specified by:
      setPassword in interface ModelUser
      value - the value of password
    • getPassword

      public String getPassword()
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Getter method for property : password (nullable: no) Password hash
      Specified by:
      getPassword in interface ModelUser
      the value of password
    • setLastLogin

      public void setLastLogin(Date value)
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Setter method for property : lastLogin (nullable: yes) Time of last user login
      Specified by:
      setLastLogin in interface ModelUser
      value - the value of lastLogin
    • getLastLogin

      public Date getLastLogin()
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Getter method for property : lastLogin (nullable: yes) Time of last user login
      Specified by:
      getLastLogin in interface ModelUser
      the value of lastLogin
    • setDateInsert

      public void setDateInsert(Date value)
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Setter method for property : dateInsert (nullable: yes)
      Specified by:
      setDateInsert in interface ModelUser
      value - the value of dateInsert
    • getDateInsert

      public Date getDateInsert()
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Getter method for property : dateInsert (nullable: yes)
      Specified by:
      getDateInsert in interface ModelUser
      the value of dateInsert
    • setDateUpdate

      public void setDateUpdate(Date value)
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Setter method for property : dateUpdate (nullable: yes)
      Specified by:
      setDateUpdate in interface ModelUser
      value - the value of dateUpdate
    • getDateUpdate

      public Date getDateUpdate()
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Getter method for property : dateUpdate (nullable: yes)
      Specified by:
      getDateUpdate in interface ModelUser
      the value of dateUpdate
    • setState

      public void setState(BigDecimal value)
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Setter method for property : state (nullable: no) 1 active, 0 not active
      Specified by:
      setState in interface ModelUser
      value - the value of state
    • getState

      public BigDecimal getState()
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Getter method for property : state (nullable: no) 1 active, 0 not active
      Specified by:
      getState in interface ModelUser
      the value of state
    • setStateVirtual

      public void setStateVirtual(BigDecimal value)
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Setter method for property : stateVirtual (nullable: no) 1 active, 0 not active
      Specified by:
      setStateVirtual in interface ModelUser
      value - the value of stateVirtual
    • getStateVirtual

      public BigDecimal getStateVirtual()
      Description copied from interface: ModelUser
      Getter method for property : stateVirtual (nullable: no) 1 active, 0 not active
      Specified by:
      getStateVirtual in interface ModelUser
      the value of stateVirtual
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface