Package org.fxmisc.richtext

Defines the view-related classes for rendering and editing an EditableStyledDocument.

The base area is GenericStyledArea. Those unfamiliar with this project should read through its javadoc. This class should be used for custom segments (e.g. text and images in the same area). StyledTextArea uses String-only segments, and styling them are already supported in the two most common ways via StyleClassedTextArea and InlineCssTextArea. For those looking to use a base for a code editor, see CodeArea.

For text fields there is StyledTextField using String-only segments, and styling them are also already supported in the two most common ways via StyleClassedTextField and InlineCssTextField.

See Also:
EditableStyledDocument, TwoDimensional, TwoDimensional.Bias, GenericStyledArea, TextEditingArea, Caret, Selection