Interface GraphModel

  • public interface GraphModel
    Graph API's entry point.

    GraphModel is the entry point for this API and provide methods to create, access and modify graphs. It supports the most common graph paradigms and a complete support for graphs over time as well.

    • Directed: Edges can have a direction. Graphs can be directed, undirected or mixed.
    • Weighted: Edges can have a weight.
    • Self-loops: Nodes can have self-loops.
    • Labelled edges: Edges can have a label.
    • Properties: Each element in the graph can have properties associated to it.

    New instances can be obtained via the embedded factory:

     GraphModel model = GraphModel.Factory.newInstance();
    This API revolves around a set of simple concepts. A GraphModel encapsulate all elements and metadata associated with a graph structure. In other words its a single graph but it also contains configuration, indices, views and other less important services such as observers.

    Then, GraphModel gives access to the Graph interface, which focuses only on the graph structure and provide methods to add, remove, get and iterate nodes and edges.

    The Graph contains nodes and edges, which both implement the Element interface. This Element interface gives access to methods that manipulate the attributes associated to nodes and edges.

    Any number of attributes can be associated to elements but are managed through the Table and Column interfaces. A GraphModel gives access by default to a node and edge table. A Table is simply a list of columns, which each has a unique identifier and a type (e.g. integer). Attribute values can only be associated with elements for existing columns.

    Attributes are automatically indexed and information such as the number of elements with a particular value can be obtained from the Index interface.

    Finally, this API supports the concept of graph views. A view is a mask on the graph structure and represents a subgraph. The user controls the set of nodes and edges in the view by obtaining a Subgraph for a specific GraphView. Views can directly be created and destroyed from this model.

    Elements should be created through the factory() method.

    For performance reasons, edge labels are internally represented as integers and the mapping between arbitrary labels is managed through the addEdgeType(java.lang.Object) and getEdgeType(java.lang.Object) methods. By default, edges have a null label, which is internally represented as zero.

    See Also:
    Graph, Element, Table, Column, Index, GraphView
    • Method Detail

      • factory

        GraphFactory factory()
        Returns the graph factory.
        graph factory
      • bridge

        GraphBridge bridge()
        Returns the graph bridge.
        graph bridge
      • getGraph

        Graph getGraph()
        Gets the full graph.
      • getGraphVisible

        Graph getGraphVisible()
        Get the visible graph.

        The visible graph may be the full graph (default) or a graph view.

        visible graph
      • getGraph

        Subgraph getGraph​(GraphView view)
        Gets the graph for the given graph view.
        view - graph view
        graph for this view
      • getDirectedGraph

        DirectedGraph getDirectedGraph()
        Gets the full graph with the directed interface.
        directed graph
      • getDirectedGraphVisible

        DirectedGraph getDirectedGraphVisible()
        Gets the visible graph with the directed interface.
        visible graph
      • getUndirectedGraph

        UndirectedGraph getUndirectedGraph()
        Gets the full graph with the undirected interface.
        undirected graph
      • getUndirectedGraphVisible

        UndirectedGraph getUndirectedGraphVisible()
        Gets the visible graph with the undirected interface.
        visible graph
      • getDirectedGraph

        DirectedSubgraph getDirectedGraph​(GraphView view)
        Gets the directed graph for the given graph view.
        view - graph view
        directed graph for this view
      • getUndirectedGraph

        UndirectedSubgraph getUndirectedGraph​(GraphView view)
        Gets the undirected graph for the given graph view.
        view - graph view
        undirected graph for this view
      • getVisibleView

        GraphView getVisibleView()
        Gets the visible view.
        visible view
      • setVisibleView

        void setVisibleView​(GraphView view)
        Sets the visible view.

        If view is null, it restores the main view.

        view - view
      • addEdgeType

        int addEdgeType​(Object label)
        Adds a new edge type and returns the integer identifier.

        If the type already exists, it returns the existing identifier.

        label - edge type label
        newly created edge type identifier.
      • getEdgeType

        int getEdgeType​(Object label)
        Gets the edge type for the given label.
        label - edge label
        edge type identifier, or -1 if not found
      • getEdgeTypeLabel

        Object getEdgeTypeLabel​(int id)
        Gets the edge label associated with the given type.
        id - edge type
        edge label
      • getEdgeTypeCount

        int getEdgeTypeCount()
        Returns the number of different edge types.
        edge type count
      • getEdgeTypes

        int[] getEdgeTypes()
        Returns the edge types.
        edge types
      • getEdgeTypeLabels

        Object[] getEdgeTypeLabels()
        Returns the edge type labels.
        edge type labels
      • isDirected

        boolean isDirected()
        Returns true if the graph is directed.
        true if directed, false otherwise
      • isUndirected

        boolean isUndirected()
        Returns true if the graph is undirected.
        true if undirected, false otherwise
      • isMixed

        boolean isMixed()
        Returns true if the graph is mixed (both directed and undirected edges).
        true if mixed, false otherwise
      • isDynamic

        boolean isDynamic()
        Returns true if the graph is dynamic.
        true if dynamic, false otherwise
      • isMultiGraph

        boolean isMultiGraph()
        Returns true if the graph is multi-graph (multiple types of edges).
        true if multi-graph, false otherwise
      • createView

        GraphView createView()
        Creates a new graph view.
        newly created graph view
      • createView

        GraphView createView​(boolean node,
                             boolean edge)
        Creates a new graph view.

        The node and edge parameters allows to restrict the view filtering to only nodes or only edges. By default, the view applies to both nodes and edges.

        node - true to enable node view, false otherwise
        edge - true to enable edge view, false otherwise
        newly created graph view
      • copyView

        GraphView copyView​(GraphView view)
        Creates a new graph view based on an existing view.
        view - view to copy
        newly created graph view
      • copyView

        GraphView copyView​(GraphView view,
                           boolean node,
                           boolean edge)
        Creates a new graph based on an existing view.

        The node and edge parameters allows to restrict the view filtering to only nodes or only edges. By default, the view applies to both nodes and edges.

        view - view to copy
        node - true to enable node view, false otherwise
        edge - true to enable edge view, false otherwise
        newly created graph view
      • destroyView

        void destroyView​(GraphView view)
        Destroys the given view.
        view - view to destroy
      • setTimeInterval

        void setTimeInterval​(GraphView view,
                             Interval interval)
        Sets the given time interval to the view.

        Each view can be configured with a time interval to filter a graph over time.

        view - the view to configure
        interval - the time interval
      • getNodeTable

        Table getNodeTable()
        Returns the node table. Contains all the columns associated to node elements.

        A GraphModel always has node and edge tables by default.

        node table, contains node columns
      • getEdgeTable

        Table getEdgeTable()
        Returns the edge table. Contains all the columns associated to edge elements.

        A GraphModel always has node and edge tables by default.

        edge table, contains edge columns
      • getNodeIndex

        Index<Node> getNodeIndex()
        Gets the node index.
        node index
      • getNodeIndex

        Index<Node> getNodeIndex​(GraphView view)
        Gets the node index for the given graph view.
        view - the view to get the index from
        node index
      • getEdgeIndex

        Index<Edge> getEdgeIndex()
        Gets the edge index.
        edge index
      • getEdgeIndex

        Index<Edge> getEdgeIndex​(GraphView view)
        Gets the edge index for the given graph view.
        view - the view to get the index from
        edge index
      • getElementIndex

        Index<Element> getElementIndex​(Table table)
        Gets the node or edge index depending on the column provided.
        table - the table to get the index for
        element index, either node or edge
      • getElementIndex

        Index<Element> getElementIndex​(Table table,
                                       GraphView view)
        Gets the node or edge index for the given graph view.
        table - the table to get the index for
        view - the view to get the index from
        edge index
      • getNodeTimeIndex

        TimeIndex<Node> getNodeTimeIndex()
        Gets the node time index.
        node time index
      • getNodeTimeIndex

        TimeIndex<Node> getNodeTimeIndex​(GraphView view)
        Gets the node time index for the given view.
        view - the view to get the index from
        node time index
      • getEdgeTimeIndex

        TimeIndex<Edge> getEdgeTimeIndex()
        Gets the edge time index.
        edge timestamp index
      • getEdgeTimeIndex

        TimeIndex<Edge> getEdgeTimeIndex​(GraphView view)
        Gets the edge time index for the given view.
        view - view to get the index from
        edge timestamp index
      • getTimeBounds

        Interval getTimeBounds()
        Gets the time bounds.

        The time bounds is an interval made of the minimum and maximum time observed in the entire graph.

        time bounds
      • getTimeBoundsVisible

        Interval getTimeBoundsVisible()
        Gets the time bounds for the visible graph.

        The time bounds is an interval made of the minimum and maximum time observed in the entire graph.

        time bounds
      • getTimeBounds

        Interval getTimeBounds​(GraphView view)
        Gets the time bounds for the given graph view.

        The time bounds is an interval made of the minimum and maximum time observed in the entire graph.

        view - the graph view
        time bounds
      • createGraphObserver

        GraphObserver createGraphObserver​(Graph graph,
                                          boolean withGraphDiff)
        Creates and returns a new graph observer.
        graph - the graph to observe
        withGraphDiff - true to include graph difference feature, false otherwise
        newly created graph observer
      • getSpatialIndex

        SpatialIndex getSpatialIndex()
        Returns the spatial index.
        spatial index
      • getTimeFormat

        TimeFormat getTimeFormat()
        Returns the time format used to display time.
        time format
      • setTimeFormat

        void setTimeFormat​(TimeFormat timeFormat)
        Sets the time format used to display time.
        timeFormat - time format
      • getTimeZone

        DateTimeZone getTimeZone()
        Returns the time zone used to display time.
        time zone
      • setTimeZone

        void setTimeZone​(DateTimeZone timeZone)
        Sets the time zone used to display time.
        timeZone - time zone
      • getConfiguration

        Configuration getConfiguration()
        Returns the current configuration.
      • setConfiguration

        void setConfiguration​(Configuration configuration)
        Sets a new configuration for this graph model.

        Note that this method only works if the graph model is empty.

        configuration - new configuration
        IllegalStateException - if the graph model isn't empty
      • getMaxNodeStoreId

        int getMaxNodeStoreId()
        Returns the maximum store id number nodes have in this model.

        Each node has a unique store identifier which can be retrieved from Element.getStoreId(). This maximum number can help design algorithms thar rely on storing nodes in a array. Note that not all consecutive ids may be assigned.

        maximum node store id
      • getMaxEdgeStoreId

        int getMaxEdgeStoreId()
        Returns the maximum store id number edges have in this model.

        Each edge has a unique store identifier which can be retrieved from Element.getStoreId(). This maximum number can help design algorithms thar rely on storing edges in a array. Note that not all consecutive ids may be assigned.

        maximum edge store id