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add(Double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
add(K) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Adds key to this set.
add(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
addAllEdges(Collection<? extends Edge>) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Adds all edges in the collection to this graph.
addAllEdges(Collection<? extends Edge>) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Adds a collection of edges to this subgraph.
addAllNodes(Collection<? extends Node>) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Adds all nodes in the collection to this graph.
addAllNodes(Collection<? extends Node>) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Adds a collection of nodes to this subgraph.
addColumn(String, Class) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Adds a new column to this table.
addColumn(String, Class, Origin) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Adds a new column to this table.
addColumn(String, String, Class, Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Adds a new column to this table.
addColumn(String, String, Class, Origin, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Adds a new column to this table.
addEdge(Edge) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Adds an edge to this graph.
addEdge(Edge) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Adds an edge to this subgraph.
addEdgeType(Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Adds a new edge type and returns the integer identifier.
addInterval(Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Adds an interval.
addNode(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Adds a node to this graph.
addNode(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Adds a node to this subgraph.
addTimestamp(double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Adds a timestamp.
alpha() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Returns the alpha (transparency) component between zero and one.
AttributeUtils - Class in org.gephi.graph.api
Set of utility methods to manipulate supported attribute types.
AVERAGE - org.gephi.graph.api.Estimator
Average value.


b() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Returns the blue color component between zero and one.
bridge() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the graph bridge.


center() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
clear() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Clears all edges and all nodes in the graph
clear() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
clear() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
clear() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Empties this map.
clear() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Empties this set.
clear() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
clear() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
clearAttributes() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Clears all attribute values.
clearEdges() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Clears all edges in the graph
clearEdges(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Clears the edges incident to the given node.
clearEdges(Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Clears the edges of the given type incident to the given node.
Column - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
A column belongs to a table and represent a dimension in the data.
ColumnDiff - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Interface to retrieve elements touched in a column.
ColumnIndex<K,​T extends Element> - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
A column index is associated with a column and and keeps track of each unique value and can also return the minimum and maximum values in case of a sortable value type.
ColumnIterable - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Column iterable.
ColumnObserver - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Observer over a column to monitor changes in the attributes values.
compareTo(Double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Interval
Compares this interval to the given timetamp.
compareTo(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Interval
Compares this interval with the specified interval for order.
Configuration - Class in org.gephi.graph.api
Global configuration set at initialization.
Configuration() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Default constructor.
contains(double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
Returns true if this map contains an interval that starts or ends at timestamp.
contains(double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
Returns true if this set contains an interval that starts or ends at timestamp.
contains(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
contains(Double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
contains(Double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
contains(K) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Returns true if this map contains the given key.
contains(K) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Returns true if this set contains key.
contains(Edge) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if edge is contained in this graph.
contains(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
contains(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
contains(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if node is contained in this graph.
contains(Rect2D) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
copy() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Copy this configuration.
copyNodes(Node[]) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphBridge
Copy the given nodes to the current graph store.
copyView(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Creates a new graph view based on an existing view.
copyView(GraphView, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Creates a new graph based on an existing view.
count(K) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIndex
Counts the elements with value.
count(Column, Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Index
Counts the elements with value in the given column.
countColumns() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Counts the columns in this table.
countColumns(Origin) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Counts the columns of the given origin.
countElements() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIndex
Counts the elements.
countElements(Column) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Index
Counts the elements in the given column.
countValues() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIndex
Counts the unique values.
countValues(Column) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Index
Counts the unique values in the given column.
createColumnObserver(boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Create a new column observer.
createGraphObserver(Graph, boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Creates and returns a new graph observer.
createTableObserver(boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Creates a new table observer and return it.
createView() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Creates a new graph view.
createView(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Creates a new graph view.


DATA - org.gephi.graph.api.Origin
DATE - org.gephi.graph.api.TimeFormat
Date representation.
DATETIME - org.gephi.graph.api.TimeFormat
Date and time representation.
defaultColumns() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the default columns.
degree() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.DefaultColumns
Return node degree column.
destroy() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnObserver
Destroys this observer.
destroy() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphObserver
Destroys this graph observer.
destroy() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TableObserver
Destroys this observer.
destroyView(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Destroys the given view.
DirectedGraph - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Directed graph.
DirectedSubgraph - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
A directed subgraph.
doBreak() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIterable
Break the iterator and release read lock (if any).
doBreak() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable.EdgeIterableEmpty
doBreak() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable
Break the iterator and release read lock (if any).
doBreak() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable.ElementIterableEmpty
doBreak() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable.NodeIterableEmpty
DOUBLE - org.gephi.graph.api.TimeFormat
Date represented as a double number.


Edge - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
An edge.
edgeId() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.DefaultColumns
Return edge identifier column.
EdgeIterable - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
An edge iterable.
EdgeIterable.EdgeIterableEmpty - Class in org.gephi.graph.api
Empty edge iterable.
EdgeIterableEmpty() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable.EdgeIterableEmpty
edgeLabel() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.DefaultColumns
Return edge label column.
EdgeProperties - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Edge properties
edgeTimeSet() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.DefaultColumns
Return edge time-set (timestamp or interval) column.
edgeType() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.DefaultColumns
Return edge type column.
edgeWeight() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.DefaultColumns
Return edge weigth column.
Element - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
An element is a node or an edge.
ElementIterable<T extends Element> - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Element iterable.
ElementIterable.ElementIterableEmpty - Class in org.gephi.graph.api
Empty element iterable.
ElementIterableEmpty() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable.ElementIterableEmpty
ElementProperties - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Element visual properties.
EMPTY - Static variable in interface org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable
The static empty iterable.
EMPTY - Static variable in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable
Empty iterable.
EMPTY - Static variable in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable
The static empty iterable.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
equals(Object) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Interval
Compares this interval with the specified object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
equals(Object) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
equals(Object) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
equals(Object) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
Estimator - Enum in org.gephi.graph.api
Estimators specify the strategy to merge attribute values over time.
exists() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns true if this column exists and belong to a table.


factory() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the graph factory.
Factory() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.Factory
fill() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Fills the subgraph so all elements in the graph are in the subgraph.
FIRST - org.gephi.graph.api.Estimator
First value.


g() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Returns the green color component between zero and one.
get(double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TimeIndex
Returns all elements at the given timestamp.
get(Double, T) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
get(K) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIndex
Gets an Iterable of all elements in the column index with value.
get(K, V) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Get the value for the given key.
get(Column, Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Index
Gets an Iterable of all elements in the index with value in the given column.
get(Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TimeIndex
Returns all elements between the given interval (bounds included).
get(Interval, Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
get(Interval, Estimator) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Get the estimated value for the given interval.
get(Interval, Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
get(Interval, T) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
getAddedColumns() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TableDiff
Gets all added columns.
getAddedEdges() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphDiff
Gets all added edges.
getAddedNodes() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphDiff
Gets all added nodes.
getAlpha() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Returns the alpha (transparency) component between zero and one.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Gets the attribute for the given key.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the attribute value for the given key.
getAttribute(String, double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Gets the attribute for the given key and timestamp.
getAttribute(String, double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the attribute for the given key and timestamp
getAttribute(String, GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Gets the attribute for the given key and graph view.
getAttribute(String, Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Gets the attribute for the given key and interval.
getAttribute(String, Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the attribute for the given key and interval
getAttribute(Column) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Gets the attribute for the given column.
getAttribute(Column, double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Gets the attribute for the given column and timestamp.
getAttribute(Column, GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Gets the attribute for the given column and graph view.
getAttribute(Column, Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Gets the attribute for the given column and interval.
getAttributeColumns() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns the columns.
getAttributeKeys() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns the column identifier keys.
getAttributeKeys() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets all attribute keys.
getAttributes() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns all the attribute values in an array.
getAttributes(Column) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns an iterable over all the keys and values over time for the given (dynamic) column.
getB() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Returns the blue color component between zero and one.
getBoolean(double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampBooleanMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getBoolean(double, boolean) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampBooleanMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getBoolean(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalBooleanMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getBoolean(Interval, boolean) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalBooleanMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getByte(double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampByteMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getByte(double, byte) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampByteMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getByte(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalByteMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getByte(Interval, byte) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalByteMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getCharacter(double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampCharMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getCharacter(double, char) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampCharMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getCharacter(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalCharMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getCharacter(Interval, char) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalCharMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getColor() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Returns the color.
getColor() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Returns the color.
getColumn() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIndex
Returns the column for which this column index belongs to.
getColumn() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnObserver
Gets the column this observer belongs to.
getColumn(int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Returns the column at the given index.
getColumn(String) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Returns the column with the given identifier.
getColumnIndex(Column) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Index
Returns the column index for the given column.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the current configuration.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns the column's default value, or null if not set.
getDegree(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the node degree.
getDiff() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnObserver
Gets the column difference.
getDiff() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphObserver
Gets the graph difference.
getDiff() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TableObserver
Gets the table difference.
getDirectedGraph() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the full graph with the directed interface.
getDirectedGraph(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the directed graph for the given graph view.
getDirectedGraphVisible() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the visible graph with the directed interface.
getDouble(double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampDoubleMap
Get the value for the given timestamp index.
getDouble(double, double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampDoubleMap
Get the value for the given timestamp index.
getDouble(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalDoubleMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getDouble(Interval, double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalDoubleMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getEdge(Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets an edge by its identifier.
getEdge(Node, Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the edge adjacent to source and target.
getEdge(Node, Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the edge adjacent to node1 and node2.
getEdge(Node, Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the edge adjacent to source and target with an edge of the given type.
getEdge(Node, Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the edge adjacent to node1 and node2 and from the given type.
getEdgeCount() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the number of edges in the graph.
getEdgeCount(int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the number of edges of the given type in the graph.
getEdgeIdType() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Returns the edge id type.
getEdgeIndex() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the edge index.
getEdgeIndex(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the edge index for the given graph view.
getEdgeLabelType() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Returns the edge label type.
getEdges() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets all the edges in the graph.
getEdges(int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets all the edges of a particular type in the graph.
getEdges(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets all edges incident to a given node.
getEdges(Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets all edges incident to a given node with the given edge type.
getEdges(Node, Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Get the edges adjacent to node1 and node2.
getEdges(Node, Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the edges adjacent to node1 and node 2 and from the given type.
getEdgesInArea(Rect2D) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.SpatialIndex
getEdgeTable() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the edge table.
getEdgeTimeIndex() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the edge time index.
getEdgeTimeIndex(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the edge time index for the given view.
getEdgeType(Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the edge type for the given label.
getEdgeTypeCount() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the number of different edge types.
getEdgeTypeLabel(int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the edge label associated with the given type.
getEdgeTypeLabels() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the edge type labels.
getEdgeTypeLabels(boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the edge type labels.
getEdgeTypes() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the edge types.
getEdgeWeightColumn() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Returns whether an edge weight column is created.
getEdgeWeightType() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Returns the edge weight type.
getElementClass() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
The element class of this column.
getElementIndex(Table) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the node or edge index depending on the column provided.
getElementIndex(Table, GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the node or edge index for the given graph view.
getEstimator() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns the estimator for this column
getFloat(double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampFloatMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getFloat(double, float) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampFloatMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getFloat(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalFloatMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getFloat(Interval, float) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalFloatMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getG() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Returns the green color component between zero and one.
getGraph() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the full graph.
getGraph() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphObserver
Gets the graph this observer is observing.
getGraph() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Returns the graph this table is associated with.
getGraph(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the graph for the given graph view.
getGraphModel() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphView
Gets the graph model this view belongs to.
getGraphVisible() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Get the visible graph.
getHeight() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Returns the text's height.
getHigh() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Interval
Returns the right endpoint.
getHoldCount() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TableLock
Queries the number of holds on this lock by the current thread.
getId() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns the column id, a unique identifier.
getId() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns the identifier.
getInDegree(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the edge's in-degree.
getIndex() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns the column's integer index, which is the position of the column in the store.
getIndexClass() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Index
Returns the element type of this index.
getIndexName() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Index
Returns the name of this index.
getInEdges(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the node's incoming edges.
getInEdges(Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the node's incoming edges for the given type.
getInteger(double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampIntegerMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getInteger(double, int) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampIntegerMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getInteger(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalIntegerMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getInteger(Interval, int) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalIntegerMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getIntervalMapType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the dynamic timestamp map value type for the given type.
getIntervals() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns all the intervals this element belong to.
getIntervals() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
Returns an array of all intervals in this set.
getIntervals() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
Returns an array of all intervals in this set in a flat format.
getLabel() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns the label.
getLayoutData() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Returns the layout-specific data, if any.
getLock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns the graph lock, in case locking is enabled.
getLock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Returns the table lock, which controls the multi-thread access to the table.
getLong(double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampLongMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getLong(double, long) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampLongMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getLong(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalLongMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getLong(Interval, long) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalLongMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getLow() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Interval
Returns the left endpoint.
getMax() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
getMax() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Returns the maximum key in the set
getMax() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
getMaxDouble() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
getMaxDouble() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Returns the maximum timestamp in the set
getMaxDouble() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
getMaxEdgeStoreId() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the maximum store id number edges have in this model.
getMaxNodeStoreId() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the maximum store id number nodes have in this model.
getMaxTimestamp() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TimeIndex
Returns the maximum timestamp in this index.
getMaxValue() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIndex
Returns the maximum value.
getMaxValue(Column) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Index
Returns the maximum value in the given column.
getMin() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
getMin() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Returns the minimum key in the set
getMin() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
getMinDouble() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
getMinDouble() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Returns the minimum timestamp in the set
getMinDouble() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
getMinTimestamp() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TimeIndex
Returns the minimum timestamp in this index.
getMinValue() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIndex
Returns the minimum value.
getMinValue(Column) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Index
Returns the minimum value in the given column.
getModel() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns the model this graph belongs to.
getModifiedColumns() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TableDiff
Returns all columns that have been modified.
getMutualEdge(Edge) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the edge in the other direction of the given edge.
getNeighbors(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets all neighbors of a given node.
getNeighbors(Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets all neighbors of a given node connected through the given edge type.
getNode(Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets a node given its identifier.
getNodeCount() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the number of nodes in the graph.
getNodeIdType() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Returns the node id type.
getNodeIndex() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the node index.
getNodeIndex(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the node index for the given graph view.
getNodes() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets all the nodes in the graph.
getNodesInArea(Rect2D) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.SpatialIndex
getNodeTable() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the node table.
getNodeTimeIndex() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the node time index.
getNodeTimeIndex(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the node time index for the given view.
getOpposite(Node, Edge) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the node at the opposite end of the given edge.
getOrigin() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns the column's data origin.
getOutDegree(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the edge's out-degree.
getOutEdges(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the node's outgoing edges.
getOutEdges(Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the node's incoming edges for the given type.
getPredecessors(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the node's predecessors.
getPredecessors(Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the node's predecessors through a specific edge type.
getPrimitiveArray(Object[]) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the primitive array given a wrapped primitive array.
getPrimitiveType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the primitive type for the given wrapped primitive.
getR() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Returns the red color component between zero and one.
getReadHoldCount() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphLock
Queries the number of reentrant read holds on this lock by the current thread.
getRemovedColumns() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TableDiff
Gets all removed columns.
getRemovedEdges() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphDiff
Gets all removed edges.
getRemovedNodes() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphDiff
Gets all removed nodes.
getRGBA() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Returns the RGBA color.
getRGBA() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Returns the RGBA color.
getRootGraph() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Return the root graph this subgraph is based on.
getSelfLoops() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets all the self-loop edges in the graph.
getShort(double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampShortMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getShort(double, short) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampShortMap
Get the value for the given timestamp.
getShort(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalShortMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getShort(Interval, short) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalShortMap
Get the value for the given interval.
getSize() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Returns the size.
getSource() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns the egde's source.
getSpatialIndex() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the spatial index.
getStandardizedType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the standardized type for the given type class.
getStaticType(Class<? extends TimeMap>) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the static type for the given time map type.
getStoreId() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns the location of this element in the store.
getSuccessors(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the node's successors.
getSuccessors(Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Gets the node's successors through a specific edge type.
getSupportedTypes() - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the set of types supported.
getTable() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns the table this column belong to.
getTable() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns the table the element is associated with.
getTable() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TableObserver
Gets the table this observer belongs to.
getTarget() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns the edge's target.
getText() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Returns the text.
getTextProperties() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Returns the text properties.
getTimeBounds() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Gets the time bounds.
getTimeBounds() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the time bounds.
getTimeBounds(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the time bounds for the given graph view.
getTimeBoundsVisible() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the time bounds for the visible graph.
getTimeFormat() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the time format used to display time.
getTimeInterval() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphView
Gets the time interval for this view.
getTimeRepresentation() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Returns the time representation.
getTimestampMapType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the dynamic timestamp map value type for the given type.
getTimestamps() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns all the timestamps this element belong to.
getTimestamps() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
Returns an array of all timestamps in this map.
getTimeZone() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns the time zone used to display time.
getTitle() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns the column's title.
getTouchedElements() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnDiff
Gets all elements which attribute value changed
getType() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns the edge's type.
getTypeClass() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns the column's type.
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalBooleanMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalByteMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalCharMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalDoubleMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalFloatMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalIntegerMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalLongMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalShortMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalStringMap
getTypeClass() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Returns the value type class.
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampBooleanMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampByteMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampCharMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampDoubleMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampFloatMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampIntegerMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampLongMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampShortMap
getTypeClass() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampStringMap
getTypeLabel() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns the edge's type label.
getTypeName(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the type name for the given type.
getUndirectedGraph() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the full graph with the undirected interface.
getUndirectedGraph(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the undirected graph for the given graph view.
getUndirectedGraphVisible() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the visible graph with the undirected interface.
getVersion() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIndex
Returns the index's version.
getVersion() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns a version number for this graph.
getView() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Gets the graph view associated to this graph.
getView() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Gets the view associated with this subgraph.
getVisibleView() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Gets the visible view.
getWeight() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns the edge's weight.
getWeight(double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns the edge's weight at the given timestamp.
getWeight(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns the edge's weight in the given graph view.
getWeight(Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns the edge's weight at the given interval.
getWeights() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns an iterable of all weights over time.
getWidth() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Returns the text's width.
getWriteHoldCount() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphLock
Queries the number of reentrant write holds on this lock by the current thread.
Graph - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Graph interface.
GraphBridge - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Helper that helps transfer elements from another graph store.
GraphDiff - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Interface to retrieve added and removed elements from the graph.
GraphFactory - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Factory for nodes and edges.
GraphLock - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Wrapper around ReentrantReadWriteLock that controls multi-thread access to the graph structure.
GraphModel - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Graph API's entry point.
GraphModel.DefaultColumns - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Default columns utility.
GraphModel.Factory - Class in org.gephi.graph.api
Utility to create new graph model instances.
GraphModel.Serialization - Class in org.gephi.graph.api
Serialization utility to read/write graph models from/to input/output.
GraphObserver - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Observer over a graph to monitor changes and obtain the list of differences.
GraphView - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
View on the graph.


hasColumn(String) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Returns true if this table has the column.
hasColumnChanged() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnObserver
Returns true if the column has changed.
hasDynamicWeight() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns true if this edge has a dynamic weight.
hasEdge(Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if an edge with id as identifier exists.
hasGraphChanged() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphObserver
Returns true if the graph has changed.
hashCode() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
hashCode() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Interval
hashCode() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
hashCode() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
hashCode() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
hashCode() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
hasInterval(Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns true if this element has the given interval.
hasNext() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable.EdgeIterableEmpty
hasNext() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable.ElementIterableEmpty
hasNext() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable.NodeIterableEmpty
hasNode(Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if a node with id as identifier exists.
hasTableChanged() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TableObserver
Returns true if the table has changed.
hasTimestamp(double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Returns true if this element has the given timestamp.
height() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D


inDegree() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.DefaultColumns
Return node in-degree column.
Index<T extends Element> - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
An index is associated with each table and keeps track of each unique value in columns.
INFINITY_INTERVAL - Static variable in class org.gephi.graph.api.Interval
Infinity interval on both bounds.
intersection(Subgraph) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Intersects the given subgraph with this sugbgraph.
intersects(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
intersects(Rect2D) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
Interval - Class in org.gephi.graph.api
Immutable time interval which supports included and excluded bounds.
Interval(double, double) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.Interval
Constructor with bounds and whether they are included or excluded.
Interval(Interval) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.Interval
Copy constructor.
INTERVAL - org.gephi.graph.api.TimeRepresentation
Interval representation (continuous).
IntervalBooleanMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are intervals and values boolean values.
IntervalBooleanMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalBooleanMap
Default constructor.
IntervalBooleanMap(double[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalBooleanMap
Constructor with an initial interval map.
IntervalBooleanMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalBooleanMap
Constructor with capacity.
IntervalByteMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are intervals and values byte values.
IntervalByteMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalByteMap
Default constructor.
IntervalByteMap(double[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalByteMap
Constructor with an initial interval map.
IntervalByteMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalByteMap
Constructor with capacity.
IntervalCharMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are intervals and values char values.
IntervalCharMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalCharMap
Default constructor.
IntervalCharMap(double[], char[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalCharMap
Constructor with an initial interval map.
IntervalCharMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalCharMap
Constructor with capacity.
IntervalDoubleMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are intervals and values double values.
IntervalDoubleMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalDoubleMap
Default constructor.
IntervalDoubleMap(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalDoubleMap
Constructor with an initial interval map.
IntervalDoubleMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalDoubleMap
Constructor with capacity.
IntervalFloatMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are intervals and values float values.
IntervalFloatMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalFloatMap
Default constructor.
IntervalFloatMap(double[], float[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalFloatMap
Constructor with an initial interval map.
IntervalFloatMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalFloatMap
Constructor with capacity.
IntervalIntegerMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are intervals and values int values.
IntervalIntegerMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalIntegerMap
Default constructor.
IntervalIntegerMap(double[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalIntegerMap
Constructor with an initial interval map.
IntervalIntegerMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalIntegerMap
Constructor with capacity.
IntervalLongMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are intervals and values long values.
IntervalLongMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalLongMap
Default constructor.
IntervalLongMap(double[], long[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalLongMap
Constructor with an initial interval map.
IntervalLongMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalLongMap
Constructor with capacity.
IntervalMap<T> - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Abstract class that implement a sorted map between intervals and attribute values.
IntervalMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
Default constructor.
IntervalMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
Constructor with capacity.
IntervalSet - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted set for intervals.
IntervalSet() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
Default constructor.
IntervalSet(double[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
Constructor with an initial interval set.
IntervalSet(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
Constructor with capacity.
IntervalShortMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are intervals and values short values.
IntervalShortMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalShortMap
Default constructor.
IntervalShortMap(double[], short[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalShortMap
Constructor with an initial interval map.
IntervalShortMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalShortMap
Constructor with capacity.
IntervalStringMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are intervals and values string values.
IntervalStringMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalStringMap
Default constructor.
IntervalStringMap(double[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalStringMap
Constructor with an initial interval map.
IntervalStringMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalStringMap
Constructor with capacity.
is(Estimator) - Method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.Estimator
Returns true if this estimator is equals to estimator.
is(Estimator...) - Method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.Estimator
Returns true if this estimator is any of the given estimators.
isAdjacent(Node, Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Returns true if source and target are adjacent.
isAdjacent(Node, Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if node1 and node2 are adjacent.
isAdjacent(Node, Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.DirectedGraph
Returns true if source and target are adjacent with an edge of the given type.
isAdjacent(Node, Node, int) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if node1 and node2 are adjacent with an edge of the given type.
isArray() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns true if this column has an array type.
isArrayType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if type is an array type.
isBooleanType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if type is a boolean type
isCollectionType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if type is a collection type.
isDestroyed() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnObserver
Returns true if this observer has been destroyed.
isDestroyed() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphObserver
Returns true if this observer has been destroyed.
isDestroyed() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphView
Returns true if this view has been destroyed.
isDestroyed() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TableObserver
Returns true if this observer has been destroyed.
isDirected() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns true if this edge is directed.
isDirected() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if this graph is directed.
isDirected() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns true if the graph is directed.
isDirected(Edge) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if the given edge is directed.
isDynamic() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns true if this column has a dynamic type.
isDynamic() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns true if the graph is dynamic.
isDynamicAttribute() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns true if this column is dynamic and has a TimeMap type.
isDynamicType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if type is a dynamic type.
isEdgeColumn(Column) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if the given column is an edge column.
isEdgeTable() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Returns true if this table is the node table.
isEdgeView() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphView
Returns true if this view supports edge filtering.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Returns true if this map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Returns true if this set is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
isFixed() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Returns true of this node is fixed (can't be moved).
isIncident(Edge, Edge) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if edge1 and edge2 are incident.
isIncident(Node, Edge) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if the node and the edge are incident.
isIndexed() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns true if this column is indexed.
isMainView() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphView
Returns true if this view is the main view.
isMapType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if type is a map type.
isMixed() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if this graph is mixed (both directed and undirected edges).
isMixed() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns true if the graph is mixed (both directed and undirected edges).
isMultiGraph() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns true if the graph is multi-graph (multiple types of edges).
isNew() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphObserver
Returns true if this observer has never got its hasGraphChanged() method called.
isNodeColumn(Column) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if the given column is a node column.
isNodeTable() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Returns true if this table is the node table.
isNodeView() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphView
Returns true if this view supports node filtering.
isNumber() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns true if this column has a number type.
isNumberType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if type is a number type.
isProperty() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns true if this column is a property.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Returns true if this column is read-only.
isSelfLoop() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Returns true if this edge is a self-loop.
isSelfLoop(Edge) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if the given edge is a self-loop.
isSimpleType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if type is a simple type.
isSortable() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIndex
Returns whether the column index is numeric and sortable, and therefore methods ColumnIndex.getMinValue() and ColumnIndex.getMaxValue() are available.
isSortable(Column) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Index
Returns whether the column is numeric and sortable, and therefore methods Index.getMinValue(org.gephi.graph.api.Column) and Index.getMaxValue(org.gephi.graph.api.Column) are available for the column.
isStandardizedType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if type is a standardized type.
isStringType(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if type is a string type
isSupported(Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns true if type is a supported type.
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalBooleanMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalByteMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalCharMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalDoubleMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalFloatMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalIntegerMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalLongMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalShortMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalStringMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Returns whether estimator is supported.
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampBooleanMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampByteMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampCharMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampDoubleMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampFloatMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampIntegerMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampLongMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampShortMap
isSupported(Estimator) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampStringMap
isUndirected() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Returns true if this graph is undirected.
isUndirected() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Returns true if the graph is undirected.
isVisible() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Returns true if visible.
iterator() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIterable
Returns the element iterator.
iterator() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable.EdgeIterableEmpty
iterator() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable
Returns an edge iterator.
iterator() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable.ElementIterableEmpty
iterator() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable
Returns the element iterator.
iterator() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable
Returns a node iterator.
iterator() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable.NodeIterableEmpty


LAST - org.gephi.graph.api.Estimator
Last value.
LayoutData - Interface in org.gephi.graph.spi
Interface for node metadata to handle custom layout attributes more efficiently.
lock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TableLock
Acquires the lock.


MAX - org.gephi.graph.api.Estimator
Maximum value.
maxX - Variable in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
maxY - Variable in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
MEDIAN - org.gephi.graph.api.Estimator
Median value.
MIN - org.gephi.graph.api.Estimator
Minimum value.
minX - Variable in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
minY - Variable in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D


newEdge(Object, Node, Node, int, double, boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphFactory
Creates and returns an edge between source and target.
newEdge(Node, Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphFactory
Creates and returns a directed edge between source and target.
newEdge(Node, Node, boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphFactory
Creates and returns an edge between source and target.
newEdge(Node, Node, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphFactory
Creates and returns an edge between source and target.
newEdge(Node, Node, int, double, boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphFactory
Creates and returns an edge between source and target.
newInstance() - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.Factory
Returns a new instance with default configuration.
newInstance(Configuration) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.Factory
Returns a new instance with the given configuration.
newNode() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphFactory
Creates and returns a node.
newNode(Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphFactory
Creates and returns a node.
next() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable.EdgeIterableEmpty
next() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable.ElementIterableEmpty
next() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable.NodeIterableEmpty
Node - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
A node.
nodeId() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.DefaultColumns
Return node identifier column.
NodeIterable - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
A node iterable.
NodeIterable.NodeIterableEmpty - Class in org.gephi.graph.api
Empty node iterable.
NodeIterableEmpty() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable.NodeIterableEmpty
nodeLabel() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.DefaultColumns
Return node label column.
NodeProperties - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Node properties.
nodeTimeSet() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.DefaultColumns
Return node time-set (timestamp or interval) column.
not() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Inverse this subgraph so all elements in the graph are removed and all elements not in the graph are added.


org.gephi.graph.api - package org.gephi.graph.api
Complete API description, where GraphModel is the entry point.
org.gephi.graph.api.types - package org.gephi.graph.api.types
Custom types the API supports, in addition of primitive and arrays.
org.gephi.graph.spi - package org.gephi.graph.spi
SPI interfaces clients can implement to extend the API.
Origin - Enum in org.gephi.graph.api
The column's data origin.
outDegree() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.DefaultColumns
Return node out-degree column.


parse(String) - Method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.TimeFormat
Parses the given string into the time format.
parse(String, Class) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Parses the given string using the type class provided and returns an instance.
parse(String, Class, DateTimeZone) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Parses the given string using the type class provided and returns an instance.
parseDateTime(String) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Parses the given time and returns its milliseconds representation.
parseDateTime(String, DateTimeZone) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Parses the given time and returns its milliseconds representation.
parseDateTimeOrTimestamp(String) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Parses an ISO date with or without time or a timestamp (in milliseconds).
parseDateTimeOrTimestamp(String, DateTimeZone) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Parses an ISO date with or without time or a timestamp (in milliseconds).
print(double) - Method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.TimeFormat
Prints the given time in this format.
print(Object) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the string representation of the given value.
print(Object, TimeFormat, DateTimeZone) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the string representation of the given value.
printArray(Object) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the string representation of the given array.
printDate(double) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the date's string representation of the given timestamp.
printDate(double, DateTimeZone) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the date's string representation of the given timestamp.
printDateTime(double) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the time's tring representation of the given timestamp.
printDateTime(double, DateTimeZone) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the time's string representation of the given timestamp.
printTimestamp(double) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the string representation of the given timestamp.
printTimestampInFormat(double, TimeFormat) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the string representation of the given timestamp in the given format.
printTimestampInFormat(double, TimeFormat, DateTimeZone) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Returns the string representation of the given timestamp in the given format.
PROPERTY - org.gephi.graph.api.Origin
put(Double, T) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
put(K, V) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Put the value at the given key.
put(Interval, T) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap


r() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Returns the red color component between zero and one.
radius() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
read(DataInput) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.Serialization
Read the input and return the read graph model.
readLock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Opens a read lock for the current thread.
readLock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphLock
Acquires the read lock.
readUnlock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Closes a read lock for the current thread.
readUnlock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphLock
Attempts to release this lock.
readUnlockAll() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Closes all read locks for the current thread.
readUnlockAll() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphLock
Release this lock by releasing all current read locks.
readWithoutVersionHeader(DataInput, float) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.Serialization
Read the input and return the read graph model without an explicit version header in the input.
Rect2D - Class in org.gephi.graph.api
Represents a 2D axis-aligned immutable rectangle.
Rect2D(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
Create a new Rect2D with the given minimum and maximum corner coordinates.
Rect2D(Rect2D) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
Create a new Rect2D as a copy of the given source .
remove() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable.EdgeIterableEmpty
remove() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable.ElementIterableEmpty
remove() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable.NodeIterableEmpty
remove(Double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
remove(Double) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
remove(K) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Remove the value at the given key.
remove(K) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Removes key from this set.
remove(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
remove(Interval) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
removeAllEdges(Collection<? extends Edge>) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Removes all edges in the collection from this graph.
removeAllEdges(Collection<? extends Edge>) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Removes a collection of edges from this subgraph.
removeAllNodes(Collection<? extends Node>) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Removes all nodes in the collection from this graph.
removeAllNodes(Collection<? extends Node>) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Removes a collection of nodes from this subgraph.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Removes the attribute at the given key.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Removes the attribute for the given key.
removeAttribute(String, double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Removes the attribute at the given key and timestamp.
removeAttribute(String, double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Removes the attribute for the given key and timestamp.
removeAttribute(String, Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Removes the attribute at the given key and interval.
removeAttribute(String, Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Removes the attribute for the given key and interval.
removeAttribute(Column) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Removes the attribute at the given column.
removeAttribute(Column, double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Removes the attribute at the given column and timestamp.
removeAttribute(Column, Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Removes the attribute at the given column and interval.
removeColumn(String) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Removes the given column based on its identifier from this table.
removeColumn(Column) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Table
Removes the given column from this table.
removeEdge(Edge) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Removes an edge from this graph.
removeEdge(Edge) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Removes an edge from this subgraph.
removeInterval(Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Removes a interval.
removeNode(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Removes a node from this graph.
removeNode(Node) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Removes a node from this subgraph.
removeTimestamp(double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Removes a timestamp.


Serialization() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.Serialization
setAlpha(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Sets the alpha (transparency) color component.
setAlpha(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Sets the alpha (transparency) component.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Sets the attribute with the given key and value.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Sets the attribute value for the given key.
setAttribute(String, Object, double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Sets the attribute at the given key and timestamp.
setAttribute(String, Object, double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Sets the attribute value for the given key and timestamp.
setAttribute(String, Object, Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Sets the attribute at the given key and interval.
setAttribute(String, Object, Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Sets the attribute value for the given key and interval.
setAttribute(Column, Object) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Sets the attribute with the given column and value.
setAttribute(Column, Object, double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Sets the attribute at the given column and timestamp.
setAttribute(Column, Object, Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Sets the attribute at the given column and interval.
setB(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Sets the blue color component.
setB(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Sets the blue color component.
setColor(Color) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Sets the color.
setColor(Color) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Sets the color.
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Sets a new configuration for this graph model.
setDimensions(float, float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Sets the text's dimensions.
setEdgeIdType(Class) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Sets the edge id type.
setEdgeLabelType(Class) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Sets the edge label type.
setEdgeWeightColumn(Boolean) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Sets whether to create an edge weight column.
setEdgeWeightType(Class) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Sets the edge weight type.
setEstimator(Estimator) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Column
Sets the estimator for this column.
setFixed(boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Sets whether to fix this node (can't move its position)
setG(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Sets the green color component.
setG(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Sets the green color component.
setLabel(String) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Element
Sets the label.
setLayoutData(LayoutData) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Sets the layout data.
setNodeIdType(Class) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Sets the node id type.
setPosition(float, float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Sets the x and y position.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Sets the x, y and z position.
setR(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementProperties
Sets the red color component.
setR(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Sets the red color component.
setSize(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Sets the size.
setSize(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Sets the size.
setText(String) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Sets the text.
setTimeFormat(TimeFormat) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Sets the time format used to display time.
setTimeInterval(GraphView, Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Sets the given time interval to the view.
setTimeRepresentation(TimeRepresentation) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Configuration
Sets the time representation.
setTimeZone(DateTimeZone) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Sets the time zone used to display time.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TextProperties
Sets the visibility.
setVisibleView(GraphView) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel
Sets the visible view.
setWeight(double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Sets the edge's weight.
setWeight(double, double) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Sets the edge's weight at the given timestamp.
setWeight(double, Interval) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Edge
Sets the edge's weight at the given interval.
setX(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Sets the x position.
setY(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Sets the y position.
setZ(float) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Sets the z position.
size() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Returns the size.
size() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
size() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
size() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Returns the size.
size() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Returns the size of this set.
size() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
size() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
SpatialIndex - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Object to query the nodes and edges of the graph in a spatial context.
standardizeValue(Object) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.AttributeUtils
Transform the given value instance in a standardized type if necessary.
Subgraph - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
A subgraph is a subset of a graph based on a graph view.


Table - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
The table is the container for columns.
TableDiff - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Interface to retrieve added, removed and modified columns from the table.
TableLock - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
TableObserver - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Observer over a table to monitor changes.
TextProperties - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Text visual properties.
TimeFormat - Enum in org.gephi.graph.api
Different representation of time.
TimeIndex<T extends Element> - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Holds an index based on time attributes.
TimeMap<K,​V> - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Interface that defines the functionalities both timestamp and interval map have.
TimeRepresentation - Enum in org.gephi.graph.api
Different time representations.
TimeSet<K> - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Interface that defines the functionalities both timestamp and interval set have.
TIMESTAMP - org.gephi.graph.api.TimeRepresentation
Timestamp representation (fixed).
TimestampBooleanMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are timestamp indices and values boolean values.
TimestampBooleanMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampBooleanMap
Default constructor.
TimestampBooleanMap(double[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampBooleanMap
Constructor with an initial timestamp map.
TimestampBooleanMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampBooleanMap
Constructor with capacity.
TimestampByteMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are timestamp and values byte values.
TimestampByteMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampByteMap
Default constructor.
TimestampByteMap(double[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampByteMap
Constructor with an initial timestamp map.
TimestampByteMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampByteMap
Constructor with capacity.
TimestampCharMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are timestamp and values character values.
TimestampCharMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampCharMap
Default constructor.
TimestampCharMap(double[], char[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampCharMap
Constructor with an initial timestamp map.
TimestampCharMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampCharMap
Constructor with capacity.
TimestampDoubleMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are timestamp and values double values.
TimestampDoubleMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampDoubleMap
Default constructor.
TimestampDoubleMap(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampDoubleMap
Constructor with an initial timestamp map.
TimestampDoubleMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampDoubleMap
Constructor with capacity.
TimestampFloatMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are timestamp and values float values.
TimestampFloatMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampFloatMap
Default constructor.
TimestampFloatMap(double[], float[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampFloatMap
Constructor with an initial timestamp map.
TimestampFloatMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampFloatMap
Constructor with capacity.
TimestampIntegerMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are timestamp and values integer values.
TimestampIntegerMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampIntegerMap
Default constructor.
TimestampIntegerMap(double[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampIntegerMap
Constructor with an initial timestamp map.
TimestampIntegerMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampIntegerMap
Constructor with capacity.
TimestampLongMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are timestamp and values long values.
TimestampLongMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampLongMap
Default constructor.
TimestampLongMap(double[], long[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampLongMap
Constructor with an initial timestamp map.
TimestampLongMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampLongMap
Constructor with capacity.
TimestampMap<T> - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Abstract class that implement a sorted map between timestamp and attribute values.
TimestampMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
Default constructor.
TimestampMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
Constructor with capacity.
TimestampSet - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted set for timestamps.
TimestampSet() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
Default constructor.
TimestampSet(double[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
Constructor with an initial timestamp set.
TimestampSet(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
Constructor with capacity.
TimestampShortMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are timestamp and values short values.
TimestampShortMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampShortMap
Default constructor.
TimestampShortMap(double[], short[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampShortMap
Constructor with an initial timestamp map.
TimestampShortMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampShortMap
Constructor with capacity.
TimestampStringMap - Class in org.gephi.graph.api.types
Sorted map where keys are timestamp and values string values.
TimestampStringMap() - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampStringMap
Default constructor.
TimestampStringMap(double[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampStringMap
Constructor with an initial timestamp map.
TimestampStringMap(int) - Constructor for class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampStringMap
Constructor with capacity.
toArray() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIterable
Returns the iterator content as an array.
toArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable.EdgeIterableEmpty
toArray() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable
Returns the iterator content as an array.
toArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable.ElementIterableEmpty
toArray() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable
Returns the iterator content as an array.
toArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable.NodeIterableEmpty
toArray() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable
Returns the iterator content as an array.
toArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
toArray() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Returns an array of all keys in this set.
toArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
toBooleanArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalBooleanMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toBooleanArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampBooleanMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toByteArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalByteMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toByteArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampByteMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toCharacterArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalCharMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toCharacterArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampCharMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toCollection() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable.EdgeIterableEmpty
toCollection() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable
Returns the iterator content as a collection.
toCollection() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable.ElementIterableEmpty
toCollection() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable
Returns the iterator content as a collection.
toCollection() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable.NodeIterableEmpty
toCollection() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable
Returns the iterator content as a collection.
toDoubleArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalDoubleMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toDoubleArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampDoubleMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toFloatArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalFloatMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toFloatArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampFloatMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toIntegerArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalIntegerMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toIntegerArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampIntegerMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toKeysArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
toKeysArray() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Returns all the keys as an array.
toKeysArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
toList() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIterable
Returns the iterator content as a list.
toLongArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalLongMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toLongArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampLongMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toPrimitiveArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
toPrimitiveArray() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Returns the same result as TimeSet.toArray() but in a primitive array if the underlying storage is in a primitive form.
toPrimitiveArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
toSet() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable.EdgeIterableEmpty
toSet() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.EdgeIterable
Returns the iterator content as a set.
toSet() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable.ElementIterableEmpty
toSet() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ElementIterable
Returns the iterator content as a set.
toSet() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable.NodeIterableEmpty
toSet() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable
Returns the iterator content as a set.
toShortArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalShortMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toShortArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampShortMap
Returns an array of all values in this map.
toString() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Interval
toString() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
toString() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
toString() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
toString() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
toString() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
toString(NumberFormat) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
toString(TimeFormat) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
toString(TimeFormat) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
toString(TimeFormat) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Returns this map as a string.
toString(TimeFormat) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Returns this set as a string.
toString(TimeFormat) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
toString(TimeFormat) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
toString(TimeFormat, DateTimeZone) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
toString(TimeFormat, DateTimeZone) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalSet
toString(TimeFormat, DateTimeZone) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Returns this map as a string.
toString(TimeFormat, DateTimeZone) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeSet
Returns this set as a string.
toString(TimeFormat, DateTimeZone) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap
toString(TimeFormat, DateTimeZone) - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet
toValuesArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.IntervalMap
toValuesArray() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap
Returns all the values as an array.
toValuesArray() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampMap


UndirectedGraph - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Undirected graph
UndirectedSubgraph - Interface in org.gephi.graph.api
Undirected subgraph.
union(Subgraph) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Subgraph
Unions the given subgraph with this sugbgraph.
unlock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.TableLock
Attempts to release this lock.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.Estimator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.Origin
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.TimeFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.TimeRepresentation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.ColumnIndex
Returns all unique values.
values() - Static method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.Estimator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.Origin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.TimeFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.gephi.graph.api.TimeRepresentation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values(Column) - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Index
Returns all unique values in the given column.


width() - Method in class org.gephi.graph.api.Rect2D
write(DataOutput, GraphModel) - Static method in class org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel.Serialization
Write graphModel to output.
writeLock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Opens a write lock for the current thread.
writeLock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphLock
Acquires the write lock.
writeUnlock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.Graph
Closes a write lock for the current thread.
writeUnlock() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.GraphLock
Attempts to release this lock.


x() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Returns the x position.


y() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Returns the y position.


z() - Method in interface org.gephi.graph.api.NodeProperties
Returns the z position.
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