Class EventsApi

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EventsApi extends AbstractApi
This class implements the client side API for the GitLab events calls.
  • Constructor Details

    • EventsApi

      public EventsApi(GitLabApi gitLabApi)
  • Method Details

    • getAuthenticatedUserEvents

      public List<Event> getAuthenticatedUserEvents(Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of events for the authenticated user.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /events
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      a list of events for the authenticated user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getAllAuthenticatedUserEvents

      public List<Event> getAllAuthenticatedUserEvents(Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of all events for the authenticated user, across all of the user's projects.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /events
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      a list of events for the authenticated user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getAuthenticatedUserEvents

      public List<Event> getAuthenticatedUserEvents(Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, int page, int perPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of events for the authenticated user and in the specified page range.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /events
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      page - the page to get
      perPage - the number of projects per page
      a list of events for the authenticated user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getAuthenticatedUserEvents

      public List<Event> getAuthenticatedUserEvents(Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, int page, int perPage, Constants.EventScope scope) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of events for the authenticated user and in the specified page range.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /events
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      page - the page to get
      perPage - the number of projects per page
      scope - include all events across a user’s projects, optional
      a list of events for the authenticated user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getAuthenticatedUserEvents

      public Pager<Event> getAuthenticatedUserEvents(Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of events for the authenticated user and in the specified page range.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /events
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      itemsPerPage - the number of Event instances that will be fetched per page
      a Pager of events for the authenticated user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getAuthenticatedUserEvents

      public Pager<Event> getAuthenticatedUserEvents(Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, int itemsPerPage, Constants.EventScope scope) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of events for the authenticated user and in the specified page range.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /events
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      itemsPerPage - the number of Event instances that will be fetched per page
      scope - include all events across a user’s projects, optional
      a Pager of events for the authenticated user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getAuthenticatedUserEventsStream

      public Stream<Event> getAuthenticatedUserEventsStream(Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Stream of events for the authenticated user.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /events
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      a Stream of events for the authenticated user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getAllAuthenticatedUserEventsStream

      public Stream<Event> getAllAuthenticatedUserEventsStream(Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Stream of all events for the authenticated user, across all of the user's projects.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /events
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      a Stream of events for the authenticated user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getUserEvents

      public List<Event> getUserEvents(Object userIdOrUsername, Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of events for the specified user.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /users/:userId/events
      userIdOrUsername - the user ID, username of the user, or a User instance holding the user ID or username
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      a list of events for the specified user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getUserEvents

      public List<Event> getUserEvents(Object userIdOrUsername, Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, int page, int perPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of events for the specified user and in the specified page range.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /users/:userId/events
      userIdOrUsername - the user ID, username of the user, or a User instance holding the user ID or username
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      page - the page to get
      perPage - the number of projects per page
      a list of events for the specified user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getUserEvents

      public Pager<Event> getUserEvents(Object userIdOrUsername, Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of events for the specified user and in the specified page range.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /users/:userId/events
      userIdOrUsername - the user ID, username of the user, or a User instance holding the user ID or username
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      itemsPerPage - the number of Event instances that will be fetched per page
      a Pager of events for the specified user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getUserEventsStream

      public Stream<Event> getUserEventsStream(Object userIdOrUsername, Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Stream of events for the specified user.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /users/:userId/events
      userIdOrUsername - the user ID, username of the user, or a User instance holding the user ID or username
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      a Stream of events for the specified user and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getProjectEvents

      public List<Event> getProjectEvents(Object projectIdOrPath, Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of events for the specified project.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /:projectId/events
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      a list of events for the specified project and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getProjectEvents

      public List<Event> getProjectEvents(Object projectIdOrPath, Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, int page, int perPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of events for the specified project and in the specified page range.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:projectId/events
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      page - the page to get
      perPage - the number of projects per page
      a list of events for the specified project and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getProjectEvents

      public Pager<Event> getProjectEvents(Object projectIdOrPath, Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of events for the specified project and in the specified page range.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:projectId/events
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      itemsPerPage - the number of Event instances that will be fetched per page
      a Pager of events for the specified project and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getProjectEventsStream

      public Stream<Event> getProjectEventsStream(Object projectIdOrPath, Constants.ActionType action, Constants.TargetType targetType, Date before, Date after, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Stream of events for the specified project.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /:projectId/events
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      action - include only events of a particular action type, optional
      targetType - include only events of a particular target type, optional
      before - include only events created before a particular date, optional
      after - include only events created after a particular date, optional
      sortOrder - sort events in ASC or DESC order by created_at. Default is DESC, optional
      a Stream of events for the specified project and matching the supplied parameters
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs