Class GitLabApiClient

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GitLabApiClient extends Object implements AutoCloseable
This class utilizes the Jersey client package to communicate with a GitLab API endpoint.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected static final String
    protected static final String
    protected static final String
    protected static final String
  • Constructor Summary

    GitLabApiClient(String hostUrl, String privateToken)
    Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using GitLab API version 4, and the specified server URL, private token, and secret token.
    GitLabApiClient(String hostUrl, String privateToken, String secretToken)
    Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using GitLab API version 4, and the specified server URL, private token, and secret token.
    GitLabApiClient(String hostUrl, String privateToken, String secretToken, Map<String,Object> clientConfigProperties)
    Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using GitLab API version 4, and the specified server URL and private token.
    GitLabApiClient(String hostUrl, Constants.TokenType tokenType, String authToken)
    Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using GitLab API version 4, and the specified server URL, private token, and secret token.
    GitLabApiClient(String hostUrl, Constants.TokenType tokenType, String authToken, String secretToken)
    Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using GitLab API version 4, and the specified server URL, private token, and secret token.
    GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, String privateToken)
    Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL, private token, and secret token.
    GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, String privateToken, String secretToken)
    Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL, private token, and secret token.
    GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, String privateToken, String secretToken, Map<String,Object> clientConfigProperties)
    Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL and private token.
    GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, Constants.TokenType tokenType, String authToken)
    Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL, auth token type, private or access token, and secret token.
    GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, Constants.TokenType tokenType, String authToken, String secretToken)
    Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL, private token, and secret token.
    GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, Constants.TokenType tokenType, String authToken, String secretToken, Map<String,Object> clientConfigProperties)
    Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL and private token.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Close the underlying Client and its associated resources.
    delete(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP DELETE call with the specified form data and path objects, returning a Response instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    delete(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
    Perform an HTTP DELETE call with the specified form data and URL, returning a Response instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    get(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP GET call with the specified query parameters and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    get(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
    Perform an HTTP GET call with the specified query parameters and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    protected URL
    getApiUrl(Object... pathArgs)
    Construct a REST URL with the specified path arguments.
    Returns true if the API is setup to ignore SSL certificate errors, otherwise returns false.
    protected URL
    getUrlWithBase(Object... pathArgs)
    Construct a REST URL with the specified path arguments using Gitlab base url.
    getWithAccepts(<String,String> queryParams, String accepts, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP GET call with the specified query parameters and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    getWithAccepts(<String,String> queryParams, URL url, String accepts)
    Perform an HTTP GET call with the specified query parameters and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    head(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP HEAD call with the specified query parameters and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    head(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
    Perform an HTTP HEAD call with the specified query parameters and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    invocation(URL url,<String,String> queryParams)
    invocation(URL url,<String,String> queryParams, String accept)
    patch(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP PATCH call with the specified query parameters and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    patch(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
    Perform an HTTP PATCH call with the specified query parameters and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    post( formData, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified form data and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    post( formData, URL url)
    Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified form data and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    post(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified form data and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    post(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
    Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified form data and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    post( stream, String mediaType, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified StreamingOutput, MediaType, and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    post(Object payload, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified payload object and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    put( formData, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP PUT call with the specified form data and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    put( formData, URL url)
    Perform an HTTP PUT call with the specified form data and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    put(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP PUT call with the specified form data and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    put(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
    Perform an HTTP PUT call with the specified form data and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    put(Object payload, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform an HTTP PUT call with the specified payload object and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    putUpload(String name, File fileToUpload, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform a file upload using multipart/form-data using the HTTP PUT method, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    putUpload(String name, File fileToUpload, URL url)
    Perform a file upload using multipart/form-data using the HTTP PUT method, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    setAuthTokenSupplier(Supplier<String> authTokenSupplier)
    Set auth token supplier for gitlab api client.
    setIgnoreCertificateErrors(boolean ignoreCertificateErrors)
    Sets up the Jersey system ignore SSL certificate errors or not.
    upload(String name, File fileToUpload, String mediaTypeString, formData, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform a file upload using the specified media type, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    upload(String name, File fileToUpload, String mediaTypeString, formData, URL url)
    Perform a file upload using multipart/form-data, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    upload(String name, File fileToUpload, String mediaTypeString, Object... pathArgs)
    Perform a file upload using the specified media type, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
    upload(String name, InputStream inputStream, String filename, String mediaTypeString, formData, URL url)
    upload(String name, InputStream inputStream, String filename, String mediaTypeString, Object... pathArgs)
    upload( bodyPart, formData, URL url)
    protected boolean
    validateSecretToken( response)
    Validates the secret token (X-GitLab-Token) header against the expected secret token, returns true if valid, otherwise returns false.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • GitLabApiClient

      public GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, String privateToken)
      Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL, private token, and secret token.
      apiVersion - the ApiVersion specifying which version of the API to use
      hostUrl - the URL to the GitLab API server
      privateToken - the private token to authenticate with
    • GitLabApiClient

      public GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, Constants.TokenType tokenType, String authToken)
      Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL, auth token type, private or access token, and secret token.
      apiVersion - the ApiVersion specifying which version of the API to use
      hostUrl - the URL to the GitLab API server
      tokenType - the type of auth the token is for, PRIVATE or ACCESS
      authToken - the token to authenticate with
    • GitLabApiClient

      public GitLabApiClient(String hostUrl, String privateToken)
      Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using GitLab API version 4, and the specified server URL, private token, and secret token.
      hostUrl - the URL to the GitLab API server
      privateToken - the private token to authenticate with
    • GitLabApiClient

      public GitLabApiClient(String hostUrl, Constants.TokenType tokenType, String authToken)
      Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using GitLab API version 4, and the specified server URL, private token, and secret token.
      hostUrl - the URL to the GitLab API server
      tokenType - the type of auth the token is for, PRIVATE or ACCESS
      authToken - the token to authenticate with
    • GitLabApiClient

      public GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, String privateToken, String secretToken)
      Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL, private token, and secret token.
      apiVersion - the ApiVersion specifying which version of the API to use
      hostUrl - the URL to the GitLab API server
      privateToken - the private token to authenticate with
      secretToken - use this token to validate received payloads
    • GitLabApiClient

      public GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, Constants.TokenType tokenType, String authToken, String secretToken)
      Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL, private token, and secret token.
      apiVersion - the ApiVersion specifying which version of the API to use
      hostUrl - the URL to the GitLab API server
      tokenType - the type of auth the token is for, PRIVATE or ACCESS
      authToken - the token to authenticate with
      secretToken - use this token to validate received payloads
    • GitLabApiClient

      public GitLabApiClient(String hostUrl, String privateToken, String secretToken)
      Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using GitLab API version 4, and the specified server URL, private token, and secret token.
      hostUrl - the URL to the GitLab API server
      privateToken - the private token to authenticate with
      secretToken - use this token to validate received payloads
    • GitLabApiClient

      public GitLabApiClient(String hostUrl, Constants.TokenType tokenType, String authToken, String secretToken)
      Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using GitLab API version 4, and the specified server URL, private token, and secret token.
      hostUrl - the URL to the GitLab API server
      tokenType - the type of auth the token is for, PRIVATE or ACCESS
      authToken - the token to authenticate with
      secretToken - use this token to validate received payloads
    • GitLabApiClient

      public GitLabApiClient(String hostUrl, String privateToken, String secretToken, Map<String,Object> clientConfigProperties)
      Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using GitLab API version 4, and the specified server URL and private token.
      hostUrl - the URL to the GitLab API server
      privateToken - the private token to authenticate with
      secretToken - use this token to validate received payloads
      clientConfigProperties - the properties given to Jersey's clientconfig
    • GitLabApiClient

      public GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, String privateToken, String secretToken, Map<String,Object> clientConfigProperties)
      Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL and private token.
      apiVersion - the ApiVersion specifying which version of the API to use
      hostUrl - the URL to the GitLab API server
      privateToken - the private token to authenticate with
      secretToken - use this token to validate received payloads
      clientConfigProperties - the properties given to Jersey's clientconfig
    • GitLabApiClient

      public GitLabApiClient(GitLabApi.ApiVersion apiVersion, String hostUrl, Constants.TokenType tokenType, String authToken, String secretToken, Map<String,Object> clientConfigProperties)
      Construct an instance to communicate with a GitLab API server using the specified GitLab API version, server URL and private token.
      apiVersion - the ApiVersion specifying which version of the API to use
      hostUrl - the URL to the GitLab API server
      tokenType - the type of auth the token is for, PRIVATE or ACCESS
      authToken - the private token to authenticate with
      secretToken - use this token to validate received payloads
      clientConfigProperties - the properties given to Jersey's clientconfig
  • Method Details

    • close

      public void close()
      Close the underlying Client and its associated resources.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • getApiUrl

      protected URL getApiUrl(Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Construct a REST URL with the specified path arguments.
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a REST URL with the specified path arguments
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • getUrlWithBase

      protected URL getUrlWithBase(Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Construct a REST URL with the specified path arguments using Gitlab base url.
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a REST URL with the specified path arguments
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • validateSecretToken

      protected boolean validateSecretToken( response)
      Validates the secret token (X-GitLab-Token) header against the expected secret token, returns true if valid, otherwise returns false.
      response - the Response instance sent from the GitLab server
      true if the response's secret token is valid, otherwise returns false
    • get

      protected get(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP GET call with the specified query parameters and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • get

      protected get(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
      Perform an HTTP GET call with the specified query parameters and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      url - the fully formed path to the GitLab API endpoint
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
    • getWithAccepts

      protected getWithAccepts(<String,String> queryParams, String accepts, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP GET call with the specified query parameters and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      accepts - if non-empty will set the Accepts header to this value
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • getWithAccepts

      protected getWithAccepts(<String,String> queryParams, URL url, String accepts)
      Perform an HTTP GET call with the specified query parameters and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      url - the fully formed path to the GitLab API endpoint
      accepts - if non-empty will set the Accepts header to this value
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
    • head

      protected head(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP HEAD call with the specified query parameters and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • head

      protected head(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
      Perform an HTTP HEAD call with the specified query parameters and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      url - the fully formed path to the GitLab API endpoint
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
    • patch

      protected patch(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP PATCH call with the specified query parameters and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • patch

      protected patch(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
      Perform an HTTP PATCH call with the specified query parameters and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      url - the fully formed path to the GitLab API endpoint
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
    • post

      protected post( formData, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified form data and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      formData - the Form containing the name/value pairs
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • post

      protected post(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified form data and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a Response instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • post

      protected post( formData, URL url)
      Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified form data and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      formData - the Form containing the name/value pairs
      url - the fully formed path to the GitLab API endpoint
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
    • post

      protected post(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
      Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified form data and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parametersformData the Form containing the name/value pairs
      url - the fully formed path to the GitLab API endpoint
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
    • post

      protected post(Object payload, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified payload object and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      payload - the object instance that will be serialized to JSON and used as the POST data
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • post

      protected post( stream, String mediaType, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP POST call with the specified StreamingOutput, MediaType, and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      stream - the StreamingOutput instance that contains the POST data
      mediaType - the content-type of the POST data
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • upload

      protected upload(String name, File fileToUpload, String mediaTypeString, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform a file upload using the specified media type, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      name - the name for the form field that contains the file name
      fileToUpload - a File instance pointing to the file to upload
      mediaTypeString - unused; will be removed in the next major version
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • upload

      protected upload(String name, File fileToUpload, String mediaTypeString, formData, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform a file upload using the specified media type, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      name - the name for the form field that contains the file name
      fileToUpload - a File instance pointing to the file to upload
      mediaTypeString - unused; will be removed in the next major version
      formData - the Form containing the name/value pairs
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • upload

      protected upload(String name, File fileToUpload, String mediaTypeString, formData, URL url) throws IOException
      Perform a file upload using multipart/form-data, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      name - the name for the form field that contains the file name
      fileToUpload - a File instance pointing to the file to upload
      mediaTypeString - unused; will be removed in the next major version
      formData - the Form containing the name/value pairs
      url - the fully formed path to the GitLab API endpoint
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • upload

      protected upload(String name, InputStream inputStream, String filename, String mediaTypeString, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
    • upload

      protected upload(String name, InputStream inputStream, String filename, String mediaTypeString, formData, URL url) throws IOException
    • upload

      protected upload( bodyPart, formData, URL url) throws IOException
    • putUpload

      protected putUpload(String name, File fileToUpload, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform a file upload using multipart/form-data using the HTTP PUT method, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      name - the name for the form field that contains the file name
      fileToUpload - a File instance pointing to the file to upload
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • putUpload

      protected putUpload(String name, File fileToUpload, URL url) throws IOException
      Perform a file upload using multipart/form-data using the HTTP PUT method, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      name - the name for the form field that contains the file name
      fileToUpload - a File instance pointing to the file to upload
      url - the fully formed path to the GitLab API endpoint
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • put

      protected put(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP PUT call with the specified form data and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • put

      protected put(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
      Perform an HTTP PUT call with the specified form data and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      url - the fully formed path to the GitLab API endpoint
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
    • put

      protected put( formData, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP PUT call with the specified form data and path objects, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      formData - the Form containing the name/value pairs
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • put

      protected put( formData, URL url)
      Perform an HTTP PUT call with the specified form data and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      formData - the Form containing the name/value pairs
      url - the fully formed path to the GitLab API endpoint
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
    • put

      protected put(Object payload, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP PUT call with the specified payload object and URL, returning a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      payload - the object instance that will be serialized to JSON and used as the PUT data
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a ClientResponse instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • delete

      protected delete(<String,String> queryParams, Object... pathArgs) throws IOException
      Perform an HTTP DELETE call with the specified form data and path objects, returning a Response instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      pathArgs - variable list of arguments used to build the URI
      a Response instance with the data returned from the endpoint
      IOException - if an error occurs while constructing the URL
    • delete

      protected delete(<String,String> queryParams, URL url)
      Perform an HTTP DELETE call with the specified form data and URL, returning a Response instance with the data returned from the endpoint.
      queryParams - multivalue map of request parameters
      url - the fully formed path to the GitLab API endpoint
      a Response instance with the data returned from the endpoint
    • invocation

      protected invocation(URL url,<String,String> queryParams)
    • createApiClient

      protected createApiClient()
    • invocation

      protected invocation(URL url,<String,String> queryParams, String accept)
    • getIgnoreCertificateErrors

      public boolean getIgnoreCertificateErrors()
      Returns true if the API is setup to ignore SSL certificate errors, otherwise returns false.
      true if the API is setup to ignore SSL certificate errors, otherwise returns false
    • setIgnoreCertificateErrors

      public void setIgnoreCertificateErrors(boolean ignoreCertificateErrors)
      Sets up the Jersey system ignore SSL certificate errors or not.
      ignoreCertificateErrors - if true will set up the Jersey system ignore SSL certificate errors
    • setAuthTokenSupplier

      public void setAuthTokenSupplier(Supplier<String> authTokenSupplier)
      Set auth token supplier for gitlab api client.
      authTokenSupplier - - supplier which provide actual auth token