Class ImportExportApi

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ImportExportApi extends AbstractApi
This class provides an entry point to all the GitLab API project import/export calls.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ImportExportApi

      public ImportExportApi(GitLabApi gitLabApi)
  • Method Details

    • scheduleExport

      public void scheduleExport(Object projectIdOrPath) throws GitLabApiException
      Schedule an export.
      GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/export
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • scheduleExport

      public void scheduleExport(Object projectIdOrPath, String description) throws GitLabApiException
      Schedule an export.
      GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/export
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      description - overrides the project description, optional
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • scheduleExport

      public void scheduleExport(Object projectIdOrPath, String description, Map<String,String> upload, String uploadUrl, String uploadHttpMethod) throws GitLabApiException
      Schedule an export.
      GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/export
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      description - overrides the project description, optional
      upload - Mao that contains the information to upload the exported project to a web server
      uploadUrl - the URL to upload the project
      uploadHttpMethod - the HTTP method to upload the exported project. Only PUT and POST methods allowed. Default is PUT
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getExportStatus

      public ExportStatus getExportStatus(Object projectIdOrPath) throws GitLabApiException
      Get the status of export.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/export
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      an ExportStatus instance holding information on the export status
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • downloadExport

      public File downloadExport(Object projectIdOrPath, File directory) throws GitLabApiException
      Download the finished export.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/export/download
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      directory - the File instance of the directory to save the export file to, if null will use ""
      a File instance pointing to the download of the project export file
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • downloadExport

      public File downloadExport(Object projectIdOrPath, File directory, String filename) throws GitLabApiException
      Download the finished export.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/export/download
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      directory - the File instance of the directory to save the export file to, if null will use ""
      filename - Name to give to the downloaded file. If null then we try to get from Content-Disposition header or to compute one from parameters
      a File instance pointing to the download of the project export file
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • startImport

      public ImportStatus startImport(Object namespaceIdOrPath, File exportFile, String path, Boolean overwrite, Project overrideParams) throws GitLabApiException

      Import an exported project. The following properties on the Project instance are utilized in the creation of the new project:

      • defaultBranch (optional) - master by default
      • description (optional) - short project description
      • visibility (optional) - Limit by visibility public, internal, or private
      • visibilityLevel (optional)
      • issuesEnabled (optional) - Enable issues for this project
      • mergeMethod (optional) - Set the merge method used
      • mergeRequestsEnabled (optional) - Enable merge requests for this project
      • wikiEnabled (optional) - Enable wiki for this project
      • snippetsEnabled (optional) - Enable snippets for this project
      • jobsEnabled (optional) - Enable jobs for this project
      • containerRegistryEnabled (optional) - Enable container registry for this project
      • sharedRunnersEnabled (optional) - Enable shared runners for this project
      • publicJobs (optional) - If true, jobs can be viewed by non-project-members
      • onlyAllowMergeIfPipelineSucceeds (optional) - Set whether merge requests can only be merged with successful jobs
      • onlyAllowMergeIfAllDiscussionsAreResolved (optional) - Set whether merge requests can only be merged when all the discussions are resolved
      • lfsEnabled (optional) - Enable LFS
      • requestAccessEnabled (optional) - Allow users to request member access
      • repositoryStorage (optional) - Which storage shard the repository is on. Available only to admins
      • approvalsBeforeMerge (optional) - How many approvers should approve merge request by default
      • printingMergeRequestLinkEnabled (optional) - Show link to create/view merge request when pushing from the command line
      • resolveOutdatedDiffDiscussions (optional) - Automatically resolve merge request diffs discussions on lines changed with a push
      • initialize_with_readme (optional) - Initialize project with README file
      • packagesEnabled (optional) - Enable or disable mvn packages repository feature
      GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/import
      namespaceIdOrPath - the ID or path of the namespace that the project will be imported to. Defaults to the current user’s namespace
      exportFile - the project export file to be imported
      path - the name and path for the new project
      overwrite - if there is a project with the same path the import will overwrite it. Defaults to false
      overrideParams - overriding project params, supports all fields defined by the ProjectApi, optional
      an Importstatus instance with info for the project being imported to
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getImportStatus

      public ImportStatus getImportStatus(Object projectIdOrPath) throws GitLabApiException
      Get the status of an import.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/import
      projectIdOrPath - the new (imported) project identifier in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      an ImportStatus instance holding information on the import status
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs