Class NotesApi

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NotesApi extends AbstractApi
  • Constructor Details

    • NotesApi

      public NotesApi(GitLabApi gitLabApi)
  • Method Details

    • getNotes

      @Deprecated public List<Note> getNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid) throws GitLabApiException
      As of release 4.7.0, replaced by getIssueNotes(Object, Long)
      Get a list of the issues's notes.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      issueIid - the issue ID to get the notes for
      a list of the issues's notes
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getNotes

      @Deprecated public List<Note> getNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid, int page, int perPage) throws GitLabApiException
      As of release 4.7.0, replaced by getIssueNotes(Object, Long, int, int)
      Get a list of the issue's notes using the specified page and per page settings.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      issueIid - the issue IID to get the notes for
      page - the page to get
      perPage - the number of notes per page
      the list of notes in the specified range
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getNotes

      @Deprecated public Pager<Note> getNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException
      As of release 4.7.0, replaced by getIssueNotes(Object, Long, int)
      Get a Pager of issues's notes.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      issueIid - the issue IID to get the notes for
      itemsPerPage - the number of notes per page
      the list of notes in the specified range
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getIssueNotes

      public List<Note> getIssueNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of the issues's notes.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      issueIid - the issue ID to get the notes for
      a list of the issues's notes
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getIssueNotes

      public List<Note> getIssueNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid, int page, int perPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of the issue's notes using the specified page and per page settings.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      issueIid - the issue IID to get the notes for
      page - the page to get
      perPage - the number of notes per page
      the list of notes in the specified range
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getIssueNotes

      public Pager<Note> getIssueNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Pager of issues's notes.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      issueIid - the issue IID to get the notes for
      itemsPerPage - the number of notes per page
      the list of notes in the specified range
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getIssueNotesStream

      public Stream<Note> getIssueNotesStream(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Stream of the issues's notes.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      issueIid - the issue ID to get the notes for
      a Stream of the issues's notes
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getIssueNote

      public Note getIssueNote(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid, Long noteId) throws GitLabApiException
      Get the specified issues's note.
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      issueIid - the issue IID to get the notes for
      noteId - the ID of the Note to get
      a Note instance for the specified IDs
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • createIssueNote

      public Note createIssueNote(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid, String body) throws GitLabApiException
      Create a issues's note.
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance @param projectIdOrPath the project ID to create the issues for
      issueIid - the issue IID to create the notes for
      body - the content of note
      the created Note instance
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • createIssueNote

      public Note createIssueNote(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid, String body, Date createdAt) throws GitLabApiException
      Create a issues's note.
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      issueIid - the issue IID to create the notes for
      body - the content of note
      createdAt - the created time of note
      the created Note instance
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • updateIssueNote

      public Note updateIssueNote(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid, Long noteId, String body) throws GitLabApiException
      Update the specified issues's note.
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      issueIid - the issue IID to update the notes for
      noteId - the ID of the node to update
      body - the update content for the Note
      the modified Note instance
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • deleteIssueNote

      public void deleteIssueNote(Object projectIdOrPath, Long issueIid, Long noteId) throws GitLabApiException
      Delete the specified issues's note.
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      issueIid - the issue IID to delete the notes for
      noteId - the ID of the node to delete
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getMergeRequestNotes

      public List<Note> getMergeRequestNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid) throws GitLabApiException
      Gets a list of all notes for a single merge request
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the issue ID to get the notes for
      a list of the merge request's notes
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getMergeRequestNotes

      public List<Note> getMergeRequestNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, Note.OrderBy orderBy) throws GitLabApiException
      Gets a list of all notes for a single merge request.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the issue ID to get the notes for
      sortOrder - return merge request notes sorted in the specified sort order, default is DESC
      orderBy - return merge request notes ordered by CREATED_AT or UPDATED_AT, default is CREATED_AT
      a list of the merge request's notes
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getMergeRequestNotes

      public List<Note> getMergeRequestNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid, int page, int perPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Gets a list of all notes for a single merge request using the specified page and per page settings.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the merge request IID to get the notes for
      page - the page to get
      perPage - the number of notes per page
      the list of notes in the specified range
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getMergeRequestNotes

      public List<Note> getMergeRequestNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, Note.OrderBy orderBy, int page, int perPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Gets a list of all notes for a single merge request using the specified page and per page settings.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the merge request IID to get the notes for
      sortOrder - return merge request notes sorted in the specified sort order, default is DESC
      orderBy - return merge request notes ordered by CREATED_AT or UPDATED_AT, default is CREATED_AT
      page - the page to get
      perPage - the number of notes per page
      the list of notes in the specified range
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getMergeRequestNotes

      public Pager<Note> getMergeRequestNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Pager of all notes for a single merge request
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the merge request IID to get the notes for
      itemsPerPage - the number of notes per page
      the list of notes in the specified range
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getMergeRequestNotesStream

      public Stream<Note> getMergeRequestNotesStream(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid) throws GitLabApiException
      Gets a Stream of all notes for a single merge request
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the issue ID to get the notes for
      a Stream of the merge request's notes
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getMergeRequestNotes

      public Pager<Note> getMergeRequestNotes(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, Note.OrderBy orderBy, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Pager of all notes for a single merge request
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the merge request IID to get the notes for
      sortOrder - return merge request notes sorted in the specified sort order, default is DESC
      orderBy - return merge request notes ordered by CREATED_AT or UPDATED_AT, default is CREATED_AT
      itemsPerPage - the number of notes per page
      the list of notes in the specified range
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getMergeRequestNotesStream

      public Stream<Note> getMergeRequestNotesStream(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid, Constants.SortOrder sortOrder, Note.OrderBy orderBy) throws GitLabApiException
      Gets a Stream of all notes for a single merge request.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the issue ID to get the notes for
      sortOrder - return merge request notes sorted in the specified sort order, default is DESC
      orderBy - return merge request notes ordered by CREATED_AT or UPDATED_AT, default is CREATED_AT
      a Stream of the merge request's notes
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getMergeRequestNote

      public Note getMergeRequestNote(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid, Long noteId) throws GitLabApiException
      Get the specified merge request's note.
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the merge request IID to get the notes for
      noteId - the ID of the Note to get
      a Note instance for the specified IDs
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • createMergeRequestNote

      public Note createMergeRequestNote(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid, String body) throws GitLabApiException
      Create a merge request's note.
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the merge request IID to create the notes for
      body - the content of note
      the created Note instance
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • updateMergeRequestNote

      public Note updateMergeRequestNote(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid, Long noteId, String body) throws GitLabApiException
      Update the specified merge request's note.
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the merge request IID to update the notes for
      noteId - the ID of the node to update
      body - the update content for the Note
      the modified Note instance
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • deleteMergeRequestNote

      public void deleteMergeRequestNote(Object projectIdOrPath, Long mergeRequestIid, Long noteId) throws GitLabApiException
      Delete the specified merge request's note.
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      mergeRequestIid - the merge request IID to delete the notes for
      noteId - the ID of the node to delete
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs