Class PackagesApi

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PackagesApi extends AbstractApi

This class implements the client side API for the GitLab Packages API. See Packages API at GitLab for more information.

NOTE: This API is not available in the Community edition of GitLab.
  • Constructor Details

    • PackagesApi

      public PackagesApi(GitLabApi gitLabApi)
  • Method Details

    • getPackages

      public List<Package> getPackages(Object projectIdOrPath) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of project packages. Both Maven and NPM packages are included in results. When accessed without authentication, only packages of public projects are returned.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/packages
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      a list of pages in the project's packages
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getPackages

      public List<Package> getPackages(Object projectIdOrPath, int page, int perPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of project packages for the specified page. Both Maven and NPM packages are included in results. When accessed without authentication, only packages of public projects are returned.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/packages
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      page - the page to get
      perPage - the number of Package instances per page
      a list of project packages for the specified range
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getPackages

      public Pager<Package> getPackages(Object projectIdOrPath, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Pager of project packages. Both Maven and NPM packages are included in results. When accessed without authentication, only packages of public projects are returned.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/packages
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      itemsPerPage - the number of Package instances per page
      a Pager of project packages for the specified range
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getPackages

      public Pager<Package> getPackages(Object projectIdOrPath, PackageFilter filter, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Pager of project packages. Both Maven and NPM packages are included in results. When accessed without authentication, only packages of public projects are returned.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/packages
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      filter - the PackageFilter instance holding the filter values for the query
      itemsPerPage - the number of Package instances per page
      a Pager of project packages for the specified range
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getPackagesStream

      public Stream<Package> getPackagesStream(Object projectIdOrPath) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Stream of project packages. Both Maven and NPM packages are included in results. When accessed without authentication, only packages of public projects are returned.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/packages
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      a Stream of pages in the project's packages
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getPackagesStream

      public Stream<Package> getPackagesStream(Object projectIdOrPath, PackageFilter filter) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Stream of project packages. Both Maven and NPM packages are included in results. When accessed without authentication, only packages of public projects are returned.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/packages
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      filter - the PackageFilter instance holding the filter values for the query
      a Stream of pages in the project's packages
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getPackage

      public Package getPackage(Object projectIdOrPath, Long packageId) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a single project package.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/packages/:package_id
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      packageId - the ID of the package to get
      a Package instance for the specified package ID
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getPackageFiles

      public List<PackageFile> getPackageFiles(Object projectIdOrPath, Long packageId) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of package files of a single package.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/packages/:package_id/package_files
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      packageId - the ID of the package to get the package files for
      a list of PackageFile instances for the specified package ID
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getPackageFiles

      public List<PackageFile> getPackageFiles(Object projectIdOrPath, Long packageId, int page, int perPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a list of package files of a single package for the specified page.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/packages/:package_id/package_files
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      packageId - the ID of the package to get the package files for
      page - the page to get
      perPage - the number of PackageFile instances per page
      a list of PackageFile instances for the specified package ID
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getPackageFiles

      public Pager<PackageFile> getPackageFiles(Object projectIdOrPath, Long packageId, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Pager of project package files.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/packages/:package_id/package_files
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      packageId - the ID of the package to get the package files for
      itemsPerPage - the number of PackageFile instances per page
      a Pager of PackageFile instances for the specified package ID
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getPackagesStream

      public Stream<PackageFile> getPackagesStream(Object projectIdOrPath, Long packageId) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a Stream of project package files.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/packages/:package_id/package_files
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      packageId - the ID of the package to get the package files for
      a Stream of PackageFile instances for the specified package ID
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • deletePackage

      public void deletePackage(Object projectIdOrPath, Long packageId) throws GitLabApiException
      Deletes a project package.
      GitLab Endpoint: DELETE /projects/:id/packages/:package_id
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      packageId - the ID of the package to delete
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs