Class ProtectedBranchesApi

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProtectedBranchesApi extends AbstractApi
This class provides an entry point to all the Protected Branches API calls.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProtectedBranchesApi

      public ProtectedBranchesApi(GitLabApi gitLabApi)
  • Method Details

    • getProtectedBranches

      public List<ProtectedBranch> getProtectedBranches(Object projectIdOrPath) throws GitLabApiException
      Gets a list of protected branches from a project.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/protected_branches
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      the list of protected branches for the project
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getProtectedBranches

      public Pager<ProtectedBranch> getProtectedBranches(Object projectIdOrPath, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException
      Gets a Pager of protected branches from a project.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/protected_branches
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      itemsPerPage - the number of instances that will be fetched per page
      the Pager of protected branches for the project
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getProtectedBranchesStream

      public Stream<ProtectedBranch> getProtectedBranchesStream(Object projectIdOrPath) throws GitLabApiException
      Gets a Stream of protected branches from a project.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/protected_branches
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      the Stream of protected branches for the project
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getProtectedBranch

      public ProtectedBranch getProtectedBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName) throws GitLabApiException
      Get a single protected branch or wildcard protected branch.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/protected_branches/:branch_name
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      branchName - the name of the branch or wildcard
      a ProtectedBranch instance with info on the protected branch
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • getOptionalProtectedBranch

      public Optional<ProtectedBranch> getOptionalProtectedBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName)
      Get an Optional instance with the value for the specific protected branch.
      GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/protected_branches/:branch_name
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      branchName - the name of the branch or wildcard
      an Optional instance with the specified protected branch as a value
    • unprotectBranch

      public void unprotectBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName) throws GitLabApiException
      Unprotects the given protected branch or wildcard protected branch.
      GitLab Endpoint: DELETE /projects/:id/protected_branches/:name
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      branchName - the name of the branch to un-protect, can be a wildcard
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • protectBranch

      public ProtectedBranch protectBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName) throws GitLabApiException
      Protects a single repository branch or several project repository branches using a wildcard protected branch.
      GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/protected_branches
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      branchName - the name of the branch to protect, can be a wildcard
      the branch info for the protected branch
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • protectBranch

      public ProtectedBranch protectBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName, AccessLevel pushAccessLevel, AccessLevel mergeAccessLevel) throws GitLabApiException
      Protects a single repository branch or several project repository branches using a wildcard protected branch.
      GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/protected_branches
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      branchName - the name of the branch to protect, can be a wildcard
      pushAccessLevel - Access levels allowed to push (defaults: 40, maintainer access level)
      mergeAccessLevel - Access levels allowed to merge (defaults: 40, maintainer access level)
      the branch info for the protected branch
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • protectBranch

      public ProtectedBranch protectBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName, AccessLevel pushAccessLevel, AccessLevel mergeAccessLevel, AccessLevel unprotectAccessLevel, Boolean codeOwnerApprovalRequired) throws GitLabApiException
      Protects a single repository branch or several project repository branches using a wildcard protected branch.
      GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/protected_branches
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      branchName - the name of the branch to protect, can be a wildcard
      pushAccessLevel - access levels allowed to push (defaults: 40, maintainer access level)
      mergeAccessLevel - access levels allowed to merge (defaults: 40, maintainer access level)
      unprotectAccessLevel - access levels allowed to unprotect (defaults: 40, maintainer access level)
      codeOwnerApprovalRequired - prevent pushes to this branch if it matches an item in the CODEOWNERS file. (defaults: false)
      the branch info for the protected branch
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • protectBranch

      public ProtectedBranch protectBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName, Integer allowedToPushUserId, Integer allowedToMergeUserId, Integer allowedToUnprotectUserId, Boolean codeOwnerApprovalRequired) throws GitLabApiException
      Protects a single repository branch or several project repository branches using a wildcard protected branch.

      NOTE: This method is only available to GitLab Starter, Bronze, or higher.

      GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/protected_branches
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      branchName - the name of the branch to protect, can be a wildcard
      allowedToPushUserId - user ID allowed to push, can be null
      allowedToMergeUserId - user ID allowed to merge, can be null
      allowedToUnprotectUserId - user ID allowed to unprotect, can be null
      codeOwnerApprovalRequired - prevent pushes to this branch if it matches an item in the CODEOWNERS file. (defaults: false)
      the branch info for the protected branch
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • protectBranch

      public ProtectedBranch protectBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName, AllowedTo allowedToPush, AllowedTo allowedToMerge, AllowedTo allowedToUnprotect, Boolean codeOwnerApprovalRequired) throws GitLabApiException
      Protects a single repository branch or several project repository branches using a wildcard protected branch.

      NOTE: This method is only available to GitLab Starter, Bronze, or higher.

      GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/protected_branches
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      branchName - the name of the branch to protect, can be a wildcard
      allowedToPush - an AllowedTo instance holding the configuration for "allowed_to_push"
      allowedToMerge - an AllowedTo instance holding the configuration for "allowed_to_merge"
      allowedToUnprotect - an AllowedTo instance holding the configuration for "allowed_to_unprotect" be null
      codeOwnerApprovalRequired - prevent pushes to this branch if it matches an item in the CODEOWNERS file. (defaults: false)
      the branch info for the protected branch
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs
    • setCodeOwnerApprovalRequired

      public ProtectedBranch setCodeOwnerApprovalRequired(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName, Boolean codeOwnerApprovalRequired) throws GitLabApiException
      Sets the code_owner_approval_required flag on the specified protected branch.

      NOTE: This method is only available in GitLab Premium or higher.

      GitLab Endpoint: PATCH /projects/:id/protected_branches/:branch_name?code_owner_approval_required=true
      projectIdOrPath - the project in the form of an Long(ID), String(path), or Project instance
      branchName - the name of the branch to protect, can be a wildcard
      codeOwnerApprovalRequired - prevent pushes to this branch if it matches an item in the CODEOWNERS file.
      the branch info for the protected branch
      GitLabApiException - if any exception occurs