Interface IOStrategy

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractIOStrategy, LeaderFollowerNIOStrategy, SameThreadIOStrategy, SimpleDynamicNIOStrategy, WorkerThreadIOStrategy

public interface IOStrategy extends WorkerThreadPoolConfigProducer
strategy is responsible for making decision how Runnable task will be run: in current thread, worker thread. strategy can make any other processing decisions.
Alexey Stashok
  • Method Details

    • executeIoEvent

      boolean executeIoEvent(Connection connection, IOEvent ioEvent) throws IOException
      The SelectorRunner will invoke this method to allow the strategy implementation to decide how the IOEvent will be handled.
      connection - the Connection upon which the provided IOEvent occurred.
      ioEvent - the IOEvent that triggered execution of this strategy
      true, if this thread should keep processing IOEvents on the current and other Connections, or false if this thread should hand-off the farther IOEvent processing on any Connections, which means IOStrategy is becoming responsible for continuing IOEvent processing (possibly starting new thread, which will handle IOEvents).
      IOException - if an error occurs processing the IOEvent.
    • executeIoEvent

      boolean executeIoEvent(Connection connection, IOEvent ioEvent, boolean isIoEventEnabled) throws IOException
      The SelectorRunner will invoke this method to allow the strategy implementation to decide how the IOEvent will be handled.
      connection - the Connection upon which the provided IOEvent occurred.
      ioEvent - the IOEvent that triggered execution of this strategy
      isIoEventEnabled - true if IOEvent is still enabled on the Connection, or false if IOEvent was preliminary disabled or IOEvent is being simulated.
      true, if this thread should keep processing IOEvents on the current and other Connections, or false if this thread should hand-off the farther IOEvent processing on any Connections, which means IOStrategy is becoming responsible for continuing IOEvent processing (possibly starting new thread, which will handle IOEvents).
      IOException - if an error occurs processing the IOEvent.
    • getThreadPoolFor

      Executor getThreadPoolFor(Connection connection, IOEvent ioEvent)
      Returns an Executor to be used to run given ioEvent processing for the given connection. A null value will be returned if the ioEvent should be executed in the kernel thread.
      connection - Connection
      ioEvent - the event to get the Executor for
      an Executor to be used to run given ioEvent processing for the given connection