Class ProcessingState


public final class ProcessingState extends Object
Maintains semantic state necessary to proper HTTP processing.
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessingState

      public ProcessingState()
  • Method Details

    • isError

      public boolean isError()

      This flag indicates whether error occurred during the HTTP processing.

      true, if error occurred during the HTTP processing, or false otherwise.
    • setError

      public void setError(boolean error)

      This flag indicates whether error occurred during the HTTP processing.

      error - true, if error occurred during the HTTP processing, or false otherwise.
    • isStayAlive

      public boolean isStayAlive()

      Method returns true only if the connection is in keep-alive mode and there was no error occurred during the packet processing.

      true only if the connection is in keep-alive mode and there was no error occurred during the packet processing.
    • isKeepAlive

      public boolean isKeepAlive()

      This flag controls the connection keep-alive feature.

      true if connection may work in keep-alive mode or false otherwise.
    • setKeepAlive

      public void setKeepAlive(boolean keepAlive)

      This flag controls the connection keep-alive feature.

      keepAlive - true if connection may work in keep-alive mode or false otherwise.
    • getHttpContext

      public HttpContext getHttpContext()

      Returns HttpContext associated with the processing.

      HttpContext associated with the processing.
    • setHttpContext

      public void setHttpContext(HttpContext httpContext)

      Sets the HttpContext associated with the processing.

      httpContext - HttpContext.
    • recycle

      public void recycle()

      Resets values to their initial states.