Interface BinaryNIOInputSource

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public interface BinaryNIOInputSource extends org.glassfish.grizzly.InputSource
Adds the ability for binary based InputSources to obtain the incoming Buffer directly without having to use intermediate objects to copy the data to.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the the duplicate of the underlying Buffer that backs this InputSource.
    Returns the underlying Buffer that backs this InputSource.
    readBuffer(int size)
    Returns the Buffer of a given size, which represents a chunk of the underlying Buffer that backs this InputSource.

    Methods inherited from interface org.glassfish.grizzly.InputSource

    isFinished, isReady, notifyAvailable, notifyAvailable, readyData
  • Method Details

    • getBuffer

      org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer getBuffer()

      Returns the the duplicate of the underlying Buffer that backs this InputSource. The content of the returned buffer will be that of the underlying buffer. Changes to returned buffer's content will be visible in the underlying buffer, and vice versa; the two buffers' position, limit, and mark values will be independent.

      the duplicate of the underlying Buffer that backs this InputSource.
    • readBuffer

      org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer readBuffer()

      Returns the underlying Buffer that backs this InputSource. Unlike getBuffer(), this method detaches the returned Buffer, so user becomes responsible for handling the Buffer's life-cycle.

      the underlying Buffer that backs this InputSource.
    • readBuffer

      org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer readBuffer(int size)

      Returns the Buffer of a given size, which represents a chunk of the underlying Buffer that backs this InputSource. Unlike getBuffer(), this method detaches the returned Buffer, so user becomes responsible for handling the Buffer's life-cycle.

      size - the requested size of the Buffer to be returned.
      the Buffer of a given size, which represents a chunk of the underlying Buffer which contains incoming request data. This method detaches the returned Buffer, so user code becomes responsible for handling its life-cycle.