Class CookieUtils


public final class CookieUtils extends Object
The general set of Cookie utility methods.
Grizzly team
  • Field Details


      public static final boolean RFC_6265_SUPPORT_ENABLED

      public static final boolean USE_LEGACY_PARSER

      public static final boolean ALWAYS_ADD_EXPIRES
      If set to false, we don't use the IE6/7 Max-Age/Expires work around
  • Constructor Details

    • CookieUtils

      public CookieUtils()
  • Method Details

    • isToken

      public static boolean isToken(String value)
    • isToken

      public static boolean isToken(String value, String literals)
    • containsCTL

      public static boolean containsCTL(String value, int version)
    • isToken2

      public static boolean isToken2(String value)
    • isToken2

      public static boolean isToken2(String value, String literals)
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(String s, byte[] b, int start, int end)
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(String s, org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer b, int start, int end)
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(String s1, String s2, int start, int end)
    • equalsIgnoreCase

      public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String s, org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer b, int start, int end)
    • equalsIgnoreCase

      public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String s, byte[] b, int start, int end)
    • equalsIgnoreCase

      public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String s1, String s2, int start, int end)
    • isSeparator

      public static boolean isSeparator(int c)
      Returns true if the byte is a separator character as defined in RFC2619. Since this is called often, this function should be organized with the most probable outcomes first.
    • isSeparator

      public static boolean isSeparator(int c, boolean parseAsVersion1)
    • isWhiteSpace

      public static boolean isWhiteSpace(int c)
      Returns true if the byte is a whitespace character as defined in RFC2619.
    • getTokenEndPosition

      public static int getTokenEndPosition(org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer buffer, int off, int end)
      Given the starting position of a token, this gets the end of the token, with no separator characters in between. JVK
    • getTokenEndPosition

      public static int getTokenEndPosition(org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer buffer, int off, int end, boolean parseAsVersion1)
    • getTokenEndPosition

      public static int getTokenEndPosition(byte[] bytes, int off, int end)
      Given the starting position of a token, this gets the end of the token, with no separator characters in between. JVK
    • getTokenEndPosition

      public static int getTokenEndPosition(byte[] bytes, int off, int end, boolean parseAsVersion1)
    • getTokenEndPosition

      public static int getTokenEndPosition(String s, int off, int end)
      Given the starting position of a token, this gets the end of the token, with no separator characters in between. JVK
    • getTokenEndPosition

      public static int getTokenEndPosition(String s, int off, int end, boolean parseAsVersion1)
    • getQuotedValueEndPosition

      public static int getQuotedValueEndPosition(org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer buffer, int off, int end)
      Given a starting position after an initial quote character, this gets the position of the end quote. This escapes anything after a '\' char JVK RFC 2616
    • getQuotedValueEndPosition

      public static int getQuotedValueEndPosition(byte[] bytes, int off, int end)
      Given a starting position after an initial quote character, this gets the position of the end quote. This escapes anything after a '\' char JVK RFC 2616
    • getQuotedValueEndPosition

      public static int getQuotedValueEndPosition(String s, int off, int end)
      Given a starting position after an initial quote character, this gets the position of the end quote. This escapes anything after a '\' char JVK RFC 2616