Class DescriptorBuilderImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DescriptorBuilderImpl extends Object implements DescriptorBuilder
This is a simple implementation of the DescriptorBuilder
  • Constructor Details

    • DescriptorBuilderImpl

      public DescriptorBuilderImpl()
      The basid constructor
    • DescriptorBuilderImpl

      public DescriptorBuilderImpl(String implementation, boolean addToContracts)
      A descriptor builder with the given implementation
      implementation - The implementation this should take
      addToContracts - Whether or not to add the implementation to the set of contracts
  • Method Details

    • named

      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      The name for this descriptor object. Note that at the current time a descriptor can only have one name, hence this method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if named is called more than once.
      Specified by:
      named in interface DescriptorBuilder
      name - The name to be associated with this Descriptor
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given name
      IllegalArgumentException - if there is more than one name on the predicate
    • to

      public DescriptorBuilder to(Class<?> contract) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      A contract to be associated with this descriptor object.
      Specified by:
      to in interface DescriptorBuilder
      contract - A class that is annotated with Contract to be associated with this Descriptor
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given name
      IllegalArgumentException - on failures
    • to

      public DescriptorBuilder to(String contract) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      A contract to be associated with this descriptor object.
      Specified by:
      to in interface DescriptorBuilder
      contract - The fully qualified name of a class that is annotated with Contract.
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given name
      IllegalArgumentException - on failures
    • in

      public DescriptorBuilder in(Class<? extends Annotation> scope) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      A scope to be associated with this descriptor object. Note that at the current time a descriptor can only have one scope, hence this method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if in is called more than once.
      Specified by:
      in in interface DescriptorBuilder
      scope - The class of the scope this descriptor is to have.
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given scope
      IllegalArgumentException - If in is called more than once
    • in

      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      A scope to be associated with this descriptor object. Note that at the current time a descriptor can only have one scope, hence this method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if in is called more than once.
      Specified by:
      in in interface DescriptorBuilder
      scope - The fully qualified class name of the scope this predicate is to have.
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given scope
      IllegalArgumentException - If in is called more than once
    • qualifiedBy

      public DescriptorBuilder qualifiedBy(Annotation annotation) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      A qualifier to be associated with this descriptor object. It is dangerous to use this method with a ghost annotation (one that is not on the object) if that annotation has fields, as these fields will NOT survive being put into the Descriptor. Use this method with care and ONLY with annotations that do not have fields. A safe version of this method for use with ghost annotations is ActiveDescriptorBuilder.qualifiedBy(Annotation)
      Specified by:
      qualifiedBy in interface DescriptorBuilder
      annotation - The annotation to be associated with this descriptor
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given annotation
      IllegalArgumentException - on failures
    • qualifiedBy

      public DescriptorBuilder qualifiedBy(String annotation) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      A qualifier to be associated with this descriptor object
      Specified by:
      qualifiedBy in interface DescriptorBuilder
      annotation - The fully qualified class name of an annotation to be associated with this descriptor
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given annotation
      IllegalArgumentException - on failures
    • has

      public DescriptorBuilder has(String key, String value) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      An instance of data to be associated with this descriptor
      Specified by:
      has in interface DescriptorBuilder
      key - The key for the data to be associated with this descriptor
      value - The value this key should take (single value metadata)
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given metadata
    • has

      public DescriptorBuilder has(String key, List<String> values) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      An instance of data to be associated with this descriptor
      Specified by:
      has in interface DescriptorBuilder
      key - The key for the data to be associated with this descriptor
      values - The values this key should take (single value metadata)
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given metadata
    • ofRank

      public DescriptorBuilder ofRank(int rank)
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      The rank to be associated with this descriptor. The last rank bound wins
      Specified by:
      ofRank in interface DescriptorBuilder
      rank - The rank to be associated with this descriptor.
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given rank
    • proxy

      public DescriptorBuilder proxy()
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      This will cause the isProxiable field of the returned descriptor to return true (it will force this descriptor to use proxies).
      Specified by:
      proxy in interface DescriptorBuilder
      A DescriptorBuilder with the proxiable field set to true
    • proxy

      public DescriptorBuilder proxy(boolean forceProxy)
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      This will cause the isProxiable field of the returned descriptor to return the given value.
      Specified by:
      proxy in interface DescriptorBuilder
      forceProxy - if true then this descriptor will be proxied, if false then this descriptor will NOT be proxied
      A DescriptorBuilder with the proxiable field set to the given value
    • proxyForSameScope

      public DescriptorBuilder proxyForSameScope()
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      This will cause the isProxyForSameScope field of the returned descriptor to return true (it will force this descriptor to proxy even when injecting into the same scope).
      Specified by:
      proxyForSameScope in interface DescriptorBuilder
      A DescriptorBuilder with the proxyForSameScope field set to true
    • proxyForSameScope

      public DescriptorBuilder proxyForSameScope(boolean proxyForSameScope)
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      This will cause the isProxyForSameScope field of the returned descriptor to return the given value.
      Specified by:
      proxyForSameScope in interface DescriptorBuilder
      proxyForSameScope - if true then this descriptor will be proxied even when being injected into the same scope, if false then this descriptor will NOT be proxied when injected into a service of the same scope
      A DescriptorBuilder with the proxyForSameScope field set to the given value
    • localOnly

      public DescriptorBuilder localOnly()
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      This will cause the descriptorVisibility field of the returned descriptor to return LOCAL
      Specified by:
      localOnly in interface DescriptorBuilder
      A DescriptorBuilder with the descriptorVisibility field to be set to LOCAL
    • visibility

      public DescriptorBuilder visibility(DescriptorVisibility visibility)
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      This will set the descriptorVisibility field of the returned descriptor
      Specified by:
      visibility in interface DescriptorBuilder
      visibility - The non-null visibility that this descriptor should take
      A DescriptorBuilder with the descriptorVisibility field set to the input value
    • andLoadWith

      public DescriptorBuilder andLoadWith(HK2Loader loader) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      Call this if this descriptor should be loaded with the given HK2Loader
      Specified by:
      andLoadWith in interface DescriptorBuilder
      loader - The loader to use with this descriptor
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given HK2Loader
      IllegalArgumentException - if the HK2Loader is set non-null more than once
    • analyzeWith

      public DescriptorBuilder analyzeWith(String serviceName)
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      Call this if the descriptor should be analyzed with the ClassAnalyzer service of the given name
      Specified by:
      analyzeWith in interface DescriptorBuilder
      serviceName - the name of the ClassAnalyzer service that should be used to analyze this service
      A DescriptorBuilder with the given analysis service
    • build

      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      Generates a descriptor that can be used in binding operations
      Specified by:
      build in interface DescriptorBuilder
      The descriptor that has been built up with this DescriptorBuilder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the built descriptor is invalid
    • buildFactory

      public FactoryDescriptors buildFactory(String factoryScope) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      Generates a factory descriptor that can be used in binding operations. The generated factory service will have no name, no qualifiers and the same metadata as given to this builder. The generated service will have had the implementation class removed from its set of advertised contracts
      Specified by:
      buildFactory in interface DescriptorBuilder
      factoryScope - The scope the factory service itself is in.
      The descriptor that has been built up with this DescriptorBuilder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the built descriptor is invalid
    • buildFactory

      public FactoryDescriptors buildFactory() throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      Generates a factory descriptor that can be used in binding operations. The generated factory service will have no name, no qualifiers and the same metadata as given to this builder. The factory will be put into PerLookup scope
      Specified by:
      buildFactory in interface DescriptorBuilder
      The descriptor that has been built up with this DescriptorBuilder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the built descriptor is invalid
    • buildFactory

      public FactoryDescriptors buildFactory(Class<? extends Annotation> factoryScope) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorBuilder
      Generates a factory descriptor that can be used in binding operations. The generated factory service will have no name, no qualifiers and the same metadata as given to this builder. The generated service will have had the implementation class removed from its set of advertised contracts
      Specified by:
      buildFactory in interface DescriptorBuilder
      factoryScope - The scope the factory service itself is in. If this is null the PerLookup scope will be used
      The descriptor that has been built up with this DescriptorBuilder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the built descriptor is invalid