All Classes and Interfaces

This is the cache key, which encapsulates very specific lookup queries.
A closeable object is one that can be closed once, and can not be opened again
This class collects errors, and can then also produce a MultiException from those errors if necessary
This represents the action used in order to create an object.
An internal interface that allows us to have the factory and class implementations
this is the default implementation of the ClassAnalyzer
The system implementation of the DynamicConfiguration service
This is a utility class specific to this implementation of the hk2 API
This contains the local portion of the narrowed result
This object contains a list of values.
This is the handler that runs the aopalliance method interception
Descriptor for Optional to allow for injection of a service if it exists or else Optional.EMPTY.
These utilities are per service locator.
Implementation of the Populator for DynamicConfigurationService
Utilities around proxying
This handle does the underlying work of getting the service.
Runtime information about the ServiceLocator.
This is an implementation of Injectee that is used by the system.
This class contains a set of static utilities useful for implementing HK2
The return type from getAllInterceptors