Class Driver

  • public final class Driver
    extends Object
    Command Line Interface of XJC.
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public static int run​(String[] args,
                              PrintStream status,
                              PrintStream out)
                       throws Exception
        Performs schema compilation and prints the status/error into the specified PrintStream.

        This method could be used to trigger XJC from other tools, such as Ant or IDE.

        args - specified command line parameters. If there is an error in the parameters, BadCommandLineException will be thrown.
        status - Status report of the compilation will be sent to this object. Useful to update users so that they will know something is happening. Only ignorable messages should be sent to this stream. This parameter can be null to suppress messages.
        out - Various non-ignorable output (error messages, etc) will go to this stream.
        If the compiler runs successfully, this method returns 0. All non-zero values indicate an error. The error message will be sent to the specified PrintStream.
      • run

        public static int run​(String[] args,
                              XJCListener listener)
                       throws BadCommandLineException
        Performs schema compilation and prints the status/error into the specified PrintStream.

        This method could be used to trigger XJC from other tools, such as Ant or IDE.

        args - specified command line parameters. If there is an error in the parameters, BadCommandLineException will be thrown.
        listener - Receives messages from XJC reporting progress/errors.
        If the compiler runs successfully, this method returns 0. All non-zero values indicate an error. The error message will be sent to the specified PrintStream.
      • getBuildID

        public static String getBuildID()
      • usage

        public static void usage​(@Nullable
                                 Options opts,
                                 boolean privateUsage)
        Prints the usage screen and exits the process.
        opts - If the parsing of options have started, set a partly populated Options object.