Class Reference

  • public final class Reference
    extends Object
    Reference to a JAXB type (from JAX-RPC.)

    A reference is a Java type (represented as a TypeMirror) and a set of annotations (represented as a Element). Together they describe a root reference to a JAXB type binding.

    Those two values can be supplied independently, or you can use other convenience constructors to supply two values at once.

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    • Field Detail

      • type

        public final TypeMirror type
        The JAXB type being referenced. Must not be null.
      • annotations

        public final Element annotations
        The declaration from which annotations for the type is read. Must not be null.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Reference

        public Reference​(ExecutableElement method)
        Creates a reference from the return type of the method and annotations on the method.
      • Reference

        public Reference​(VariableElement param)
        Creates a reference from the parameter type and annotations on the parameter.
      • Reference

        public Reference​(TypeMirror type,
                         Element annotations)
        Creates a reference by providing two values independently.