Interface BootstrapPreinitialization

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClientBootstrapPreinitialization, GrizzlyBootstrapPreinitialization, ServerBootstrapPreinitialization, ServletBootstrapPreinitialization

@Beta public interface BootstrapPreinitialization

The entry point for pre-initialize Jersey during bootstrap. Register the beans that are not recognized by the injection framework to be injected in runtime. Register beans for the specific runtime type into the InjectionManager.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    preregister(RuntimeType runtimeType, org.glassfish.jersey.internal.inject.InjectionManager injectionManager)
    Manually register beans that are not automatically recognised by the injection framework.
  • Method Details

    • preregister

      void preregister(RuntimeType runtimeType, org.glassfish.jersey.internal.inject.InjectionManager injectionManager)
      Manually register beans that are not automatically recognised by the injection framework.
      runtimeType -
      injectionManager -
    • featureContextInstance

      static FeatureContext featureContextInstance()