Interface ApacheConnectionClosingStrategy

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ApacheConnectionClosingStrategy.GracefulClosingStrategy, ApacheConnectionClosingStrategy.ImmediateClosingStrategy

    public interface ApacheConnectionClosingStrategy
    /** Strategy that defines the way the Apache client releases resources. The client enables closing the content stream and the response. From the Apache documentation:
         The difference between closing the content stream and closing the response is that
         the former will attempt to keep the underlying connection alive by consuming the
         entity content while the latter immediately shuts down and discards the connection.
    With Apache Client before 4.5.1, it was ok to close the response and the content stream. This is the default for Apache Client 4.5 and older.

    For Apache Client 4.5.1+, first the content stream and the response is should be closed.

    In the case of Chunk content stream, the stream is not closed on the server side, and the client can hung on reading the closing chunk. Using the ClientProperties.READ_TIMEOUT property can prevent this hanging forever and the reading of the closing chunk is terminated when the time is out. The other option, when the timeout is not set, is to abort the Apache client request. This is the default for Apache Client 4.5.1+ when the read timeout is not set.

    Another option is not to close the content stream, which is possible by the Apache client documentation. In this case, however, the server side may not be notified and would not not close its chunk stream.

    • Method Detail

      • close

        void close​(ClientRequest clientRequest,
                   org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest request,
                   org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse response,
                   InputStream stream)
            throws IOException
        Method to close the connection.
        clientRequest - The ClientRequest to get configuration, and resolve properties.
        request - Apache HttpUriRequest that can be aborted.
        response - Apache CloseableHttpResponse that can be closed.
        stream - The entity stream that can be closed.
        IOException - In case of some of the closing methods throws IOException