Class CommonProperties

  • public final class CommonProperties
    extends Object
    Common (server/client) Jersey configuration properties.
    Michal Gajdos, Libor Kramolis
    • Field Detail


        public static final String ALLOW_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_PROVIDER
        Property which allows (if true) default System properties configuration provider. If an external properties provider is used, the system properties are not used. Shall be set to turn on the ability to propagate system properties to Jersey configuration.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String FEATURE_AUTO_DISCOVERY_DISABLE
        If true then disable feature auto discovery globally on client/server.

        By default auto discovery is automatically enabled. The value of this property may be overridden by the client/server variant of this property.

        The default value is false.

        The name of the configuration property is "jersey.config.disableAutoDiscovery".

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String JSON_PROCESSING_FEATURE_DISABLE
        If true then disable configuration of Json Processing (JSR-353) feature.

        By default Json Processing is automatically enabled. The value of this property may be overridden by the client/server variant of this property.

        The default value is false.

        The name of the configuration property is "jersey.config.disableJsonProcessing".

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String METAINF_SERVICES_LOOKUP_DISABLE
        If true then disable META-INF/services lookup globally on client/server.

        By default Jersey looks up SPI implementations described by META-INF/services/* files. Then you can register appropriate provider classes by Application.

        The default value is false.

        The name of the configuration property is "jersey.config.disableMetainfServicesLookup".

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE
        If true then disable configuration of MOXy Json feature.

        By default MOXy Json is automatically enabled. The value of this property may be overridden by the client/server variant of this property.

        The default value is false.

        The name of the configuration property is "jersey.config.disableMoxyJson".

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE_CLIENT
        Client-specific version of MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE. If present, it overrides the generic one for the client environment.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE_SERVER
        Server-specific version of MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE. If present, it overrides the generic one for the server environment.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String OUTBOUND_CONTENT_LENGTH_BUFFER
        An integer value that defines the buffer size used to buffer the outbound message entity in order to determine its size and set the value of HTTP "Content-Length" header.

        If the entity size exceeds the configured buffer size, the buffering would be cancelled and the entity size would not be determined. Value less or equal to zero disable the buffering of the entity at all.

        The value of this property may be overridden by the client/server variant of this property by defining the suffix to this property ".server" or ".client" ("jersey.config.contentLength.buffer".server or "jersey.config.contentLength.buffer".client).

        The default value is 8192.

        The name of the configuration property is "jersey.config.contentLength.buffer".

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PROVIDER_DEFAULT_DISABLE
        Disable some of the default providers from being loaded. The following providers extend application footprint by XML dependencies, which is too heavy for native image, or by AWT which may possibly be not available by JDK 11 desktop:
        • jakarta.activation.DataSource
        • java.awt.image.RenderedImage
        • javax.xml.transform.Source
        • javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource
        • javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
        The following are the options to disable the provides: DATASOURCE, DOMSOURCE, RENDEREDIMAGE, SAXSOURCE, SOURCE, STREAMSOURCE, or to disable all: ALL. Multiple options can be disabled by adding multiple comma separated values.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String JAXRS_SERVICE_LOADING_ENABLE
        Allows API services loading. If absent or true JAXRS services loading is allowed. Services shall implement Feature or DynamicFeature interface and be listed as SPI in user's application.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public static Object getValue​(Map<String,​?> properties,
                                      String propertyName,
                                      Class<?> type)
        Get the value of the specified property. If the property is not set or the actual property value type is not compatible with the specified type, the method will return null.
        properties - Map of properties to get the property value from.
        propertyName - Name of the property.
        type - Type to retrieve the value as.
        Value of the property or null.
      • getValue

        public static <T> T getValue​(Map<String,​?> properties,
                                     String propertyName,
                                     T defaultValue)
        Get the value of the specified property. If the property is not set or the real value type is not compatible with defaultValue type, the specified defaultValue is returned. Calling this method is equivalent to calling CommonProperties.getValue(properties, key, defaultValue, (Class&lt;T&gt;) defaultValue.getClass())
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the property value.
        properties - Map of properties to get the property value from.
        propertyName - Name of the property.
        defaultValue - Default value if property is not registered
        Value of the property or null.
      • getValue

        public static <T> T getValue​(Map<String,​?> properties,
                                     String propertyName,
                                     T defaultValue)
        Get the value of the specified property. If the property is not set or the real value type is not compatible with defaultValue type, the specified defaultValue is returned. Calling this method is equivalent to calling CommonProperties.getValue(properties, runtimeType, key, defaultValue, (Class&lt;T&gt;) defaultValue.getClass())
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the property value.
        properties - Map of properties to get the property value from.
        runtime - Runtime type which is used to check whether there is a property with the same key but post-fixed by runtime type (.server or .client) which would override the key property.
        propertyName - Name of the property.
        defaultValue - Default value if property is not registered
        Value of the property or null.
      • getValue

        public static <T> T getValue​(Map<String,​?> properties,
                                     String propertyName,
                                     T defaultValue,
                                     Class<T> type)
        Get the value of the specified property. If the property is not set or the real value type is not compatible with the specified value type, returns defaultValue.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the property value.
        properties - Map of properties to get the property value from.
        runtime - Runtime type which is used to check whether there is a property with the same key but post-fixed by runtime type (.server or .client) which would override the key property.
        propertyName - Name of the property.
        defaultValue - Default value if property is not registered
        type - Type to retrieve the value as.
        Value of the property or null.
      • getValue

        public static <T> T getValue​(Map<String,​?> properties,
                                     String propertyName,
                                     Class<T> type)
        Get the value of the specified property. If the property is not set or the actual property value type is not compatible with the specified type, the method will return null.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the property value.
        properties - Map of properties to get the property value from.
        runtime - Runtime type which is used to check whether there is a property with the same key but post-fixed by runtime type (.server or .client) which would override the key property.
        propertyName - Name of the property.
        type - Type to retrieve the value as.
        Value of the property or null.