Class WriterModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • WriterModel

        public WriterModel​(MessageBodyWriter provider,
                           List<MediaType> types,
                           Boolean custom)
        Create new writer model instance. NOTE: This constructor is package-private on purpose.
        provider - modelled message body writer instance.
        types - supported media types as declared in @Consumes annotation attached to the provider class.
        custom - custom flag.
    • Method Detail

      • isWriteable

        public boolean isWriteable​(Class<?> type,
                                   Type genericType,
                                   Annotation[] annotations,
                                   MediaType mediaType)
        Safely invokes isWriteable method on the underlying provider. Any exceptions will be logged at finer level.
        type - the class of instance that is to be written.
        genericType - the type of instance to be written, obtained either by reflection of a resource method return type or via inspection of the returned instance. GenericEntity provides a way to specify this information at runtime.
        annotations - an array of the annotations attached to the message entity instance.
        mediaType - the media type of the HTTP entity.
        true if the type is supported, otherwise false.