Class ReaderWriter

  • public final class ReaderWriter
    extends Object
    A utility class for reading and writing using byte and character streams.

    If a byte or character array is utilized then the size of the array is by default the value of 8192. This value can be set using the system property "".

    Paul Sandoz
    • Field Detail

      • UTF8

        public static final Charset UTF8
        The UTF-8 Charset.

        public static final int BUFFER_SIZE
        The buffer size for arrays of byte and character.
    • Method Detail

      • writeTo

        public static void writeTo​(InputStream in,
                                   OutputStream out)
                            throws IOException
        Read bytes from an input stream and write them to an output stream.
        in - the input stream to read from.
        out - the output stream to write to.
        IOException - if there is an error reading or writing bytes.
      • writeTo

        public static void writeTo​(Reader in,
                                   Writer out)
                            throws IOException
        Read characters from an input stream and write them to an output stream.
        in - the reader to read from.
        out - the writer to write to.
        IOException - if there is an error reading or writing characters.
      • getCharset

        public static Charset getCharset​(MediaType m)
        Get the character set from a media type.

        The character set is obtained from the media type parameter "charset". If the parameter is not present the UTF8 charset is utilized.

        m - the media type.
        the character set.
      • readFromAsString

        public static String readFromAsString​(InputStream in,
                                              MediaType type)
                                       throws IOException
        Read the bytes of an input stream and convert to a string.
        in - the input stream to read from.
        type - the media type that determines the character set defining how to decode bytes to characters.
        the string.
        IOException - if there is an error reading from the input stream.
      • readFromAsString

        public static String readFromAsString​(Reader reader)
                                       throws IOException
        Read the characters of a reader and convert to a string.
        reader - the reader
        the string
        IOException - if there is an error reading from the reader.
      • writeToAsString

        public static void writeToAsString​(String s,
                                           OutputStream out,
                                           MediaType type)
                                    throws IOException
        Convert a string to bytes and write those bytes to an output stream.
        s - the string to convert to bytes.
        out - the output stream to write to.
        type - the media type that determines the character set defining how to decode bytes to characters.
        IOException - in case of a write failure.
      • safelyClose

        public static void safelyClose​(Closeable closeable)
        Safely close a closeable, without throwing an exception.
        closeable - object to be closed.