Interface OutboundMessageContext.StreamProvider

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface OutboundMessageContext.StreamProvider
    The callback interface which is used to get the terminal output stream into which the entity should be written and to inform the implementation about the entity size.
    • Method Detail

      • getOutputStream

        OutputStream getOutputStream​(int contentLength)
                              throws IOException
        Get the output stream. This method will be called after all the writer interceptors are called and written entity is buffered into the buffer or the buffer exceeds.
        contentLength - the size of the buffered entity or -1 if the entity exceeded the maximum buffer size or if the buffering is disabled.
        the adapted output stream into which the serialized entity should be written. May return null which will cause ignoring the written entity (in that case the entity will still be written by message body writers but the output will be ignored).
        IOException - in case of an IO error.