Class RolesAllowedDynamicFeature

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RolesAllowedDynamicFeature
    extends Object
    implements DynamicFeature
    A DynamicFeature supporting the, and on resource methods and sub-resource methods.

    The SecurityContext is utilized, using the SecurityContext.isUserInRole(String) method, to ascertain if the user is in one of the roles declared in by a @RolesAllowed. If a user is in none of the declared roles then a 403 (Forbidden) response is returned.

    If the @DenyAll annotation is declared then a 403 (Forbidden) response is returned.

    If the @PermitAll annotation is declared and is not overridden then this filter will not be applied.

    If a user is not authenticated and annotated method is restricted for certain roles then a 403 (Not Authenticated) response is returned.

    Paul Sandoz, Martin Matula