Class WadlApplicationContextImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • WadlApplicationContextImpl

        public WadlApplicationContextImpl​(org.glassfish.jersey.internal.inject.InjectionManager injectionManager,
                                          Configuration configuration,
                                          ExtendedResourceContext resourceContext)
        Injection constructor.
        injectionManager - injection manager.
        configuration - runtime application configuration.
        resourceContext - extended resource context.
    • Method Detail

      • getJAXBContextFromWadlGenerator

        public static jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext getJAXBContextFromWadlGenerator​(WadlGenerator wadlGenerator)
                                                                            throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException
      • getApplication

        public ApplicationDescription getApplication​(UriInfo uriInfo,
                                                     boolean detailedWadl)
        Description copied from interface: WadlApplicationContext
        Get a new instance of a ApplicationDescription corresponding to all the root resource classes, and configure the base URI.
        Specified by:
        getApplication in interface WadlApplicationContext
        uriInfo - the URI information from which the base URI is set on the WADL application.
        detailedWadl - flag indicating whether or not detailed WADL should be generated.
        the application description, the contents may be modified.
      • getApplication

        public Application getApplication​(UriInfo info,
                                          Resource resource,
                                          boolean detailedWadl)
        Description copied from interface: WadlApplicationContext
        Get a new instance of Application for a particular resource.
        Specified by:
        getApplication in interface WadlApplicationContext
        info - the URI information from which the base URI is set on the WADL application.
        resource - the resource to build the Application for
        detailedWadl - flag indicating whether or not detailed WADL should be generated.
        the application for this resource
      • isJaxbImplAvailable

        public static boolean isJaxbImplAvailable()