Class Include

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag, jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTag

    public class Include
    extends jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport
    Includes a side JSP file for the resolvingClass class.

    This tag looks for a side JSP file of the given name from the inheritance hierarchy of the "resolvingClass" class, and includes the contents of it, just like <jsp:include>.

    For example, if the resolvingClass class is the Foo class, which looks like the following:

     class Foo extends Bar { ... }
     class Bar extends Zot { ... }

    And if you write:

     <st:include page="abc.jsp"/>
    then, it looks for the following files in this order, and includes the first one found.
    1. a side-file of the Foo class named abc.jsp (/WEB-INF/Foo/abc.jsp)
    2. a side-file of the Bar class named abc.jsp (/WEB-INF/Bar/abc.jsp)
    3. a side-file of the Zot class named abc.jsp (/WEB-INF/Zot/abc.jsp)
    Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Paul Sandoz
    • Constructor Detail

      • Include

        public Include()
    • Method Detail

      • setPage

        public void setPage​(String page)
        Specifies the name of the JSP to be included.
        page - page to be included.
      • doTag

        public void doTag()
                   throws jakarta.servlet.jsp.JspException,
        Specified by:
        doTag in interface jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTag
        doTag in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport