Class MvcFeature

All Implemented Interfaces:

@ConstrainedTo(SERVER) public final class MvcFeature extends Object implements Feature
MvcFeature used to add MVC support to the server.
Michal Gajdos
  • Field Details


      public static final String TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH
      String property defining the base path to MVC templates. If set, the value of the property is added in front of the template name defined in:

      Value can be absolute providing a full path to a system directory with templates or relative to current servlet context.

      There is no default value.

      The name of the configuration property is "jersey.config.server.mvc.templateBasePath".

      See Also:

      public static final String CACHE_TEMPLATES
      If true then enable caching of template objects, i.e. to avoid multiple compilations of a template.

      The default value is false.

      The name of the configuration property is "jersey.config.server.mvc.caching".

      Note: This property is used as common prefix for specific template processors properties and might not be supported by all template processors.

      See Also:

      public static final String TEMPLATE_OBJECT_FACTORY
      Property used to pass user-configured factory able to create template objects. Value of the property is supposed to be an instance of "templating engine"-specific factory, a class of the factory or class-name of the factory.

      The default value is not set.

      The name of the configuration property is "jersey.config.server.mvc.factory".

      Note: This property is used as common prefix for specific template processors properties and might not be supported by all template processors.

      See Also:

      public static final String ENCODING
      Property defines output encoding produced by TemplateProcessor. The value must be a valid encoding defined that can be passed to the Charset.forName(String) method.

      The default value is UTF-8.

      The name of the configuration property is "jersey.config.server.mvc.encoding".

      Note: This property is used as common prefix for specific template processors properties and might not be supported by all template processors.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MvcFeature

      public MvcFeature()
  • Method Details