Class WebResourceFactory

    • Method Detail

      • newResource

        public static <C> C newResource​(Class<C> resourceInterface,
                                        WebTarget target)
        Creates a new client-side representation of a resource described by the interface passed in the first argument.

        Calling this method has the same effect as calling WebResourceFactory.newResource(resourceInterface, rootTarget, false).

        Type Parameters:
        C - Type of the resource to be created.
        resourceInterface - Interface describing the resource to be created.
        target - WebTarget pointing to the resource or the parent of the resource.
        Instance of a class implementing the resource interface that can be used for making requests to the server.
      • newResource

        public static <C> C newResource​(Class<C> resourceInterface,
                                        WebTarget target,
                                        boolean ignoreResourcePath,
                                        MultivaluedMap<String,​Object> headers,
                                        List<Cookie> cookies,
                                        Form form)
        Creates a new client-side representation of a resource described by the interface passed in the first argument.
        Type Parameters:
        C - Type of the resource to be created.
        resourceInterface - Interface describing the resource to be created.
        target - WebTarget pointing to the resource or the parent of the resource.
        ignoreResourcePath - If set to true, ignores path annotation on the resource interface (this is used when creating sub-resources)
        headers - Header params collected from parent resources (used when creating a sub-resource)
        cookies - Cookie params collected from parent resources (used when creating a sub-resource)
        form - Form params collected from parent resources (used when creating a sub-resource)
        Instance of a class implementing the resource interface that can be used for making requests to the server.