Class AbstractJaxbProvider<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractJaxbProvider

        public AbstractJaxbProvider​(Providers providers)
        Inheritance constructor.
        providers - JAX-RS providers.
      • AbstractJaxbProvider

        public AbstractJaxbProvider​(Providers providers,
                                    MediaType resolverMediaType)
        Inheritance constructor.
        providers - JAX-RS providers.
        resolverMediaType - JAXB component context resolver media type to be used.
    • Method Detail

      • isSupported

        protected boolean isSupported​(MediaType mediaType)
        Check if the given media type is supported by this JAXB entity provider.

        Subclasses can override this method. Default implementation always returns true.

        mediaType - media type to be checked for support.
        true if the media type is supported by the entity provider, false otherwise.
      • getUnmarshaller

        protected final jakarta.xml.bind.Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller​(Class type,
                                                                      MediaType mediaType)
                                                               throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException
        Get the JAXB unmarshaller for the given class and media type.

        In case this provider instance has been created with a fixed resolver media type, the supplied media type argument will be ignored.

        type - Java type to be unmarshalled.
        mediaType - entity media type.
        JAXB unmarshaller for the requested Java type, media type combination.
        jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException - in case retrieving the unmarshaller fails with a JAXB exception.
      • getMarshaller

        protected final jakarta.xml.bind.Marshaller getMarshaller​(Class type,
                                                                  MediaType mediaType)
                                                           throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException
        Get the JAXB marshaller for the given class and media type.

        In case this provider instance has been created with a fixed resolver media type, the supplied media type argument will be ignored.

        type - Java type to be marshalled.
        mediaType - entity media type.
        JAXB marshaller for the requested Java type, media type combination.
        jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException - in case retrieving the marshaller fails with a JAXB exception.
      • getStoredJaxbContext

        protected jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext getStoredJaxbContext​(Class type)
                                                             throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException
        Retrieve cached JAXB context capable of handling the given Java type.
        type - Java type .
        JAXB context associated with the Java type.
        jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException - in case the JAXB context retrieval fails.
      • getSAXSource

        protected static SAXSource getSAXSource​(SAXParserFactory spf,
                                                InputStream entityStream)
                                         throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException
        Create new SAXSource for a given entity input stream.
        spf - SAX parser factory to be used to create the SAX source.
        entityStream - entity input stream.
        new SAXSource representing the entity input stream.
        jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException - in case SAX source creation fails.
      • isFormattedOutput

        protected boolean isFormattedOutput()
      • isXmlRootElementProcessing

        protected boolean isXmlRootElementProcessing()
      • setHeader

        protected void setHeader​(jakarta.xml.bind.Marshaller marshaller,
                                 Annotation[] annotations)
        Set the custom XML header on a JAXB marshaller if specified via XmlHeader annotation, present in the supplied array of annotations.
        marshaller - JAXB marshaller.
        annotations - array of annotations that MAY contain a XmlHeader annotation instance.